The Animal Rescue Site
The Rainforest Site

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9 petitions and more

  1. Fb page: Rješenje problema DA - Ubijanje NE
    Please like and share this page (it is against the kill law). It will be published on a Bosnian TV channel as evidence to show how many people are against the killing! So please like/share. We need to get as many likes as possible!
  2. Removing the Gray Wolf from the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Maintaining Protections for the Mexican Wolf by Listing It as Endangered - Deadline Dec. 17: Protest again against the removal of the Gray Wolf from the Endangered List! Use the talking points / comments provided here: Act Now to Ensure Mexican Wolf Recovery!
  3. Mexico: Stop mass dog slaughter campaign!
  4. Prison for man who dragged puppy behind motorized scooter!
  5. Free Sunder, elephant abused for 6 years in Indian temple!
  6. Stop Testing on Monkeys (confirmation needed)
  7. CGF: Act to end rainforest destruction! (US) Deadline Dec. 10
  8. Italy: No to the killing of deer! - Send the letter and add your name/country
  9. TAKE ACTION by December 12: Wetlands At Risk in the South S.F. Bay (US)
  1. Stop Cruelty To Dogs and Cats
  2. Stop Murdering Bulls in Spain
  3. Pass an Animal Rights Act protecting street animals
  4. Provide shelter for animals in care in Utah
  5. Stop Lighting Bulls on Fire
  6. Stop Killing Mountain Lions in Arizona
  1. Save Vietnam’s Elephants From Extinction
  2. Stop Poachers from Tracking Tigers with GPS Collars
  3. Commend Partnership for Helping Homeless Dogs
  4. Save Bald Eagle Habitat from Destruction
  5. Save Great American Lake’s Ecosystem
  1. STOP the extermination of stray dogs and police brutality in Romania
  2. Leopards are being killed in India for no reasons: Resolve man - animal conflict
  3. Spain, stop the slaughter of stray dogs to clean your streets.
  4. The President of the Russian Federation: Rescue 3000 dogs' and 200 cats' souls
  5. Drop animal cruelty charge against undercover investigator in Colorado
  6. Minister of Tourism in Greece: Enforce existing law on animal protection
  7. O2, stop supporting Romanian film festival, support Romanian dog rescuers!
  8. Melilla, Spain: Stop the indiscriminate killings of cats!
  9. Norman Hardisty: Stop the animal cruelty
  10. Germany, Waldhufen: Prevent the construction of a chicken factory!
  11. New Castle County Gov't: Get a New Plan for Dog Control
  12. The Pet Zone: Stop breeding and selling puppies and offer space for shelter animals up for adoption.
  13. Protect the Idaho Humane Society's Veterinary Practice
  14. Stop the American "Humane" Association’s animal abuse for Hollywood films!
  15. Change animal cruelty laws in the province of Manitoba
  16. Justin Moore: Cancel your upcoming show at SeaWorld
  17. Implement Animal Rights in Canadian Education
  1. Defund Awful Sex Experiments on Animals
  2. Demand higher penalties for cruel dog fighting
  3. Cut Down Deforestation
  4. Demand "World Vision" and other organizations to stop breeding/promoting live animal donations
  5. Stop Monstrous Dairy Farm in Wales
News and Polls
  1. PINK BH - Vote on Bosnia: Scroll down to the bottom of the page, at your  right, choose "Sterilizacijom" and click on "Glasaj"!
  2. Learn "HOW TO" Vote For The Red X Project In GlobalRockstar Competition - quick & easy! [VIDEO] Go to Show More, Sign up, Vote now (upper left), get the 2 videos playing, wait for Red X Project, hover over it with your mouse and VOTE! Semi-finals! If they win, $10K will be donated to Elephant Nature Park Thailand!
  3. Universities Kill More Than A Million Animals In Scientific Testing In One Year Alone - Poll: Do you agree with Animal testing? No, definitely not!
  4. Should Michigan have a wolf hunt again next year? - Vote several times a day NO! Pay attention: 'NO' - position changes with every load of the page!
  5. Is it ok to eat seal meat? - Vote: NO Meat of any kind please!
  6. Vote to Support Defenders! - Choose: Credo Action member. Give your points to 'Defenders of Wildlife' and submit the votes. Only US
  7. Sungevity Gives Back will give $20,000 to a non-profit this year to help support their important work. VOTE for "Save the Frogs" as they currently hold the 2nd place. US only
  8. Aviva Community Fund - Semi Finals! Log in and vote for your favorite by Dec. 11
  9. Animals from the shelter in Poland need food - Select a dog and click on the red button 'Nakarm psa'!
  10. Dogs begging for more and more petting - Funny dog compilation [VIDEO]

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8 petitions and more

  1. Bosnia: Stop killing stray dogs! (confirmation needed)
  2. Bosnia-Herzegovina, last attempt, against the free-to-kill amendments of the Animal Welfare Law - Please send this letter as well!
  3. Bosnian Government: Protect the stray dogs instead of killing them
  4. Seek justice for Elizabeth!
  5. Hatem Yavuz: Stop the mass butchering of baby seals!
  6. Give the Cape Fur Seal the protection it deserves
  7. The Seals Of Nam - End the seal hunt in Namibia!
  8. Stop the "hazing" of sea lions
  9. Help Sunder, an Elephant Chained and Beaten, Finally Gain Freedom
  10. Landerd Campus, the Netherlands: people are AGAINST Animal Testing on Dogs! (only people from 4 countries can sign?!)
  11. Animals have a right to be treated in an animal-friendly way!
  12. Tell HSBC: Stop the Illegal Land Grab in Collingwood Bay! (US)
    Rainforest Action Network - more petitions
  13. Take Action to #SaveTheBees
  14. Stop the secret TPP and TTIP trade pacts
  15. I am against the transatlantic free trade agreement (TTIP) between the U.S. and the EU and demand a STOP of the negotiations.
  16. Don’t let Congress block the EPA
  1. Set up Animal Police squads in Romania to prevent further animal abuse!
  2. Oregon State University: Stop brutal testing on cats!
  3. Stop eating cats in Ghana in cruel annual festival!
  4. Keep oil drilling away from Virunga National Park, Congo!
  1. End Capture of Baboons for Cruel Experiments
  2. Expose Cruel Animal Experiments
  3. Demand Legal Rights for Captive Chimpanzees
  4. Thank Hit Band for Fighting Animal Abuse
  5. Commend European Union for Protecting Endangered Species
  6. Support Blueprint for Animal Welfare in New York
  7. Commend Scientist for Standing Up for Truth
  1. David Cameron: Give the Hessin family a minimum of 4 years jail sentence!
  2. Please help and call AWG to take fur from their product range.
  3. Stop the severe cruelty and abuse that occurs in the horse carriage trade in Indonesia. Replace the horse carriages with solar powered Tuk Tuks.
  4. Neutering of stray dogs and cats throughout the EU community
  5. BAN CANNED HUNTING in Indiana!
  6. Count the Foals
  7. Minister Coveney: Save Irish hares from cruel coursing
  8. President Obama, Congress, Gov. McDonnell, Fones Cliff property owners: Preserve Fones Cliff a very important bald eagle habitat
  9. USDA/Wildlife Services: Stop the massive round-up and gassing/killing of Canada geese.
  10. Please sign this petition to encourage Cheaptrick to cancel Seaworld performance like The Barenaked Ladies did.
  11. BBC: Stop giving climate change deniers time and credibility
  12. Clean the Waterways of Metro Manila
  13. Oregon's Coastal Zone Management Act must be amended.
  1. Release This Dog Into A Safe Experienced Rescue NOT send them to death.
  2. Demand South Carolina charge man who dragged dog with felony animal cruelty
  3. Free Tortured Chimps to Sanctuaries!
  4. Fish and Wildlife Services Keep All Wolves On The Endangered Speices List
  5. Tell Ebay to ban the sale of Fox and Racoon hats.
  6. Stop UW Cat Abuse!
  7. Support for criminalization of attendance at organized animal fights
  8. Ban companies in the UK from using animals to test on!
  9. Demand the Barbados government stop dog fighting on the island
  10. Please end the killing of pigs in Madeira during the feast that starts on Dec. 8 each year
  11. Let animals keep their fur
  12. Urgent! No separation of mother orcas and calves
  13. ASPCA stop killing healthy shelter animals!
  14. Animal Rescue Financial Act
  15. Please Help Hillside Animal Sanctuary
  16. Save Bald and Golden Eagles
  17. Stop the deforestation in Sahyadri forests
  18. Rolling Stones: Cancel your Japan tour as long as they slaughter dolphins in Taiji
  19. Don't Let Wind Farms Kill Bald Eagles!
  20. Your Voice against Rollkur
  21. Save the Flying Foxes of Charters Towers
  22. Shut Down Perfect Pocket Pets (Dakota Square Mall, Minot, ND)
News and Polls
  1. A part of my spaying / neutering work – 2013 | Help 4 Strays
  2. FB event: We build a vet clinic in Romania!
    For a social vet clinic in Ploiesti, Romania
  3. Prosecute Illegal Rabbit Sales!
  4. Buster's Winter Folly by Kristin Schumacher - Kristin Schumacher is raising funds for Buster's Winter Folly! Buster was a cat no one wanted, he came to live with me. While he was with me, I would wonder endlessly what put him in such bad shape....
  5. Highest health advisory body to recommend import ban on animal tested cosmetics in India
  6. How it continues with Romania's stray dogs?
    Update on the meeting at Romanian Embassy in Vienna (use translator please)
  7. Anti kill-law fight – now what? - Bosnia, update after the Dec. 5 voting
    Donation project: Stop kill-law in Bosnia-Herzegovina!
  8. Government turns its back on Australian animals
  9. China bans ancient dog-eating festival after online uproar
  10. Learn "HOW TO" Vote For The Red X Project In GlobalRockstar Competition - quick & easy! [VIDEO] Go to Show More, Sign up, Vote now (upper left), get the 2 videos playing, wait for Red X Project, hover over it with your mouse and VOTE! Semi-finals! If they win, $10K will be donated to Elephant Nature Park Thailand!
  11. Should Michigan have a wolf hunt again next year? - Vote several times a day NO! Pay attention: 'NO' - position changes with every load of the page!
  12. Universities Kill More Than A Million Animals In Scientific Testing In One Year Alone - Poll: Do you agree with Animal testing? No, definitely not!
  13. Press Release – Scientists and conservationists unite to ask South Africa to be first African nation to ban seal product trade
    Is it ok to eat seal meat?  - Vote: NO Meat of any kind please!
  14. Do you think New Jersey should hold black bear hunts? - No, it's inhumane.
  15. Vote to Support Defenders! - Choose: Credo Action member. Only US
  16. Sungevity Gives Back will give $20,000 to a non-profit this year to help support their important work. VOTE for "Save the Frogs" as they currently hold the 2nd place. US only
  17. Aviva Community Fund - Semi Finals! Log in and vote for your favorite by Dec. 11
  18. Babies and Dogs Become Best Friends for a Reason - They LOVE Each Other

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Old Petitions, Part 3
  1. Commend Chipotle for Being the First Restaurant to Label Genetically Modified Products
  2. Tell Environmental Official That Water Safety Complaints Aren’t Terrorism
  3. Don’t Let Energy Companies Fund Studies About Their Own Pollution
  4. Praise West Virginia for Banning Dangerous Exotic Pets
  5. Stop Forcing Monkeys to Perform for Money in Indonesia
  6. Protect the Sumatran Tiger Before they Become a Myth of Our Past
  7. Applaud The Weather Channel’s Climate Change Coverage
  8. Increase Conservation Awareness for Rare Mammal
  9. Remove Dangerous Chemicals from Food Products
  10. Support the Yaqui Tribe’s Water Rights
  11. Protect Oregon’s Rivers from Destructive Mining
  12. Force Target to Stop Using Plastic Bags
  13. Applaud Funding of Small Business Green Innovation
  14. Protest Unregulated Bird Hunting in Egypt
  15. Change Postal Service Live Animal Handling Policies
  1. Governor of Minnesota: It is time to investigate the MN DNR & its commissioner, Tom Landwehr
  2. Brigantine City Council: Re-open the Dog Park
  3. No ads on Putnam Trailway
  4. Hawaii: Comply with the law and implement a plan to clean the Ala Wai Canal
  5. End The Plastic Problem: Save The Sea
  6. City of San Jose, CA: Protect us from fire: Preserve Almaden lake
  7. Governor Herbert: Do not allow the West Davis Corridor to be funded!
  8. Dentsply: Stop Making Mercury Dental Fillings
  9. Air Pacific & Qantas: Ban the transport of all shark products.
  10. Municipality pf Monemvasia, Greece: Take action against poisoning of animals
  11. Seogwipo (Jeju Province), S. Korea! Please stop the construction of large scale illegal dog farm and crack down on existing dog farms immediately!
  12. STOP Slaughtering Horses in the US
  13. Governor of Chiapas: Stop the killing of 90,000 dogs in Chiapas
  14. Totolapan Township Morelos, Mexico: Stop the killing of dogs!
  15. Stop the practice of surgery on dogs by URSE
    Southeast Regional University (URSE), located in Oaxaca, Mexico, uses dogs to teach medical students in their subject of surgery; causing severe cruelty including chest opening, chronic pain and subsequently death. Dogs are purchased at 600 pesos by a pseudo veterinarian named Roberto Guzmán Solana, a dogcatcher.
  16. Tierprojekt von Father Anthony & ACI im Franziskanerkloster vor dem Aus!
  17. Province Lujan, Buenos Aires: Stop the project to kill stray dogs because the President attends a thanksgiving service at the Basilica of Luja!
  18. Hector Gutierrez, Mayor of Parchment, Argentinia: Suitable shelters for stray dogs and neutering campaigns!
  19. International condemnation of the killing of dogs in Sibaté, Mexico
  20. Governor of Nueva Esparta, Venezuela: Donate a piece of land for abandoned dogs and to create a free sterilization center
  21. Verbot des Orgien-Mysterien-Theaters von Aktionskünstler Hermann Nitsch und seiner Nachfolger
  22. Dekalb Humane Society: Release the name of the rescue that took a heavily pregnant dog!
  23. California Board of Forestry: Stop Plan to Target 38 Million Acres of Habitat in California for Clearance
  24. Salt Lake County Government: Save Steep Mountain
  1. Save the Tasmanian Devil from extinction!
  2. Save Arctic and Antarctic ice from melting.
  3. Keep Elephant Abuse Out Of California's Nevada County Fair!
  4. Stop Calling Animals "It"
  5. Argentina: NO to gray fox hunting from June19 until September 9 in the province of Buenos Aires!
  6. Stop dog fighting videos being posted on facebook
  7. Investigate New York City Animal Shelters In Violation of Humane Laws
  8. Review of "Meat Export Policy"
  9. Urge law makers to support the S.A.F.E. act that will keep horse meat out of our food supply.
  10. Protect Endangered Animals From Madagascar
  11. US, Join India in Banning All Dolphinariums
  12. Save the giraffes
  13. STOP BSL - Educate, Adopt, and Love.
  14. Save the Philippine Eagle
  15. Save the Brown Spider Monkey
  16. Save the Hyacinth Macaw
  17. Protect the Brazilian Merganser
last updated on March 1, 2014

Friday, December 6, 2013

December 6 petitions and more

  1. We must shut this slaughterhouse down
  2. Stop The Dog Meat Smuggling Trade!
  3. Stop the Illegal Dog Meat Trade in Thailand
  4. Help Save the Wild Baboons of Kenya from Vivisectors
  5. Protect Alaska's Rarest Wolf from Large-Scale Industrial Logging
  6. Strip Poisonous Lead From Hunting Ammunition
  7. Protect Birminghams Drinking Water from Coal Mine Pollution
  8. Stop the Plan to Slaughter Wolves
  9. Call to keep Gray Wolf protections in place! (US)
  10. Oppose Deer Killing in Helena, Montana
  11. Tell Malaysia Airlines: Don't leave goats to suffer!
  12. Tell Malaysia Airlines: Don't leave goats to suffer!
  13. Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Action Alerts (US)
  14. Delete the website "" (confirmation needed)
  15. Belgium: Stop Fur-Farming!
  16. Colombia, Cali: Replace Animal Traction Vehicles and Stop the Abuse of Horses
  17. Infinito Gold: Repect the Vote, Don't Sue Costa Rica
  18. Take Action to Protect Destructive Post-Fire Logging on the Salmon River (US)
  19. NO! to "biofuel" lie! (use translator please)
  1. Stop brutally torturing cats in Saudi Arabia!
  2. STOP the massive cat poisoning campaign in Tirana, Albania!
  3. Stop drinking cat’s blood for religious purposes!
  4. Nestle: Stop heartless animal experiments for health claims!
  5. Stop eating camels in Morocco!
  6. Remove tiger head hunting trophies from the lobby of the National Theatre in Budapest, Hungary!
  7. Prosecute hunter who killed the biggest bear EVER in the US!
  1. Commend Student for Defending Abused Animals
  2. Oppose Cuts to Animal Conservation Programs
  3. Applaud Diverse Kenyan Leaders for Working Together for the Environment
  4. Stop Environmentally Disastrous Dams
  1. We want C.Q.C. to investigate the greyhound exploitation in Argentina
  2. Stop poaching tigers and destructing their habitat!
  3. Labeling of cosmetic products that were tested on animals.
  4. Colette Aliev of the SAFA is NOT in violation by taking care of stray cats!
  5. Stop the USDA from allowing horse slaughter in New Mexico
  6. USDA - APHIS: Stop/Reverse Bills Like the AETA
  7. Stop the slaughter of stray dogs to clean the streets.
  8. Don't let Quanto die in vain - Strengthen our Laws to protect our animals
  9. Congress: Protect the gray wolves
  10. Australian Government: Call to action and sack Mark and make new laws to protect animals and members of public who stand up for animals rights
  11. Bowmanville Zoo: immediately end your elephant program
  12. To All Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate: Create legislation to protect all animals and pets while in the custody of and travelling on a commercial airline.
  13. New York State: Do Not Hand Over 200 Acres of Preserved Adirondack Forest to NYCO Minerals, Inc.
  1. Family spared jail for allowing 8 puppies to starve to death
  2. Impose maximum prison time to man caught on video surveillance raping neighbor's dog
  3. Stop Future Badger Culls!
  4. Don't use domestic animals as shark baits
  5. Tell Australian Government to Keep Anti-Whaling Promise
  6. STOP the Posting of PETS in the "FREE SECTION" of Craigslist immediately!
  7. Stop Salary For Confessed Serial Dog Killer
  8. Stop Portugal Evora Agriloja Torturing Animals!
  9. Make the Davis County, Utah Animal Shelter a NO-KILL shelter.
  10. Save the Local Wildlife
  11. Full Protections for the Sage Grouse
  12. Tell Obama to protect North Carolina fish from coal ash pollution!
  13. Tell Congress: Keep Toxic Pesticides out of our Water
  14. Tell the FWS to Protect Vulnerable Bat Populations!
  15. Strip Mine or Highway? Tell the Federal Highway Administration to Take Another Look
News and Polls
  1. Stop Bosnia-Herzegovina from implementing kill law! - Update on Dec. 5 voting
  2. Nations agree “Urgent Measures” to curb elephant poaching
  3. South Africa's 'Dirty Little Secret'
  4. HLS Visiting Prof Discusses Animal Rights and the Law
  5. EU Enforcement Network for Animal Welfare Lawyers and Commissioners
  6. Email - NIH Establishes Human Brain Biobank for Neuroscience Research
  7. Mexican Gray Wolves Campaign
  8. Stray dogs population management in Romania
  9. MEPs ignored by the Government. A meeting on stray dogs was canceled without explanation  (use translator please)
  10. Chinese animal rights campaigners lambast cat and dog meat trade
  11. Learn "HOW TO" Vote For The Red X Project In GlobalRockstar Competition - quick & easy! [VIDEO] Go to Show More, Sign up, Vote now (upper left), get the 2 videos playing, wait for Red X Project, hover over it with your mouse and VOTE! Semi-finals!
  12. Should Michigan have a wolf hunt again next year? - Vote several times a day NO! Pay attention: 'NO' - position changes with every load of the page!
  13. Universities Kill More Than A Million Animals In Scientific Testing In One Year Alone - Poll: Do you agree with Animal testing? No, definitely not!
  14. Is it ok to eat seal meat? - Vote: NO Meat of any kind please!
  15. Vote to Support Defenders! - Choose: Credo Action member. Only US
  16. Sungevity Gives Back will give $20,000 to a non-profit this year to help support their important work. VOTE for "Save the Frogs" as they currently hold the 2nd place. US only
  17. Aviva Community Fund - Semi Finals! Log in and vote for your favorite by Dec. 11
  18. Email - cat eCards are here :-) - Alley Cat Allies
  19. Ignorance and lack of compassion – a common story for female dogs from Romania
  20. Lions, Tigers and Bears... Oh MY! These Three Creatures of God Found Family in Each Other.
  21. Pictured: The adorable and unlikely friendship between a fox and a dog that's being turned into a children's fairytale book

Old Petitions Part 2
  1. Stand Up for Threatened Goose Population
  2. Deny Permit Request for Coal Export Terminal
  3. Commend U.S. for Retiring Research Chimps
  4. Save Polar Bears From Extinction
  5. Save Bird Populations from Hunting in Albania
  6. Stop Bill From Cutting Renewable Energy Funds
  7. Commend Microsoft’s Self-Imposed Carbon Fee
  8. Stop Approval of Genetically Engineered Potatoes
  9. Applaud Ban on Wild Animals in Colombian Circuses
  10. Revoke World Food Prize Awarded to Monsanto Executive
  11. Stop Using US Tax Dollars to Fund Australian Mining Project
  12. Commend Shipping Company for Plans to Lower Fuel Emissions
  13. Do Not Increase Wolf Hunt Quotas in Wisconsin
  14. Charge Cat Torturers with Animal Cruelty
  15. Demand Nestle Stop Cruel Animal Testing
  16. Save Wolves From Slaughter in America
  17. Protect Sea Turtles From Mexican Drug Gangs
  18. Commend San Diego Zoo Global for Conservation Efforts
  19. Commend Wildlife Refuge on Innovative Species Protection
  20. Keep Vital and Picturesque Lake Intact
  1. Woodstock Georgia Police Department: Charge Officer Berry with Spartacus's Murder!
  2. Stop euthanasia of ducks and geese in Gaston County Dallas Park, NC
  3. Gaston County Parks and Recreation: Stop Killing Geese
  4. Miami Zoo: Close down the elephant exhibit
  5. State of Ohio: Provide discount spay/neuter for every shelter pet adopted.
  6. Glen Rock Mayor and Council: Consider creating a local Dog Park
  7. General public: Stop elephant poaching
  8. Rectorado de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: ¡Los gatos de la UAM sí quieren quedarse en el Campus!
    Rector of the Autonomous University of Madrid: UAM cats want to stay in campus!
  9. ¡Cádiz, protege a tus gatos en lugar de maltratarlos!
    Spain, Cadiz City Council: Protect your cats instead of abusing them!
  10. Administración de Jusicia de la Generalitat de Cataluña: La investigacion sobre la muerte de doce gatos en un incendio intencionado
    Spain, Catalonia: Investigate the death 12 cats burned to death
  11. ¡No al exterminio de la colonia de gatos del cementerio de Salamanca!
    Spain: NO extermination of cats at Salamanca Park Cemetery!
  12. Let's Stop Dog Racing in India
  13. United States Federal Government: Enforce animal abuse laws by forming federal animal police & harsher punishment
  14. Ayuntamiento de Peligros (Granada): Que no se retomen las corridas de toros en las fiestas populares - Granada, Spain: NO Bullfighting!
  15. OIPA: We want clear labels on products that are tested on animals.
  16. Hillsborough County Commissioners: Clean up Animal Services
  17. Committee of Rajya Sabha: Ban meat Export from India - Sukanya Kadyan
  18. Mayor Richard Berry and Albuquerque City Council: Keep the Rio Grande Bosque Wild!
  1. Lets protect the last of the Elephants. STOP Poaching.
  2. Justice for Hannah
  3. Abandonment summer of puppies / adult dogs and cats
  4. Save the White-bellied Heron
  5. Save the Golden Lion Tamarin
  6. HAARP Navy Research Paper: ‘Disrupt Economies’ with Man-Made ‘Floods,’ ‘Droughts’
  7. Tell the Australian Government to Help Stop Food Waste!
  8. Pledge To Boycott All Nestle's Bottled Water Products
  9. No Ransom Money for Animals held Hostage in Indonesia
  10. Don't Allow Crocodile Hunting in Australia's Northern Territory!
  11. Stop Killing Healthy Race Horses!
  12. Ban meat export from India: Say No to halal process of commercial slaughtering
  13. Thank Judge for Protecting Critical Lynx Habitat
  14. Horses Not For Meat Or Sold To Other Countries For Such
  15. Punish Circus for Abusing an Elderly Elephant!
  16. Justice for the Death of Bijlee, the Elephant
  17. Save the bear Masha!
  18. Municipality of Osorno: Change the Ordinance 83 of Environmental Management (no target)
  19. Please do not promote animal abuse, and the destruction of our Nation's ecosystems!
last updated on March 1, 2014

Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 5 petitions and more

  1. Tell the President of Wayne State University to Halt Cruel Heart Failure Experiments on Dogs
  2. STOP the sadistic torture of primates at British Columbia University!
  3. STOP the mass butchering of stray dogs in Pitesti, Romania!
  4. Requesting State Legislative Hearing on Mountain Lions (US)
  5. DEFRA: Act now on behalf of horses in need in England and Wales
  6. Tell Malaysia Airlines: Don't leave goats to suffer!
  7. Tell Shriners to Stop Funding Cruel Burn Experiments on Animals
  8. Urge New Jersey State Park to Halt Bowhunts!
  9. SICK, Twisted Sex Experiments on Animals
  10. Please join our supporters and sign up to TigerTime now! (to subscribe!)
  11. Urge Seattle City Council to Appoint a Chair of Parks Who Will Support Sending Elephants to Sanctuary
  12. Stop bluefin tuna from getting hooked and trashed (US)
  13. Animal Welfare Act: Petition to Promulgate Standards for Bears
    Sample letter can be found here: Urge the USDA to Protect Captive Bears!
  14. Tell the FWS to Protect Vulnerable Bat Populations!
  1. Condemn TV Network for Supporting Trophy Hunter
  2. Ban Cruel Sexual Experiments on Mice
  3. Demand Release of Captive Chimpanzees
  4. Thank Veterinarian for Saving Dogs From Puppy Mill
  5. Success: Mass Badger Killing Called off in England
  6. Ban Unsafe Roadside Zoos
  7. Save the Peruvian Amazon from Destruction
  8. Thank Jay-Z and Beyonce for Going Vegan
  9. Stop Police Brutality Against Dogs
  1. Petition ends on Dec. 15 - Help make bestiality a felony in every state!
  2. Bundestag: Absolute prohibition of import and export of fur for Germany
  3. Stop the export of Canadian sheep for cruel ritual slaughtering
  4. Congress: Protect the gray wolves
  5. Allow the Friends of the Dartmoor Hill Pony to use Lakehead Newtake for their project to save the ponies on Dartmoor.
  6. Minister of Forestry Department, Zulkifli Hasan: Please improve all zoos in Indonesia by making a national committee which oversees all zoos and standards
  7. Argentina: Punish this priest in Chaco who hung a puppy in front of children!
  8. Valencia, Spain: Apply the Law! Stop animal abuse, imprisonment and killing!
  9. National Army of Colombia: Respect Life Of The Animals!
  10. Chile: End the killing of dogs and cats in Taltal and the whole country!
  11. Italian Government: Stop recommending vivisection as a useful practice
    It causes suffering, death, imprisonment of animals, and is a waste of money!
  12. Lujan, Argentina: Stop horses dying from exhaustion during the September Pilgrimage
  13. The United States Congress and House of Representatives: Pass a law requiring all convicted animal abusers to register
  14. No more rodeos in Chile
  15. Argentina, Cordoba: Enough with the horse-drawn carriages
  16. Bolivia:End the blood traction blood! No more cruelty to horses
  17. Minister for Environment WA: Immediately address the displacement of 150+ Kangaroos at Cedar Woods Development!
  18. Tell Congress: Keep Toxic Pesticides Out of Our Water
  19. Tell the FWS to Protect Vulnerable Bat Populations!
  1. Demand Spain ends the cruel killing of Galgos / Greyhounds
  2. Canada: Stop Killing Seals! "A Mari Usque Ad Mare" ("From Sea to Sea")
  3. Stop the inhumane treatment of the animals at the dog shelter in Bihac
  4. Find the killers and bring them to justice
  5. Tell Congress: Don't Gut the Endangered Species Act!
  6. Stop animal experimentation!
  7. Stronger dog laws to protect them from the sub zero winter weather
  8. BUDDY the dog animal control refuses to help
  9. Demand a reasonable public notice period prior to all "euthanasia"!
  10. Demand to stop killing so many animals at OC Animal Care in California
  11. Give the underwool back to the Tibeten Antelope, they feel cold!
  12. Background checks for Adopting Pets, Evaluate if they are able to give LOVE.
  13. Laura Bozzo, executioner of dogs and cats. - Laura Bozzo does not respect the life of Animals, we reject the appearance in this program of altruism.
  14. Groupon Stop Promoting SeaWorld
  15. Stop Experimental Seabed Mining in the Pacific
  16. Save Leadbeater’s Possum from Extinction
  17. Facebook: Please ban Billy WolfHunter Da Kidd from your site.
  18. Facebook: please look at comments on Empty Cages Worldwide and ban people for making nasty comments
  19. Save the Campbell River/Comox Valley Compost Education Centres
  20. Tell Xcel Energy and the PUC: We Won't Stand for Attacks on Rooftop Solar!
  21. DO NOT SIGN: Get Animals Back Into GTA5 Online it's a cruel game
News and Polls
  1. Fundraiser ends in 13 days - Baylee & Miss. Terrier Fund
  2. The Dairy Industry | Cows Used for Food | Factory Farming: Cruelty to Animals
  3. New wolf hunt petitions will start circulating this week
  4. BASF receives 2013 Animal Protection Research Prize
  5. Learn "HOW TO" Vote For The Red X Project In GlobalRockstar Competition - quick & easy! [VIDEO] Go to Show More, Sign up, Vote now (upper left), get the 2 videos playing, wait for Red X Project, hover over it with your mouse and VOTE! Semi-finals!
  6. Should Michigan have a wolf hunt again next year? - Vote several times a day NO! Pay attention: 'NO' - position changes with every load of the page!
  7. Universities Kill More Than A Million Animals In Scientific Testing In One Year Alone - Poll: Do you agree with Animal testing? No, definitely not!
  8. Is it ok to eat seal meat? - Vote: NO Meat of any kind please!
  9. Theresa Strader | Eagle Rare Life - Scroll down to vote for this story
  10. Vote to Support Defenders! - Choose: Credo Action member. Only US
  11. Sungevity Gives Back will give $20,000 to a non-profit this year to help support their important work. VOTE for "Save the Frogs" as they currently hold the 2nd place. US only
  12. PB Spendenaktion - Like the page and vote for your fav organization
  13. Aviva Community Fund - Semi Finals! Log in and vote for your favorite!
  14. Family allowed to keep dog | Victories for Animals
  15. Chimp Retirement Bill Signed | Victories for Animals
  16. One man against the world... - Video message about compassion
  17. Give The Gift Of Life This Holiday Season
    Double Your Impact Helping Rescued Dogs! (Soi Dogs)
  18. Photos: An Interview with Wildlife Photographer Tom Murphy (14 photos total)
  19. Countless Dogs Were Subjected to Daily Torture, Until This Epic Rescue
  20. Heroes saving animal lives - Heroic animal compilation [VIDEO]

Old Petitions part 1
  2. City of Hawthorne, Police Chief, Mayor & Governor of California: Investigate shooting of "Max", demand resignation and retrain officers.
  3. Hawthorne Police Department: cop that shot the dog: fired
  4. The Hawthorne police department: take action against police misconduct
  5. Hawthorne Police Department: Arrest Officer Salmon who shot the dog, teach officers how to handle dogs
  6. The Hawthorne Police Department: Remove the officer who killed Max the dog without cause from his position
  7. President Obama: Stop the government funding of research facilities that use animals
  8. Expedia: Drop Tiger Temple from your website!
  9. The City of Collins: Repeal Breed Specific Legislation
  10. Bistro Bobette: Remove cruel foie gras from your menu
  11. Bring emergency shelter and shade to captive wild horses and burros
  12. Gov. Dayton, Sen. Franken, Sen. Klobuchar, Rep. Nolan of Minnesota: Reinstate Dr. Lynn Rogers' permit to conduct research on black bears. 
  13. Office of the Assistant Deputy Attorney General Joyce Dewitt-Van Oosten: Drop charges against Janet Olson for the theft of abused dogs 
  14. USDA: Stop the USDA from allowing horse slaughter in New Mexico
  15. Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych : URGENT help in retrieval of 3 caged bears in Pervomaisk, Ukraine. 
  16. To the governor of Minnesota: It is time to investigate the MN DNR & its commissioner, Tom Landwehr
  17. Stop Raccoon Dogs Being Skinned Alive for fake Ugg Boots (no target)
  18. Ban the use of hunting with dogs throughout the borough of Benitatxell
  19. Stop AVA killing the Bukit Brown Dogs on the "Terrorizing" cyclist incident
  20. Gerardo García Henestroza: Protección y Respeto a los Perros Callejeros en Salina Cruz, Oaxaca - Oaxaca, Mexico: Stray dogs crushed alive like garbage! Protect and respect Stray dogs in Salina Cruz, Oaxaca!
  21. Intendente Rivadavia Mendoza Ricardo Mansur: Castraciones masivas para perros y gatos, machos y hembras
    Mayor Mendoza, declaring an Emergency: Start a massive Neutering Campagne for Cats and Dogs, male and female, according to Law 7603 and 8246 for the Ethical Control of Urban Fauna 
  22. Diputados Urgente - Sancion Ley Que Regule Y Controle Actividad Criaderos De Perros - Argentina: Create stronger Laws to regulate Puppy Mills
  23. Listado semanal de animales sacrificados y dinero público destinado a ello en la web de los Ayuntamientos
    Weekly list of animals to be killed, and the costs involved in public money, on the websites of the municipalities
  24. City Council London Ontario: Lift the maximum number of dogs per household for Rescues & Fosters
  25. Ellis and Associates: Add Emergency Response Protocol for Service Dogs to your Lifeguard Training
  26. State of Ohio: Provide discount spay/neuter for every shelter pet adopted.
  1. Drop Tiger Temple from Website
  2. YouTube Still Promotes Animal Killing
  3. Stop importation of dogs and puppies into the Isle of man by third parties.
  4. Prosecute Puppy Killer to the fullest extent of the law
  5. Ban plastic bags in Victoria, Australia
  6. Save Radstock Railway land
  7. No Keystone Pipeline
  8. We want a recycling program for mercury containing Compact Flourescent lights in the Byron Shire.
  9. Save the Northern Sportive Lemur
  10. Peru- Stop Using Endangered Condors in Bullfights
  11. Stop Permits for India's "Begging Elephants"
  12. Thank India for Banning Animal Testing for Cosmetics
  13. Say NO to Permits to Kill Bald Eagles
  14. Demand Better Management for Idaho's Wolves
  15. Ban Animal-Tested Cosmetics in Australia
  16. Stoppt die Abrichtung von Jagdhunden an lebenden Füchsen
    Germany: Stop the training of hunting dogs on live foxes!
  17. Stop this senseless slaughter!
  18. Cop shoots Rottweiler for going to his owner's side Justice for Max
  19. Hawthorne Police Department Shoots and Kills Defenseless Dog
  20. Justice for Max the Dog - Shot by Police in Hawthorne, CA
  21. Another Murder Of Dog By Police
  22. United States: Ban Animal Kill Shelters
  23. Stop Salary For Confessed Serial Dog Killer
  24. Tell Gaston County, NC to Stop Gassing Canada Geese!
  25. Stop the 3X per week gassing of pets!
  26. Outlaw Cruel Single-Sheep Pens
  27. Stop the ridiculous animal hunt in Asia for their supersititious goods!
  28. Tell the Indian Government to Enforce Animal Protection Laws!
  29. Mandatory Nationwide Spay/Neuter for all dogs and cats who are solely companion animals
  30. India- Rescue Laxmi, the "Begging Elephant"
  31. Save the White-bellied Heron
  32. Save the Chinese Giant Salamander
  33. Save the Northern Sportive Lemur
  34. Recycling Tires Is Not a Crime!
  1. Remove Plastic Packaging from National Geographic Magazine
  2. Stop Discouraging Sustainable Development
  3. Applaud No-Kill Animal Shelter’s Outstanding Rescue Efforts
  4. Ban Violent Italian Horse Races
  5. Fight Just to Keep Them Alive: Stop Tiger Farms and Tiger Extinction
  6. Property Management Company: Don’t Force Tenants to Declaw Their Cats
  7. Stop Feeding Marijuana to Pigs
  8. Save Polar Bears From Extinction
  9. Save Bird Populations from Hunting in Albania
  10. Commend U.S. for Retiring Research Chimps
  11. Stand Up for Threatened Goose Population
  12. Applaud Ban on Wild Animals in Colombian Circuses
  13. Increase Conservation Awareness for Rare Mammal
  14. Change Postal Service Live Animal Handling Policies
  15. Tell Google That Dog Fighting is Not a Game
last updated March 1,2014