- Dog death pound 'Nas Dom', Pozega, Serbia
Please send this Serbian letter!
- Saving the Dogs From the JKP 'Nas Dom' Death Camp at Pozega, Serbia
Please scroll down first and become a member of the Facebook group, sign the petition and send your protest email!
- The Drammatic Situation Of Serbian Strays
Sample letter and email addresses are provided only choose a neutral subject, else the letter might be deleted!
- Спасите наших собак и накажите мошенников
Russia, Rep. of Bashkortostan: Save our dogs and punish the cheaters!
Click on: Support the Problem! (first, blue option with +1 sign)
- Helfen Sie den rumänischen Hunden! Help the Romanian dogs!
- Petition for the Romanian street dogs
- Petition for dairy cows in Europe
- Stop Tar Sands Ecocide, Block Canada's Energy East Pipeline
3 petitions one after another
- Tell the Government to act before its too late! for the bees
- Urge the Government to Stop Slaughtering Horses
- Demand Harsher Penalties for Animal Poaching
- Don’t Return Severely Neglected Dog to Owner
- Urge Alabama to Allow Rescue and Rehabilitation of Opossums
- Applaud Wildlife Sanctuary for Rescuing Orphaned African Elephants
- Urge DiCaprio and Scorsese to Remove Captive Chimp from Film
- Local and state authorities in Serbia, as well as the European Union: Shut down the horror dog shelter in Pozega, Serbia
- Mr. Ovidiu Cretu, Major of Bistrita, Romania: Please give ALL dogs of Bistrita a chance to find their home! - This is the municipal shelter in need of food and veterinarian products, sterilization equipment etc
- Président de l'UE, Secrétaire et Députés européens: Exclure la Roumanie de l'UEExclude Romania from EU - Exclude Romania from the EU for not behaving according to conventions on Animal Welfare
- President Traian Basecu of Romania: Stop murdering dogs!
- Congreso del Estado de Puebla,Mexico: Pedimos la Prohibicion en el Codigo Penal del Estado de Puebla de Las corridas de Toros
Mexico: Make bullfighting a crime in the Criminal Code of the State of Puebla!
- UK TV channels: Broadcast a national fundraising event for animals
- Stop to pollute the Arctic and to imprison Greenpeace activists!
- Congreso: Carcel Al Maltrato Hacia Perros Y Gatos En Mexico
Congress: Jail to abusers of animals in Mexico
- Gobierno de México: Prohibición del Foie Gras en México
Government of Mexico: Ban Foie Gras in Mexico
- Enrique Peña Nieto,Gobernadores, senadores y diputados: No Al Iva En Alimento Para Mascotas En Mexico - Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, Governors, Senators and Representatives: No to extra taxes on pet food, there will be more abandoned animals!
- Justice for Rayne
- Stop bullfighting in Spain
- Stop Mass Killing of Whales
News and Polls
- Udruzenje za Prava i Zastitu Zivotinja MIA : Izbor za najgori šinteraj u Srbiji - Serbia, VOTE please!! At the top right corner is the option to vote >>> Pozega is one of the worst death pounds. Every month you choose one pound, the pound with the most votes is a candidate for an official visit by the Association. After a tour of pounds, an official report will follow, next an application, as well as the fight for the closure of this inhumane pound ... If you are not familiar with the situation at the pound, read basic information please. But VOTE please!!
- ProAnimals acuză: A început căsăpirea câinilor fără stăpân din Gorj
ProAnimals Charges: The butchering of stray dogs in Gorj has started
poisoning, shooting dogs in forest... citizens feel allowed to do the massacre
- FB event: I AM HERE .... HELP by doing .... with <3 blood
Urgently (veterinarian) help needed in Bistrita, Romania! Please support!
- When politicians euthanize Romania [VIDEO]
Romania. More great video's of Robert Serban
- La violence insoutenable des élèves des écoles taurines: ils sont poussés à tuer des veaux (vidéo) - Children taught to kill calves and bullfighting!
- Suspect arrested in animal cruelty case Tompkins County, NY
- Lobos Need You in Albuquerque October 4!
The US Fish and Wildlife Service is now proposing to delist gray wolves and implement changes that threaten the survival and recovery of Mexican wolves. Only one hearing will be held on both proposals - on October 4 in Albuquerque, NM.
- Ajutor pentru cei care adoptă câini fără stăpân, de la Vier Pfoten: Servicii gratuite
Help for those who adopt stray dogs from FOUR PAWS: Free Services
- Great news and one last request Update on the petition "Stop transportation of donkeys from Bonaire to Haiti" They are NOT going to Haiti!
- Tell Wayne State University to Stop Cruel Heart Experiments on Dogs (US)
- Please Help Millions of Farm Animals (US)
- Urgent Help Needed for Homeless Cats Stranded on Long Beach Jetty! (US)
- Urge Aflac to Stop Exploiting Live Ducks!
- URGENT: Ask Company to Ditch Cruel Shark Exhibit at Nightclub!
- Help Nosey, Who Is Being Forced to Perform in Indiana!
- Urge NBC Sports to Cancel Big Game Hunting Show!
- Stop France's Plans to Honor Bullfighting!
- USA: Oppose Government Plans to Reduce our Wild Horse Population! (US)
- Fight Illegal Fishing in U.S. Waters
- New Hampshire: Protect People and Pets (NH)
- Kansas: Protect People and Pets (KS)
- Ask WAZA to help stop dolphin hunts
- Write Wild - Protect Canada's Bees and Pollinators!
- Tell Gov. Jindal to Stand With Our Wetlands (US)
- Stop the dog slaughter in Romania!
- Radu Banciu sa fie arestat pentru instigare la uciderea animalelor fara stapan
Romania, Radu Banciu, this 'journalist' to be arrested for instigating and paying for the killing (and skinning) of stray dogs!
- Stop Wolf Hunts
- Proposed Revision to the Nonessential Experimental Population of the Mexican Wolf Please comment on the proposed changes and include the following 4 key points that can be found here: Act Now to Ensure Mexican Wolf Recovery! (campaign is international).
- FB event: Video sharing with South Korean government, companies & international organizations South Korean Dog Meat Industry! Please protest! Sample letter and email addresses are provided!
- Say NO to the killing of stray cats and YES to a friendly approach.
Netherlands! Click on 'Teken de petitie' (mr/mrs; first, last name, email)
- Stop Big Companies from Burning Our Forests (US)
- Applaud Nepal for Conserving Tigers
- Save Malayan Tiger by Stopping Logging
- Urge School District to Allow Eleven-Year-Old’s Diabetes Service Dog at School
- Commend Hong Kong for Banning Shark Fin from Menus
- Urge the National Football League to Stop Testing Injuries on Animals
- Support Conservation Organization’s Efforts to Protect Jaguars
- Stop Development from Destroying the Traditional Lifestyle of Tribal Population
- End Wolf Hunting in Minnesota
- Demand that NBC Cancel Cruel Hunting Show
- Applaud State for Protecting Bobcats
- Applaud Nationwide Departure from Animal Testing
- Incentivize Humane Treatment of Livestock
- Print Warning Labels for Factory Farmed Products
- Extend Habitat for Wild Bison
- Gov. @Sarundajang2014 & Bupati Sompie Singal: No mining on small islands. Save Bangka – North Sulawesi!
- European Parliament, EU Council of Europe & Pope Francis: Russian Federation We Ask To Stop Cruel Slaughter Of Homeless Animals
- European Union: Kick Romania out
- Taean, S. Korea! Revoke the permit for illegal dog meat farm immediately and protect the welfare of Taean residents!
- European Union: Please take action regarding Romania, a European country challenging Europe
- Gobierno rumano: Que paren los abusos y la matanza en masa de los perros callejeros - Romanian Government: Stop the abuse and mass killing of stray dogs.
- The Mayor of the Greek Island of Hydra: Stop the poisoning of cats on the Greek Island of Hydra
- Аркадий Мамонтов : помогите привлечь к ответственности малолетнего живодера, Егора Мизонова , проживающего в Красноярском крае, пос. Шарипово - Russia, Arkady Mamontov: Help to prosecute minor knacker, Yegor Mizonova living in the Krasnoyarsk region, pos. Sharipovo
- Abschuss-Stopp der Streunerkatzen im Nationalpark Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer
Stop shooting of stray cats in the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park
- The Obama administration: Protect our pets from police brutality in the U.S.A., make Laws to protect them from being shot by police officers.
- Jim Buckmaster, Stop Allowing the Re-Homing of Pets on Your Site
- FUNDACION OSO, ASTURIAS: Retiro digno para las osas paca y tola
Bear Foundation, Asturias: A dignified retreat for these bears
- Help Protect Threatened Rhinos
- Stomp Out Animal Cruelty From Chemical Testing!
- Tell NBC Sports to Stop Covering Bloodsports!
- End Taiji Dolphin Slaughter
News and Polls
- How eating dog became big business in Vietnam
- Reply from Craigslist: craigslist Pets and “Puppy Doe”
- Would You Pay $19 To Kill a Wolf? [VIDEO]
- Message for Europe! [VIDEO] Romania...
- Condolences Page for the Stray of Romania
- Website: Rudozem Street Dog Rescue Bulgaria
- Vietnamese Children Celebrate World Rhino Day
- Website: Institute for In Vitro Sciences
Advancing Science and Animal Welfare Together
- Male Dog In China's Changsha City Stands Guard 10 Hours For Female Companion Who Fell In Gutter (VIDEO)
- Firefighters Rescue Cat from Burning Home
- Fall in Love With This One-Eyed Pirate Kitten - He's Helping Other Kitties Find Homes
- Australia: Stop Timber Plantations From Killing Koala Bears
- Ask Washington University to End the Use of Cats in its Pediatrics Residency Program
- Help the Dogs and Cats of Greece
- Stop the Massacre of Romania's Stray Dogs
- Protect Deer in Maryland and Virginia… From The National Park Service (US)
Please Comment Today - Deadline is September 27
- Prostestbrief an EU-Präsident Martin Schulz wg Hundemord Rumänien
Protest letter to EU President Martin Schulz regarding dog massacre in Romania
(confirmation needed)
- Protestbrief an rumänischen Präsidenten und Verfassungsgericht
Protest letter to the President of Romania and the Constitutional Court
(confirmation needed)
- We say NO to the violent & illegal removal of 30 dogs from the private dog shelter of Mrs Niki at Velina, Corinth
- Stop the killing of one fifth of the Lithuanian wolves!
- Federal: Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Act Urges Use of Alternatives to Animal Testing
- Borneo: Emergency Call for National Park
- Take A Stand for California Mustangs in Massacre Lakes HMA (US)
- BLM to Wipe Out Wild Horses in the Wyoming Checkerboard (US)
- Tell the Snack Food 20: Cut Conflict Palm Oil, Not Rainforests (US)
- The Declaration of Human Rights are now being severely violated in Romania!
- I won’t let elephants disappear. Will you?
- EU sow stalls: The suffering of pigs in cages continues!
- Pétition Soutien au Professeur Hubert Montagner : pour interdire l'accès aux corridas aux enfants de moins de 16 ans. - Petition supporting professor Hubert Montagner to prevent access to bullfights for children under 16 years.
- Tell Congress: Stop the Monsanto Protection Act (US)
- Commend Efforts to Close Online Puppy Mills
- Prevent Massive Gold Mining Project in the Amazon
- Prosecute Hunter Who Sparked Giant Yosemite Wildfire
- Commend Efforts to Protect Remaining Rhino Species
- Condemn Animal Planet Host for Violating the Endangered Species Act
- Stop the Destruction of Indian Rainforests for Coal Mining
- Commend World Bank for Saving Tigers
- Commend China for Reducing Its Dependency on Coal
- Condemn Law Banning People from Caring for Hurt Wildlife
- Commend Activists who Guard the Lives of Resting Seals
- NBC: Take Your Elephant-Killing NRA Lobbyist Off The Air
- William F. Galvin and Massachusetts Representatives: Please enact "Kiya's Law" aka Puppy Doe. A law specifically aimed at "Battered Pet Syndrome".
- Shut Down Olympic Animal Sanctuary
- City of Beaumont Animal Services - Beaumont, Texas: Change their hours so that more animals have the chance of being adopted
- The People of the World: Keep endangered Bengal Tigers Alive. (target?!)
- Boycott 2014 11th World Congress of International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association in Seoul, S. Korea-End the Shameful Violence Against Dogs & Cats!
- Daegu, South Korea! Close Down Chilseong Market's Despicable and Illegal Dog Slaughterhouses-Enforce The Animal Protection Law!
- Seoul,
South Korea! Enforce the Ban on Despicable Dog Meat Trade-Close down
Illegal Dog Slaughterhouses & Restaurants in Gyeongdong Market!
- Mayor of Municipality Stari Grad: Stop the slaughter of stray dogs in Sarajevo, Bosnia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: This is why I stand AGAINST euthanasia of stray animals
- Primo ministro spagnolo Mariano Rajoy Brey: mettere fine alle inumane crudelta' di cui sono oggetto i levrieri galgos - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy Brey: Stop the cruelty towards greyhounds
- A las autoridades de la provincia de Santa Cruz: Que se aplique la ley 14.346 y que este funcionario presente la renuncia - The authorities of the province of Santa Cruz: Apply the Law and fire this official.
- @Harrods: Cut the crap, stop stocking kopi luwak!
- The President: Stop Healthy Cats & Dogs From Being Euthanized
- Tell the Senate to End Tax Breaks for Oil, Gas, and Coal!
- Tell Ken Cuccinelli to Pay UVA Back for His Climate Science Witch Hunt
- Tell the EPA You Support New Limits on Carbon Pollution from Power Plants
- Fire or fine police officer who shot puppy in the head
- Stop using tax dollars to kill wildlife
- Stop Conservation Officers killing British Columbia's cougars, return balance to the Environment
- Allow The Public Access To Slaughterhouses
- Is There a Better Way/Path for Horses to Work in New York City?
- Stop building gas wells in or near our Provincial Parks
- Don't uproot hundreds of trees at Leakin Park
News and polls:
- More help in Vatra Dornei, Ilanca, and vet training in Craiova
- EU Kommissar zum Streunerhundeproblem: Ausnahmslos alle Mitglieder der Weltorganisation für Tiergesundheit müssen die OIE Richtlinien respektieren - EU Commissioner for stray dog problem: Without exception, all members of the World Organisation for Animal Health OIE must respect the guidelines
- Fb event: Save the Death Camp dogs - ROMANIAN WOOFERS NEED YOU!
Romanian dogs rescued, support them please!
Fb profile: Becky V Folkard
Fb profile: Michelle Holmes
- Fb event: Romanian Public Shelter Dogs in Crisis
Buying land in Romania so that dogs can be safe! Please donate, whatever is possible! Paypal
- Tierhilfe Hoffnung e.V. | Ute Langenkamp
Smeura, the largest Dog rescue center in Romania!
- Why She'd Walk Through Fire for Romanian Dogs
- Romania Animal Rescue Site Neuter and Spay Campaigns!
- Fb page: Romania Animal Rescue and Nancy Janes
- Fb event: <3 <3 <3 Glücksbringer für zwei und vier Pfoten <3 <3 <3
We don't give up! Wir geben nicht auf!
- Fb page: Maoland shelter - Romanian rescue center
- Wolfsabschuss: WWF macht Beschwerde gegen Kanton Wallis
Wolf shot: WWF makes complaint against Canton of Valais, Switzerland
- Exxon Sonar Surveying Blamed For The Deaths Of 100 Whales Near Madagascar
- New Study: State Department Ignores Keystone XL's Ugly Toll on America's Endangered Wildlife - Overlooked Impacts to Whooping Cranes, Northern Swift Fox, Sturgeon and Other Endangered Species Fails Requirements of Endangered Species Act
- Legally Brief: The Government’s Secret War on Wildlife (US)
- iWorry | Say NO to ivory - Join the March for the Elephants
- United Nations event and Clinton Global Initiative target illegal wildlife trade
- Conservation Partners Announce $80M Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to Action: Partnership to Save Africa’s Elephants
- Soi Dog wants to thank you, for helping to save the dogs & cats of Thailand.
- SOS Virunga National Park [VIDEO]
- Animal Hero Awards 2013: Former Royal Marine nominated after rescuing 500 dogs in Afghanistan
- 15 Volunteer Firefighters Rescue 'Precious' The Wiener Dog (VIDEO)
- Tourist Attraction or Unacceptable Cruelty?
Spain, Tordesillas: NO to the sadistic Toro de la Vega!
- End EU funding for bullfighting
- ACTION ALERT: Submissions for TMP (Threat Management Plan) reopened for Maui's Dolphins. - 2 petitions + email to send
link in the article is wrong, this is the right one:
- Boycott the request of Romania to enter in Schengen until it will solve in civilized mode the problem of strays
- Pas de battues contre les loups!
NO wolf-killing! Stop the hunters in the Alpes-Maritimes and Var!
- Contra las terribles becerradas de Algemesi
Protest against the barbaric torture of bulls in the Valencian village of Algemesi!
- Save Yasuní, the Last Wonder of the Amazon!
- Russia - Free the Greenpeace Arctic Sunrise Crew NOW
- Ask Premier Clark to Stand Strong in Opposing the Northern Gateway Pipeline!
- Urge China Southern Airlines to Stop Flying Primates to Laboratories!
- Losing Wolves Would Impoverish Us All (US)
- Romania has passed a law to legalise the mass killing of stray dogs!
Appeal to President Traian Basescu to reject this new law.
- Helfen Sie den rumänischen Hunden! - Help the Romanian dogs!
- Stop the Peru cat eating festival in September
- Romania: Bonus provided as well for every dog removed from your country!
Send your request now please!
- Protect sacred lands from mining (US) (confirmation needed)
- Massacre de chiens en Roumanie - Romania, NO dog-massacre!
- Contre l'expulsion des chats du Goulet. Situation extrêmement urgente!
Against the expulsion of cats in Goulet. Extremely urgent situation!
- Pour des alternatives aux vaccins obligatoires testés sur les animaux
For alternatives to mandatory vaccines tested on animals!
- STOP aux empoisonnements de chats et d'autres actes de maltraitance animale à Roquemaure (Gard) - Stop the poisoning of cats and other other acts of animal abuse in Roquemaure, France!
- Protégeons le loup dans l'Aube et la Haute-Marne
Protect the wolves in the Aube and Haute-Marne!
- Pour que le refuge Stam ne devienne pas un mourroir et ne soit pas fermé à plus ou moins longue échéance - Support for the no-kill dog refuge Stam
- Victoire : Taureaux brulés vifs - Partial success 'Toro de Fuego'
Combining the Festibanyes decided to cancel the famous "toro de fuego". Other bullfighting festivities are held but the last part of the show, which was to be set on fire horns of a bull, was canceled. Click HERE to read the petition.
- Support New Pollution Limits for Power Plants
- Urge Military Hospital to Stop Torturing and Killing Animals
- Commend USDA for Cracking Down on Internet Pet Sales
- Demand Efforts to Preserve Wildlife after Severe Pollution of Estuaries
- Stop Wasting Blue Fin Tuna
- Municipal and provincial leaders of British Columbia: Provide non-lethal, proactive wildlife management tools to municipalities
- Call for a moratorium on all mining activities in Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations territories in Clayoquot Sound.
- Ontario Attorney General, John Gerretsen: Consider maximum penalty for brutal torture of mother & baby raccoon
- Save The Sacred Headwaters of Northern British Columbia – Reduce Global Warming
- To Nova Scotia's Political Parties: Promise to Protect All of Martinique Beach
- Quebec: Improve police protocol for humane handling of injured wildlife & citizens assisting
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: Start Implementing Animal Protection Law
- Government of Sarajevo Canton: Stop the cruel slaughter of stray dogs in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
- EU Parliament: Investigate What Happened To The Public Funds Designated For Spay/Neuter Programme For Stray Dogs In Romania
- European Union: Kick Romania out
- A plea to The Russian Federation to bring an end to all the atrocities that bears endure in Russia. To change their laws and regulations to prevent the further suffering and death of these bears.
- Tell NBC Sports to Cancel "Under Wild Skies"
- Please, Help to Stop Killing Homeless Dogs and Cats in Russia!
- Stop the cruel experiments on cats at The University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Do not approve pets food tax
- Stop the Porpoise Hunt in Japan: Almost 10,000 Killed in 2010!
- Ask Political Parties To Stand Up For The Places You Love
- Boycott the Rhino Killers
- Stop the Hunt of Dall's Porpoise!
- Demand justice for unlawful and callous killing of dog in Hampshire, UK!
- Save the Marbled Cat
- Save the Fishing Cat
- Help save Jamaica's bees from neonicotinoid pesticides!
- Say NO to the ecological and economic destruction of Kalamos and Kastos islands from fish farming
News & Polls
- Comment is free Should people be allowed to keep 'exotic animals' as pets? Vote
- Are ‘No Action On Issues’ EU Politicians Any Better Than The Corrupt Romanian Government Currently Supporting A Lynch Mob Frenzy On Stray Dogs?
- Romanian Constitutional Court approves mass killing of stray dogs
- Fb event: We need funds to act in justice City Hall Craiova
Continued rescues in Romania!
- Help Us Save 60 More Dogs From Romania
- Radu Banciu: Nu avem nevoie de mila lui Rourke. Face adăpost pentru câini pentru că n-a muncit deloc pentru banii aceia - Radu Banciu: We do not need Rourke's mercy. (regarding Mickey Rourke's plan to build a huge rescue center for stray dogs in Romania)
- Romania and China move closer to live animal export agreement
- Всероссийская акция «За гуманный закон для животных в России. Стерилизации ДА! Эвтаназии НЕТ!» - Russian action "For humane law for animals in Russia. Sterilization YES! Euthanasia NO! " will be held October 4-6.
- Bill H.1182
An Act relative to the penalty for killing, maiming or poisoning of animals
Referred to Joint Committee on the Judiciary
- Stand4Wolves - WildEarth Guardians
Losing Wolves Would Impoverish Us All: See Why
- Temporary restraining order keeps third U.S. horse slaughter plant shuttered
- Harris County Deputy Sheriff charged with animal cruelty in neglect of horses
- List of fur farms raided by the ALF that have closed
More News: Animal Liberation Front (ALF) news, animal rights news
- Charity Aims To Rebuild Failing Animal Shelters In Romania
The Harmony Fund is launching a massive renovations project to rebuild dangerous shelters located in Romania.
- Dog lovers blockade Romanian parliament after supreme court upholds law allowing officials to kill strays
- Russian special forces confronting Greenpeace activists on Gazprom Arctic oil rig
- Rescue the Slow Loris: The Cutest Endangered Species
- Tell USDA to Prohibit Contact Between Captive Wild Animals and the Public (US)
- Tell Your New Jersey Legislator to Stand Up for Pigs One More Time(NJ)
- Help Dog Owners Keep Their Pets (MA)
- Speak Out for Pets like Sasha and Bear (MD)
- Craigslist: Stop advertising Animals on your website and subjecting them to abuse and murder!
- To forbid dolphin murders on Faroe Islands and in Japan!
- Declara a Tordesillas un lugar pérfido para la humanidad y fatídico para los animales indefensos - Tordesillas, Spain, is a medieval stronghold, with local political corruption that shows the most pervert torture and murder in a vile and despicable way, to one of the most beautiful animals on Earth - bull!
- Only Elephants Should Wear Ivory!
- Stop coal exports in the Pacific Northwest and halt climate disruption! (US)
- Fight back against climate-destroying carbon pollution (US)
- Federal: Oppose the “King Amendment” to House Farm Bill
- Save our forests from post-fire logging! (US)
- Stop the Plan to Slaughter Wolves
- FB event: BULLFIGHTING, we want to stop it now!!! Cyberaction!
Please send a protest-mail, just copy/paste, choose the letter and the receivers, members of the European Parliament!
- Urgent need to protect the Himalayan region and its communities
- Tell Home Depot and Lowe to stop selling poisoned plants! (US)
- Save free access to alternative and natural remedies (EU member countries)
- Praise the USDA for Strengthening Puppy Mill Regulations
- Applaud School for Ending Use of Animals in Medical Training
- Urge Iams to Stop Cruel Animal Testing
- Applaud Whole Foods Market for its Support of Labeling GMO’s
- The NFL Must Stop Funding Animal Testing
- Demand Russia Release Greenpeace Activists
- Praise Empowerment of Children in Sea Turtle Conservation
- Condemn Mining Company’s Efforts Toward Disastrous Project
- Justice for State Fair Dog
- City of Denton: Create an Ordinance to Ban the Declawing of Cats
- SAVE ROXY: Honorable Judge Chris Ninomiya, Dickinson County, Michigan: Vacate the order to destroy the pittbull mix known as Roxy, currently housed at the Almost Home Animal Shelter. Give her another chance.
- Rutherford County Elected Officials: Ban "Drop Box" For Unwanted Animals at Animal Control
- Beck Furs: STOP animal cruelty & STOP selling fur!
- Merced, CA Police Department: STOP using injured animals for target practice!
Update: We did it! Merced Police change barbaric animal policy.
- Michigan Renaissance Festival: Do Not Allow Exotic Animals At The Festival
- Indonesia Government: Stop Animal abuse
- Stop Malaysia's Barbaric method of getting rid of strays
- China Southern Airlines: Stop Cruel Primate Shipments
- Gumtree: Stop advertising and selling animals
- Dirigida a los diputados de la LX Legislatura del estado de Zacatecas: zacatecas sin corridas de toros - State of Zacatecas: No to Bull fighting!
- Stoppt den massenhaften Vogelmord in Ägypten!
Stop the mass bird-killing in Egypt!
- Tell China to Close Tiger Farms
- No Tax Dollars to Poison Wildlife
- Demand Bean Seafood Plant Stop Ripping Apart Live Lobsters & Crabs
- Ask Brisbane Police to Investigate Dog Being Walked Outside a Car!
- Act Now to Stop Cruel Cosmetics Tests on Animals in the U.S.
- Save Pit Bulls - pictured is Tazzy, killed by NYC Animal Control
- Stop Hartelust! - Stop this Dutch animal trader in the vivisection industry!
- Stop the Halal butcher/slaughterhouse opening in Basildon
- Stop Vivisection and any type of Tests on animals NOW!
- Against fur and leather
- Stop horse slaughter
- Shut down the Montana wolf hunting and trapping Facebook page.
- Save cats from torture and slaughter in Peru
Read Update #3 September 23, 2013
Partial victory, more signatures please!
- Ask Rihanna to Stand Up for the Slow Loris
News & Polls
- FB album: Protest impotriva eutanasierii in fata Curtii Constitutionale
Romania, Bucharest: app. 200 people are asking in front of the Constitutional Court for the dismissal of the "Euthanasia Law". VIER PFOTEN's team is there to protest against an immoral and inefficient law allowing the mass killing of dogs in Romania!
- Romania's Constitutional Court decided in favor of PL912!
- Curtea Constituţională a decis: Câinii maidanezi pot fi EUTANASIAŢI. Legea trebuie promulgată de preşedintele Băsescu - Constitutional Court Ruled: Stray Dogs Can Be Euthanized. Basescu Has Promulgated The Law!
- FB event: Save the Death Camp dogs - ROMANIAN WOOFERS NEED YOU!
Please support the Romanian Dogs who are safe now!
- FB album: Save the Death Camp Dogs Campaign Romanian Crisis Doggies
- Puppy Doe: Facebook Group Started in Case of Tortured Dog
- Critics trying to rescue dogs from 'sanctuary of sorrow'
Former Supporter Calls Forks Dog Sanctuary A Torture Chamber
- Maine Voters: Don’t Take the Bait - Bear baiting, hounding and trapping
- Shelters forced to reject strays in Kuala Lumpur!
- Scotland for Animals expelled from Parliament
Last night (24th) Scotland for Animals representatives were expelled from the Scottish Parliamentary Cross-Party Animal Welfare Group. This is a first in the history of the Parliament.
- GreekSTRAYS - Neutering | holiday information and homes in Ermioni, Greece
- Baby Doe/Kiya Guest Book
*Please Scroll all the way to the very last name/message at the bottom, and add your name/message/city/state and or country by placing your cursor there. Thank you!*
- Baboons arrive at Sanctuary
Good news! A large, east coast laboratory has stopped conducting research on baboons. As a result, nine females aged 13-23 years old—Pearl, Missy, Chloe, April, Friendly, Spicy, Brooke, Kennedy and Lulu—have been granted the freedom they have been denied for years.
- Country’s First Fur Ban Goes Into Effect
- Guide dog saved baby by pushing pram away from car
- Lion, tiger, and bear all live together. [VIDEO]
- A Cute Kitten vs Two Scary Things (Apples)
- Help Save the Great Barrier Reef
- End bear torture farms in Vietnam!
- Civets Suffer for Vile Coffee
Pledge Never to Drink Vile Civet Coffee
- Stop aux Dog Wash! - Ban this dog-washing machine
- Fermate l'abbandono canino! - NO to dog abandonment
- Russia: Stop The Poaching Of Amur Tigers
- IUCN - Change the conservation status of the Southern White rhino from "Near Threatened" to "Endangered".
- Get Justice for Kiya - "Puppy Doe"
- Help Stop the Navy’s Attack on Whales!
- Virtual Rally to Stop Animal Abuse at the Washington University in St. Louis (US)
- Tierhilfe Hoffnung e.V. | Ute Langenkamp
Urgent letter to send, Meursa Rescue Shelter, Romania!
English version of the protest letter is at the bottom of the page or use the following link that has all in English: Romania: 23/9/2013 – The Situation Is Dire With German Run Shelters Being Targetted To Act By 1/10/13 - Please Send Sample Letter Given Below to All E Mail Addresses Given In Block Listing Also Provided.
- Take A Stand for California Mustangs in Massacre Lakes HMA (US)
BLM Action Aims to Reduce/Kill Wild Horse Population While Allowing Many Times More Livestock in Designated Mustang Habitat!
- Contro la zooerastia - NO to bestiality! (confirmation needed)
- Demand animals not be treated as 'waste products'
Send a letter to the Russian Embassy to free our activists and end Arctic drilling
- Save Tiger Habitats from Coal Mining Operations in India
- Commend Russia for New Laws Protecting Endangered Wildlife
- Protect India’s Tigers from Harmful Human Activities
- Applaud Costa Rica for Closing Zoos
- Commend Efforts to Close Online Puppy Mills
- Urge Police to Press Charges Against Dog Groomer Who Killed Dog
- Support Ban on the Use of Lead Ammunition
- CRAIGSLIST: Stop allowing the sale or free to good home Ads for animals
- STOP Horse Slaughter in Canada and Adopt Bill C-322
- Crie uma Delegacia de Proteção aos Animais no estado do Mato Grosso do Sul
Brazil: Create an Animal Precinct in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul
- Justice for Ghostie Girl..A Family dog that was Intentionally Run Over by a Neighbor
- The Ban On Puppy Mills: We need to Stop Puppy Mills and Free the Prisoners for Profit
- Ohio must create a policy to stop global warming from palm oil industries.
- Punta Carretas Shopping: Exigimos que Punta Carretas Shopping Cese el Maltrato Animal INMEDIATAMENTE - We require Punta Carretas Shopping Center to cease animal abuse IMMEDIATELY
- Prefeitura Municipal de Jaboatão dos Guararapes-Pernambuco-Brasil: Assistência aos "PROTETORES DE ANIMAIS DE RUA".
Brazil, City of Jaboatão Guararapes-Pernambuco: Population control of dogs and cats is the obligation of the government (federal, state, municipal), investing funds for: -Neutering Campaigns- Public Education Campaigns- Supervision and Punishment for animal trade
- Non à la modification du statut des blaireaux - Région Wallonne
Wallonia, Belgium: Do not change the status of badgers
- SAVE Animals DON'T KILL: Forbid shelters from euthanizing animals due to overcrowding
- Extend Full Protection for Captive Chimpanzees
- Tell Coca-Cola to Stop Sponsoring Bullfighting
- Stop the torture and killing of dogs by the Colombian Armed Forces
- Stop Malaysia's barbaric method of getting rid of strays
- Stop the Otter Fur Trade in America and Canada
- Stop the Slaughter of the Taiji Dolphins!
- Demand that youtube removes cruel video!
Never ask to remove animal cruelty videos, REPORT them!
Reporting Internet Animal Abuse
- We request the eradication of traction of blood in the city of Mar del Plata
News and Polls
- Grand Theft Auto V Animal Rights Group DEMANDS BOYCOTT!
"Grand Theft Auto V" crossed the line by allowing game-playing children to run over, behead and kill animals -- and a prominent animal rights group is calling for a boycott. -> Vote YES for a boycott!
- Melissa's 2013 Dartmoor Challenge - Charity Challenge! (confirmation needed) -> A dog and cat rescue in Afghanistan run by British and Americans need our help, they need votes so they can win money for their clinic. Voting ends September 31st.
- Morgen 25.9.2013: ANIMAL SPIRIT bei "Schlachtfohlen"-Auktion in Maishofen
Austria: Tomorrow 09.25.2013: ANIMAL SPIRIT will fight to save foal in the auction in Maishofen. Hundreds of foals are to be slaughtered, so please support Animal Spirit!
- Newsletter: Will you let greyhound breeders get away with this?
- Email - The Cat Daddy <3s Feral Cats: New PSA - Alley Cat Allies
WATCH: My Cat From Hell Host Jackson Galaxy Lends Support to Feral Cats and National Feral Cat Day® in New PSA
- We did it! Merced Police change barbaric animal policy.
- Colorado Makes Massive Pet Friendly Rescue Effort After Flooding
- A Look Inside Bark-N-Rest, A Retirement Home For Former Death Row Dogs (PHOTOS)
- Ramdegi, Village In Central India, Relocates To Reduce Human Conflict With Wildlife
- This Neglected Dog Would Have Died If It Weren't for One Good Samaritan
- Click SHARE if you LOVE Pit Bulls. [VIDEO]