The Animal Rescue Site
The Rainforest Site

Thursday, October 31, 2013

October 31 petitions and more

  1. No to euthanasia of dogs in Romania!
  2. Stop Adel Abdessemed's Exhibition in Mathaf
  3. Urgent - Iran - Police Are Taking Away Pet Dogs From Owners
  4. Petition: No special performance at Circus Krone
  5. Protect our wild and scenic rivers from Big Oil!
  6. Thank Mayor of Concepcion, Junin, Peru for Demolishing the City's Bullfighting Ring
    Sample letter and email addresses are provided
  7. Tell Japan Airlines and Air China to stop transporting dolphins.
  8. Stop the foie gras sale at KaDeWe
  9. Speak Out Against McDonald's Canada Misery
  10. The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Proposed Rule: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) and the Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi); Extending the Public Comment Periods and Rescheduling Public Hearings!submitComment;D=FWS-HQ-ES-2013-0073-30560 -> Comment again! For the Mexican and Gray Wolf!
  11. Support Maintained Federal Protections for Gray Wolves (US)
  12. Stop the "Disposal" of over 2,700 Acres of the Elliott State Forest (US)
  13. STOP VIVISECTION 1 day left... still more signatures needed
  14. Bullfight Protest in France Met with Thuggish Police Response – Please Protest - Sample letter and email addresses are provided.
  15. Urge Egypt to Stop Cruel Cull of Dogs!
  16. Stop the mass slaughtering of street dogs in Egypt
  17. Tell Your Rep: Strike King Amendment From U.S. Farm Bill (US)
  18. USA: Protect Racehorses, Prohibit Performance-Enhancing Drugs! (US)
  19. Tell the Forest Service: No More Timber Tricks in America’s Tongass! (US)
  20. Michigan Residents: Tell Wayne State University to End Cruel Dog Experiments
  21. مبارزه با درج مطالب ضدّ حیوانات در ایران - Cats in Iran need our help
  1. Stop Selling Toilet Paper Made from Severely Damaged Sumatran Rainforest
  2. Stop Hunting Club From Killing Endangered Black Rhino
  3. Commend Journalist’s Support for Mourning Pet Owners
  4. Applaud Opening of National Elephant Sanctuary
  5. Protect Critically Endangered Wildlife from Lead Poisoning
  6. Praise Rescue of Cruelly Treated Monkeys
  7. Stop Torturing Pregnant Pigs
  8. Protect White Tigers from Inbreeding
  1. Help hunger strikers in front of Romanian consulate in Milano
  2. Last chance for Bosnian animals. Please vote AGAINST the amendment that will allow the killing of stray animals.
  3. Iran's feral cat & dog problems need urgent response
  4. Government of Egypt: Stop poisoning and shooting stray animals!
  5. Saudi Arabia: Stop the killing of cows and sheep for Eid al-Adha festival in Gaza
  6. Japan: Stop The Killing of Whales in Australian waters and around the world
  7. Tell online auction sites like Ebay to stop listing "horn" items made from rhino and any animal:. Stop selling "horn" items, even "antique" horns.
  8. Ministério do Ambiente de Angola: Parem com o abate de Focas no Namibe.
    Ministry of Environment of Angola: Stop the killing of seals in Namibia.
  9. Alcalde de Córdoba: No quiero que se paguen festejos taurinos con dinero público
    Mayor of Córdoba: No more public money spent on bullfighting
  10. Ayuntamiento de Segovia: NO a las corridas de toros en Segovia
    City of Segovia: NO to the bullfights in Segovia
  11. A la UNESCO: Que No Se Declare la Tauromaquia Como Patrimonio Cultural De la Humanidad. - UNESCO: Bullfighting is NOT a "Cultural Heritage Of Mankind"
  12. Ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y alimentación o a quien corresponda: que no se vendan animales en las tiendas - Spain, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: Stop the selling of the animals in stores.
  1. Tell the Military: No Explosives Tests During Fire Season!
  2. Ban Drift Nets in California
  3. Stop Testing Botox on Animals
  4. Demand Action for our Southwestern Desert Tortoises
  5. Stop the Indiscriminate Wildlife Slaughter
  6. Make Sure FWS Gets the Message: Americans Want Wolves to Stay Protected!
  7. Stop Annenberg Foundation Destruction of the Ballona Wetlands
  8. Demand The End Of The Seal Hunt In Canada Now!
  9. Tell Fish and Wildlife to Protect Wolves!
  10. Tell Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell: Put a Stop to this Delisting Catastrophe
  11. Boycott Montana, Wyoming and Idaho for the ongoing killing Grey Wolves
  12. Stand up against the delisting of the gray wolf in California!
News and Polls
  1. Hunters' Association: Exterminate the Wolf from Sweden
    Should the wolf stay in Sweden? Vote Yes/JA
  2. Sarah Palin Responds To Piers Morgan With A Picture Of A Freshly Killed Bear On Facebook (PICTURE) - Quick Poll: Whose team are you on?
    The poor bear who has just been savagely murdered for sport
  3. Website: About | Keep Michigan Wolves Protected
  4. Pet Rescue |
    Read the latest pet rescue news from our team of local insiders.
  5. October's News from WildlifeDirect
  6. Elephant Family News - October 2013
  7. VIDEO: Graham the cat visits Pets at Home store every day - paying particular attention to the mice and fish for sale

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30 petitions and more

  1. Iran will send a tied up monkey into space as an experiment (confirmation needed)
  2. "Animal testing" label placed on product packaging: Brazil
  3. Protect the rhino population of South Africa by keeping awaiting trial poachers in prison
  4. Terminar la muerte de inocentes toros en Lima, Peru.
    End the death of innocent bulls in Lima, Peru.
  5. The People of New-Brunswick demand a referendum and moratorium on Shale Gas exploration!
  6. Tell electricity and fuel companies that you will refuse to buy native forest derived bioenergy!
  7. Stop Mayor Francisc Boldea from killing 400 dogs!
  8. Tell Boris the world’s wildlife needs his help
    The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) needs you to tell Boris that without his help, London’s specialist wildlife police could go extinct. Please add your name to our letter today.
  9. Protect the Chesapeake Bay from fracking export terminals (US)
  10. Keep the 400 Remaining Sumatran Tigers Alive
  11. Strip Poisonous Lead From Hunting Ammunition
  12. Help bring wild plains bison back to Banff National Park
  13. Tell the EPA: It's Time to Stop Runoff
  14. Bosnian Government: Protect the stray dogs instead of killing them
  15. Stop the Auction to Hunt Endangered Black Rhinos
  16. Gray Wolves are Recovered; Next Up, the Mexican Wolf
    From the US Fish and Wildlife service, PLEASE COMMENT!
  17. We want to save the stray dogs in Romania, there is only one solution for it!
  18. Petition against the animal-killing death-camps in the EU!
  1. Close Dog Meat Slaughterhouse in South Korea
  2. Slaughter of Dogs in Taiwan Must Stop
  3. End Cruel Blood Sport of Fox Hunting in Ireland
  4. Stop Dog Trafficking In Thailand
  5. Stop The Slaughter of Stray Animals in Singapore
  6. Protect Taiwan’s Stray Animals
  7. Stop the Farming, Torture and Slaughter of Saint Bernards for Human Consumption in China
  8. Ask the President of China to Make Harvesting Bear Bile Illegal
  9. Encourage Animal Welfare Activists in China
  10. Take Action Against Illegal Logging in Guyana
  11. Protect Arctic Wildlife from Offshore Drilling
  1. Al Ayuntamiento de Melilla: Terminar con la exterminación masiva de los gatos callejeros - The City of Melilla: End the mass extermination of stray cats.
  2. Mayor of Rhodes: Do not close the Cat Sanctuary at Kalithea Spa in Rhodes.
  3. Claire Perry MP: Highlight this cruelty, apply pressure to get this stopped
  4. EU: A Law against the massacre of abandoned dogs!
  5. Instituto Royal: Devolve O Sir Willians - Department of Justice: Return the dog Sir Willians used for testing of cleaning products, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals at the Royal Institute to his adoptive family!
  6. Parlamento Italiano: Abolizione della caccia - Italy: Abolish the hunting!
  7. Procura della Repubblica - Tribunale di Taranto; Procura della Repubblica - Tribunale di Brindisi; Sindaco Comune di Mesagne; Sindaco Comune di Manduria; Ministero della Sanità - Gaetana Ferri: Sostegno all'Associazione Gaia
    Support for Association Gaia
  8. Barbarie de los tauricidas: Exigimos la inmediata destitución del alcalde de Rodilhan
    France: We demand the immediate dismissal of the mayor of Rodilhan
  9. Georgia Department of Agriculture: Investigate and Prosecute Jason Broom and Floyd County Animal Control for animal abuse, animal neglect, theft, drug sales, and misappropriation of funds.
  10. Gov. Jerry Brown, California State Senate and Legislature: Stop saving dogs and cats by killing them!
  11. Japan, Iceland and Norway: Cease their ongoing killing of whales
  1. Ban Livestock Grazing in Mexican Wolf Recovery Area
  2. Stop Nicotine Experiments on Animals
  3. Demand Investigation into Horror Shelter in Hresa, Bosnia
    2 more petitions are included in description. Please sign them as well.
  4. Stop animal giveaways on Craigslist! (target?!)
  5. Verbot des Bauvorhabens der Schliefanlage bei Wettingen in der Schweiz
    Prohibit the construction of the closing plant in Wettingen in Switzerland
  6. Animal Liberation/Animal Equality
  7. Demand that Peru stops the skinning of live dolphins!
  8. Demand Victoria Improve koala protection
  9. Demand that walker Bay whale sanctuary become a Marine Protected Area.
  10. Demand a Change in Maricopa County Animal Care and Control Starting with Dr. Rodrigo Silva
  11. Ask Indian Government to give more attention to ten critically endangered birds
  12. Ask Le Cordon Bleu London not to use Dutch Veal and Foie Gras in the kitchens!
  13. Demand an end to the biggest threat our oceans have ever faced.
  14. Tell North Carolina Lawmakers to shape up on the environment
News and Polls
  1. POLL: Should the permits for the Florida bull run be stopped? YES
  2. POLL: Should the ban on fox hunting be relaxed in the UK? NO
  3. Hunters' Association: Exterminate the Wolf from Sweden
    Should the wolf stay in Sweden? Vote Yes/JA 
  4. Vote for one of the five finalists for the October 2013 Lakers Youth Foundation YOU Grant - Please vote for American Humane Association to get $5000.00US grant.
  5. Man arrested in Puppy Doe cruelty case faces felony charges
  6. Animal Rescue Sofia | Help Create An ARSofia Shelter
  7. Rumänien: Tierärzte wollen Hundeplage beenden
    Romania: Vets want to stop dog plague"mass killing will not solve the problem"
  8. FB page: Making The Link - THE European Study on the LINK
  9. A dog slaughterhouse and 33 markets shut down
    VICTORY! A dog slaughterhouse and 33 markets shut down in China following LCA's joint investigation with Animal Equality and GDTB!
  10. Israel plans mass spaying campaign to combat street cat proliferation
  11. L.A. moves to ban use of bullhooks on circus elephants

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29 petitions and more

  1. Save the Elephant from Extinction: Ban All Trade In Ivory Now
  2. Protest please! Romania, an EU Country... Atrocities unpunished
  3. Netherlands, Erasmus Medical Center: STOP experiments on monkeys
  4. Help millions of pigs in EU, sign the petition!
  5. Stop the Senseless Killing of Mute Swans Around JFK Airport, NY
  6. Napthine, Stand up to coke
  1. Prevent Death Of The Dead Sea
  2. Save Cougars in New Mexico
  3. Stop Hunting Club From Killing Endangered Black Rhino
  4. Commend Chihuahua’s Fight Against Animal Hoarding
  5. Stop Cruel and Fruitless Experiments on Animals
  6. Stop Discrimination Against Specific Dog Breeds
  7. Protect Pets from Contaminated Food
  8. Save Collapsing Bee Populations
  9. Protect Agricultural Land from Oil Spills
  1. Canadian Government: Ban the Production of Eggs in Battery Cages
  2. Protect Spanish hunting dogs: Get a federal law that will protect them from cruelty (target?!)
  3. Canada support for destructive mining in Romania? Not in my name!
  4. SeaWorld, Inc.: Humanely release the Orca whale known as Tilikum to a seapen for rehab
  5. Nigeria: We Say NO To A New Dog meat market in Jos!
  6. Politia Romana: Cerem arestarea lui Puya pentru instigare publica la ucidere
    Romanian Police: We demand the arrest of Puya for public instigation to murder
  7. Punish RADU BANCIU, from B1TV for instigation to crimes towards animals, at the full extend of the law (Codul Penal art.324)
  8. Président de l'UE, Secrétaire et Députés européens: Exclude Romania from EU
  9. Mass-media TREBUIE sa plateasca pentru instigare la violenta si crima
    Media must pay for the instigation to violence and crime
  10. Romanian Police MUST find the these criminals and PUNISH THEM
  1. Stop the World's Largest Animal Sacrifice in Nepal
  2. Save Orangutans from Barbaric Cruelty and Abuse
  3. End Donkey Basketball & Close Company Websites
  4. No more orcas in captivity
  5. Demand an apology from the Catholic Church for killing millions of cats during the witch-hunt
  6. Stand against pet euthanasia
  7. Give TILIKUM a Voice!
  8. Urgent: Last Chance to Protect America's Wolves
  9. Save the Last Intact Habitat for Tigers in Thailand
  10. Say NO to Chinese Greyhound Racing Stadiums
  11. Demand an End to the Dog Fighting Now! (target?!)
  12. Against horrific atrocities committed towards animals
  13. Petition for dogs of Romania
  14. Demand shade for all animals
  15. Give Pendleton County an Animal Shelter!
  16. Sign Up for 2014 National Anti Gas Chamber and Anti Heart Stick Event ...
  17. Push for a ban on hydraulic fracturing in Massachusetts
News and Polls
  1. Hunters' Association: Exterminate the Wolf from Sweden
    Should the wolf stay in Sweden? Vote Yes/JA
  2. Sunteţi de acord cu legea adoptată de Parlament privind eutanasierea câinilor fără stăpân? - Do you agree with the law passed by Parliament on stray dogs 'euthanasia'? Vote NU/ NO please!
  3. Moet onverdoofd slachten omwille van religieuze redenen verboden worden?
    Belgium: Vote YES/JA for a BAN on religious slaughter without stunning!
  4. Vote for one of the five finalists for the October 2013 Lakers Youth Foundation YOU Grant - Please vote for American Humane Association to get $5000.00US grant.
  5. Dog Meat – Does China Want to Export it to the US?
  6. State park will no longer allow trapper to catch wild monkeys for labs
    Please send a quick note to the Florida Park Service to thank them for their compassionate decision. Florida State Parks | Feedback Form
    Regarding : Silver Spring State Park

    To whom it concerns,
    I'm applauding the decision by the Florida Park Service to no longer allow a trapper to remove wild monkeys from Silver Springs State Park for sale to laboratories!
    Thank you for your compassionate decision.
  7. Sorry, But Wolf Slaughter Is Not American by James William Gibson
  8. Tötung der Straßenhunde in Rumänien
    Slaughter of street dogs in Romania (use translator please)
  9. Карельские зоозащитники высказались в поддержку скорейшего подписания нового закона о животных - Russia, Karelia: Animal right activist expressed support for the early signing of an Animal Welfare Law
  10. Largest mink farm in the country is currently on fire
  11. Can Saving Snow Leopards Quench People's Thirst?
    In other words: Where in the high mountains of central Asia can we simultaneously maximize conservation of snow leopard habitat and secure water for human use downstream, now and under future climate conditions?
  12. When This Kitty Plays He Does Something Ridiculously Cute

Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28 petitions and more

  1. FB event: Stop the brutal catching of dogs in Serbia
    Send a protest letter and sign the petition
  2. When Wolves Lose Endangered Species Act Protection, We Lose Wolves!
  3. EU: Stop Bosnia's dog slaughter law!
  4. Stop Mayor Francisc Boldea from killing 400 dogs!
  5. Start Animal Abusers List in all states & harsh penalties
  6. Help to restore bison to Banff National Park
  7. Tell the Snack Food 20: Cut Conflict Palm Oil, Not Rainforests (US)
  8. Declare a global sanctuary in the Arctic and stand with the 28 activists currently being detained in Russia
  9. Privately-Owned Chimpanzees Deserve Retirement Too!
  10. The Truth About Chicken
  11. STOP VIVISECTION 4 days left, more signatures needed (EU)
  12. Get World Animal Day on the United Nations' global agenda
  1. Stop the slaughtering of Sweden's wild animals!
  2. Stop the killing of wolves to protect Mountain and Woodland Caribou in British Columbia.
  3. Queremos que se prohiba, se procese y se condene a quienes consuman carne de perros y gatos y al comercio de sus pieles
    Switzerland: Ban dog and cat meat consumption and the fur trade!
  4. Until Montana calls off state sanctioned wolf hunts, withhold your tourism dollars from Montana.
  5. Diga não à legalização da exploração de cavalos no Rio Grande do Sul
    Say no to legalizing horse farm in Rio Grande do Sul
  6. Убрать из Интернета пропаганду жестокости к животным
    Russia: Remove videos promoting animal cruelty!
  7. Sustitución de Vehículos de Tracción Animal y la Liberación de los caballos esclavos en Cali, Colombia - Replace animal drown vehicles in Cali, Columbia
  8. Stop the Apuan Alps's destruction
  1. Commend Students for World’s First Solar Panel Pathway
  2. Applaud Network for Airing Whale Captivity Documentary
  3. Stop Biofuel Project from Destroying Endangered Rainforests
  4. Applaud Ban on Monkey Street Performances
  5. Save Wild and Scenic Rivers from Industrialization
  6. Applaud Ban on Wild Animals in Circuses
  7. Applaud Professor for Creative Sustainable Living Project
  8. Demand Colorado Legislators Ban Hydraulic Fracturing
  1. Boone County Commission - Boone County Legislative Representatives: The killing of companion animals must stop.
  2. Winchester/Frederick County Curcuit Court: Give Russell Ebersole the maximum possible sentence for animal cruelty
  3. SeaWorld: Free Tilikum, the Orca.
  4. Lexington,South Carolina Town Counsel: Remove the anti pit bull officers at the Ball Park Road Facility and change your regulations on holding time.
  5. The undersigned residents/property owners of Johnson County, Texas hereby petition Johnson County to provide and maintain an animal shelter for use by county residents.
  6. US: Create a National Registry Database of ALL Known Animal Abusers
  7. Romania, Bucharest: Identify, fire and charge with animal cruelty the dog catchers and those who hired them.
  8. Animal Equality and LCA infiltrate the dog and cat meat trade in China
  9. Australia: Stop mutilating, torturing, and killing sheep to make UGG Boots.
  10. Stop alla Caccia Safari nello Zimbabwe - Stop Safari Hunting in Zimbabwe!
  11. Stop the Brutal Catching and Killing of Dogs in Serbia!
  12. Justice for Menshe - Shot and Killed in his neighborhood in Craiova, Romania
  13. Partido Popular: Que las corridas de toros no vuelvan a Cataluña
    Spain: Do not let bullfighting return to Catalonia
  14. Junta directiva de la AECC: No aceptes donativos de una actividad como la tauromaquia. - Mexico, Board of AECC: Do NOT accept donations coming from bullfighting!
  15. Presidente o gobierno de la República Mexicana: No a las corridas de toros, ni en el D.F ni en todo México - NO to bullfighting, in and around Mexico City!
  16. Universidade Federal do Maranhão: Puna os agressores e acabe com o sacrifício de animais no campus - Brazil, Federal University of Maranhão: Punish the killers and end with animal sacrifices on University campus.
  17. Jacksonville City Leaders: Save Jacksonville's Animal Shelter By Opposing the Proposed Budget Cuts
  18. City of Hastings, MN: Pass and enforce anti-tethering and humane animal treatment laws
  19. The City of Moose Jaw: Enter in a Fair Contract with the Humane Society RE: Pound Keeping
  20. We the undersigned petition the City of Woodstock and the other municipalities of Oxford County to subsidize the cost of operating a veterinary clinic for the residents of Oxford County.
  21. The City of Plymouth : Bring More Funding to Our Local Shelter to Make MCHS a NO-KILL Shelter.
  22. City of Winnipeg: Lift The Ban On Owning A Pit Bull, American Pit Bull, Staffordshire, and American Staffordshire Bull Terrier and/or Bully Deemed Cross Breeds Within the City of Winnipeg
  23. Person: Ban the captivity of Orcas!
  1. Act now to help "nanny of handicapped dogs"!
  2. Ask City council to change their policy on feral/stray cats and allow responsible citizens to feed them
  3. Stop The National Trust From Culling Badgers
  4. Donkey Ball Petition- End Cruelty on the Basketball Court!
  5. Rescue Yupi the Polar Bear from Scorching Mexican Zoo
News and Polls
  1. Hunters' Association: Exterminate the Wolf from Sweden
    Should the wolf stay in Sweden? Vote Yes/JA
  2. New details emerge in 'Puppy Doe' case
  3. K-9 Angels - Romanian Shelter Appeal
    FB page: K-9 Angels
  4. Strays in captivity - ESDAW
  5. Soi Dog Foundation - Sponsor A Dog Today (Thailand)
  6. The final movie trailer for OR7 - The Journey [VIDEO]
  7. What This Dog Had to Endure Will Bring You to Tears - Watch his Rescue
  8. This is the Hilarious Reason Why Cats and Dogs Don't Get Along

Saturday, October 26, 2013

October 27 petitions and more

  1. Stand with indigenous people of Canada against Texas frackers.
  2. Tell your Representative to support safe, clean offshore wind energy today.
  3. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is putting the Arctic Ocean in the hands of the oil industry.
  4. Keep Primates In The Wild, Not In Our Homes
  5. Safeguard Our Seawater From Ocean Acidification
  6. Northern Long-Eared Bats Need Protections
  7. Tell the FDA to Enact Stronger Pet Food Safety Regulations
  8. Bulls Ripped Apart in Barbaric Ritual--Take Action Now!
  9. Law & Orca: Morgan Needs You!
    Subject: I show my support for Morgan
    Minister for Agriculture Sharon Dijksma
    Dear Sir,
    I read that Morgan’s next hearing will be at the High Court in Den Haag (The Hague), Netherlands on the Tuesday 3rd of December 2013 at 10:45 am. (Council of State (Raad van State) of the Netherlands, Chamber Unit A3, Kneuterdijk 22, 2514 EN Den Haag, Netherlands ).
    I call for Morgan’s transfer to a sanctuary.
    Please help to prevent any other orca from suffering as Morgan has suffered ever again.
  10. Justice For Breezy (Dog kicked and beaten with a shovel and rake, and tossed in a dumpster in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
  11. Tell your MP you want strong protection for Pacific salmon
    (if not from Canada just copy/paste the letter and email addresses and send the letter on your own)
  12. Tell Staten Island hospital to instruct USDA to postpone any planned turkey killing
  13. Pass the Save America's Pollinator's Act of 2013, HR 2692 (US)
  1. Commend Efforts to Reduce Global Food Waste
  2. Commend Winery for Helping Dogs in Need
  3. Commend Brave Dachshund for Fighting Obesity
  4. Save Environmental Conservation Education Center from Permanent Closure
  5. Praise Crackdown on Animal Abuse
  6. Stop Ironic Killing of Critically Endangered Rhino
  7. Clean Up Hazardous Fossil Fuel Waste Piles
  8. Stop Taxpayer Money from Destroying Coral Reef
  9. Applaud Research Promoting Conservation of Rare Bird
  1. Romanian Police must find these criminals and punish them
  2. Prime Minister Stephen Harper & President Barack Obama: Create An Animal Abuser/Killer Registry
  3. Iowa: Stop Offering Courses In Commercial Dog Breeding
  4. European Union: STOP Bosnia from replicating the "Romanian Slaughter Law" and allow the killing of all homeless dogs, two weeks after capture.
  5. Neville Greeley, Mayor of Cornerbrook, Newfoundland: Allow the dump site cats to be helped.
  6. Tout le monde: Signer et signaler la page
    Cat Torture: Report the Facebook group as well!
  7. FB: Add animal abuse to reporting & deleting criteria for animal cruelty pages
  8., also known as "Frikkie du Toit Safaris" and "Providers of Christ": Stop their photo of hunting adventures
  9. a Dña. Ana Botella Alcaldesa de Madrid: Ruego supriman la ley de denuncia a quien controla colonias de gatos callejeros, muchos de ellos son abandonados y solo con alimento y paciencia se les puede rescatar.
    Spain: Help protect feral cat colonies.
  10. Stop Decatur Alabama Mayor Don Kyle's Targeted Killing of Shelter Animals
  11. Rescue World : Stop the Bullying of Great Rescuers such as Let Them Live
  1. Stop the Killing of Rhinos as a way to Save Rhinos!
  2. Stop the Expansion of Coal Exports from British Columbia's Ports
  3. Take a stand to protect Californian forests against ever expanding wineries
  4. Stop Killing Wildlife
  5. Stop Prince George tract from being developed and contaminating SC Estuaries
  6. Demand to Permit 20++ Year Resident Manalapan Cats to Continue to Live in Wooded Area
  7. Shut down the "Wisconsin wolf hunting facebook page"
  8. Let's Put An End To Craigslist Community Pet Section Forever
  9. Ban fireworks in rural areas from petrifying livestock and wildlife.
  10. Demand Little Rock Zoo Send Sophie, Babe and Zina to a Sanctuary
  11. Retire Limba the elephant to PAWS Sanctuary
  12. Ban Gabriel Brandenburg from keeping rats that she neglects and tortures.
  13. Stop Belgian Pigeon Races
  14. Bats Need More Than a Wing and a Prayer
News and polls
  1. Vote for one of the five finalists for the October 2013 Lakers Youth Foundation YOU Grant  - Please vote for American Humane Association to get $5000.00US grant. You can only vote once.
  2. Hunters' Association: Exterminate the Wolf from Sweden
    Should the wolf stay in Sweden? Vote Yes/JA
  3. POLL: Should the slaughter of wolves in British Columbia be banned? YES!
  4. Brazilian Activists freed 200 Laboratory Beagles! [VIDEO]
  5. Places for Wolves: Wolf Habitat in North America
  6. America's Wolves At Risk [VIDEO]
  7. Lulu's Abuser is Charged with Extreme Animal Cruelty
  8. Jailed animal rights activist goes on hunger strike in Illinois
  9. Romanian Stray Dogs Ploiesti: Holding my head above dark waters
  10. Just in, Phineas the dog has been returned
  11. Shelter Dogs Model for Ralph Lauren
  12. Baby Elephant Loves Cuddling with Arthur (Original) [VIDEO]
  13. The Price Was Right for The Elephants Bob Barker Saved - 1 Million Dollars!
  14. This Funny Talking Dog Got Pranked... and It's Going to Make You Laugh
  15. A Dog Shot and Left in the Mountains to Die was Carried Home by an Angel.
  16. What A Wonderful World With David Attenborough -- BBC One [FULL HD]

Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25 petitions and more

  1. Write Wild: Tell Canada's Transport Minister to Say "No" to Northern Manitoba Oil Shipments by Rail
  2. IDA Works to Prevent Lab Drownings
    Anniversary of a Tragedy - On October 27, 2012, floodwaters surged the basement laboratories of NYU Medical Center as a consequence of Hurricane Sandy drowning approximately 10,000 animals trapped in their cages. As a result, IDA has initiated a campaign to pressure the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), to prohibit the housing of animals in basement laboratories in flood-prone areas.
  3. Additional Action Needed to Help Animal Victims of Cruelty (WI)
  4. Leave beluga whales in the wild
  5. Demand Miami Seaquarium Retire Orca Lolita, Ending Her 43 Year Captivity in Conditions Violating the Animal Welfare Act
  6. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Don't Legalize Mass Killing Of Stray Animals
    Voting is on Monday, Oct. 28, 2013. Please send the protest letter
  7. Gray Wolves in Grave Danger – Act by 10/28/13 (US)
  8. Help Millions of Pigs Suffering in EU.
  9. Help Stop the King Amendment from Becoming Law (US)
  10. Stop the Senseless Killing of Mute Swans Around JFK Airport, NY
    Copy and paste the provided sample comment or write your own.
  11. Non à la chasse aux baleines! - No to whaling! (confirmation needed)
  12. Protect Puffins from Starvation
  13. Sweden: Do Not touch our Golden Eagles!
  14. Tell Shell & Gazprom to free the Arctic 30
  1. Condemn Animal Shelter for Euthanizing Puppy
  2. Save Environmental Conservation Education Center from Permanent Closure
  3. Stop Rampant Use of Harmful Chemicals in Agriculture
  1. Minister Madeleine Meilleur: Ban Puppy Mills In Canada
  2. Giunta Provinciale di Parma, Presidente della giunta, Sindaco di Parma, Giunta Regionale Emilia Romagna e ISPRA: gli Enti competenti sospendano l'autorizzazione all'inutile uccisione delle volpi sul territorio Parmense
    Relevant authorities suspend the useless killing of foxes in Parma, Italy
  3. East Riding of Yorkshire Council: Refuse East Yorkshire Beagle Farm Expansion!
  4. Sistemazione Gatti Della Continassa (Cantiere Nuova Sede Della Juventus)
    Turin, Italy: Provide an accommodation for the cat colony, because of Juventus' new headquarters
  5. Ministry of Security and Justice Netherlands: Bring to Justice Torch Gallery and Katinka Simonse. Justice for the animals killed in the name of ART!
    This Dutch would-be 'artist' is a sadist and should be locked -up finally!
  6. Elizabeth Arden: #ComeClean about Animal Tests
  1. Justice for CRASH, NO Plea Bargain
  2. API Blatantly Distorts Facts. Help Fight Back.
  3. Stop Sponsoring Circus Cruelty
  4. Tell Mars Candy- Stop Animal Experiments
  5. ExxonMobil's Oil Exploration Kills 100 Whales
  6. End Violence and Torture to Elephants in India
  7. Ban the Import and Export of Tiger Bone Wine
  8. Ban Canned Hunting in Arizona
  9. Stop Indonesian restaurant (Lapo) to serve dog meat on their menu
  10. Stop the Badger Culls!
  11. Stop Animal Slaughter in Australia
  12. Peru stop killing Dolphins and using them for Shark bait
  13. Stop The Killing Of All African Exotic Animals  ...
  14. Don't Allow the Sponsored Sport Killing of a Rare Black Rhino
  15. End Deforestation Of Wild Animal Habitat
  16. Tell the EPA - Get Poisonous Lead out of Hunting Ammo
  17. Tell the USDA: Protect Baby Tigers, Lions and Other Wild Animals
  18. Demand an End to Senseless Dog and Cat Deaths
  19. Help Support 'Paw Justice'
  20. Action Plan to Clean Our Oceans
News & Polls
  1. STOP VIVISECTION! More than 1 MILLION signatures! 6 days left!
    Please continue to sign, invite and share!!
  2. Poll: Les animaux doivent-ils être reconnus comme des êtres sensibles?
    Are animals sentient beings? Vote YES/OUI (confirmation needed)
  3. Poll: Êtes-vous pour l'abolition de la corrida en France?
    Do you support the abolition of bullfighting in France?
    Vote: Oui, ce spectacle n'est pas digne d'un pays civilisé.
  4. Olympische Winterspiele 2014 in Sotschi: Knapp 50.000 Stimmen gegen das Töten der Streunertiere - Olympic Winter Games in Sochi 2014: Nearly 50,000 signatures against killing of stray animals
  5. CNN FILMS Broadcasts ‘Blackfish’ and ‘Pandora’s Promise’ in October, November
    CNN invites Users to join the Social Conversation Surrounding CNN Films' Blackfish
  6. Japan dolphin-killing town to open marine park, serve dolphin meat
  7. Don’t believe the hype – hooliganism is hardly better than piracy
    (about jailed Greenpeace activists)
  8. News | American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign
  9. You can win :) – Tierschutzkalender 2014
    Register til October 31 and you might win a calendar from Robin Hood animal welfare organization :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

October 24 petitions and more

  1. Save Pets From Abusive Research Practices
  2. Stop Big Ag From Silencing Whistleblowers!
  3. Horses Aren’t Food! Pass the SAFE Act (US)
  4. Stop the killing of wolves to protect Mountain and Woodland Caribou in British Columbia.
  5. Stop The Abuse And torture Of Wild and Domestic Animals
  6. Speak Up To Protect Bluefin Tuna
  7. Help Dolphins Still Struggling in the Gulf
  8. STOP VIVISECTION  991,852 Signatures and 7 days to go (EU)
  9. Oregon's Wolves Under Threat (US)
  10. Overbreeding, doping and greyhound killing exposed in Australia
    Make a comment by Nov. 6 - Sample letter can be find here:
    Have your say on greyhound racing in NSW
  11. Dogs chained and beaten in Liberty City Miami. 2 dogs dead so far. Please help us to fight for the rest! Read below & share!
  12. Say no to the suffering of millions of EU pigs! (confirmation needed)
  1. Stop aux ramassages intempestifs et injustifiés sur Le Portel / Outreau / Boulogne sur Mer - Stop the disappearances of cats!
  2. Non à la récolte de dons via la tauromachie
    - France: NO to Donations through Bullfighting!
  3. Halte au projet de porcherie aux Bouys à Chirat l'église, Allier en Auvergne - Stop the piggery project at Shirat church, Allier in Auvergne
  4. Halte à la mort des bovins due aux canettes déchiquetées dans le foin
    Stop the death of cattle due to aluminum cans in the hay!
  5. Besançon chat ....l'heureux! - Cat shelter: Give them the grant they deserve!
  6. Pour la création d'un refuge dans le dpt 06
    Create a safe shelter for abandoned animals!
  1. Stop Stores from Selling Unhealthy Puppies
  2. Help Preserve The Orangutan’s Habitat
  3. Revoke Laws That Protect Agricultural Animal Abusers
  4. Commend Increase in Penalties for Animal Abusers
  1. Harrison County, Biloxi Mississippi police: Take action against Dory's attacker
  2. Demand that Brett D. Neil of 90 Resolute Street in Rochester receive the maximum jail time and financial penalty
  3. Gov. Neil Abercrombie, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA,) and Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR.): Stop the purposeful killing of sharks in Hawaiian waters.
  4. Operation Whale Defense 2013-14: Stop Norwegian Whaling Prime minister and Government!
  5. Animal lovers: Take the animal section off of Craigslist!
  6. Ringling Brothers: Stop using animals in the circus now!
  7. Governor Deval Patrick: Stop the Sale of Shark Fins in Massachusetts
  8. Governor Nikki R. Haley: Eli's Law
  9. Bentonville Arkansas Police Dept (SWAT) Officers: Lt Robert Burkhart, Cpl. Jason Beeler is the officer who shot our dog: Fire The Officers Who Shot Queen
  10. President Obama, Sec Sally Jewell, Sec Tom Vilsack, Dir Dan Ashe: Stop the killing of the wolves, canis lupus in the U.S.A.
  11. Hamer Guitars: Stop using ivory in your guitars
  12. State Of New York: Do NOT let Amanda Bynes own any animals
  13. Facebook: Reactivate the Let's Adopt Global Facebook Page
  14. Animal Kill Shelters: Stop killing innocent animals that do not have a home
  15. Hotel-Restaurant Erbprinz: Streichen Sie "Gänsestopfleber" von Ihrer Speisekarte!
    "Prince" Hotel-Restaurant: Swipe "foie gras" from your menu!
  16. Brisbane City Council, Brisbane Lord Mayor: Save the animals on Wacol Station Rd, Wacol
  1. Sign On to Stop Wildlife Crime
  2. Ask Bermuda to Establish the Largest Marine Reserve in the Atlantic
  3. Save the Malayan Tiger from Extinction
  4. Stop Permits for Florida Bull Run
  5. End All Animal Exploitation at University of Utah
  6. Stop Illegally Destroying Elephant Habitat in Welioya Mullaitivu.
  7. Tell the Military: No Explosives Tests During Fire Season!
  8. Stop adverts for FREE DOGS in the UK
  9. Stop 'Class B Dealers' From selling Pets to Research Labs
  10. Stop landlords from forcing us to get rid of our pets.
  11. Help stop the sexual use of animals in Denmark!
  12. Don't start the slaughter of wolves!
  13. Stop Pigeon, Rabbit & Deer Hunting In Scotland
  14. End Hazing of Wild Buffalo & Newborn Calves
  15. Stop Bear Pit Cruelty Nationwide!
  16. Stop baby elephant training for tourist attraction.
  17. Tell Cameron – Scrapping Green Regulations Is Not the Answer
  18. Update about 'State of Wisconsin: ban wisconsin dog owners from keeping dogs outside in winter time - Update and the Closure of the petition on
News and Polls
  1. Mountain Lion Foundation | News
    Big Game Hunter Pays $13,500 to Participate in Nebraska's First Ever Exclusive Lion Hunt
  2. Mad Sausage [VIDEO]
  3. Pet Rescue |  ...updates and news...
  4. General Pets |  ....general articles, animals...
  5. Quebec will end killing of animals in gas chambers and regulations for breeders
  6. Website: ACE Animal Care España
    Spain, many dogs to be adopted! Save the Dogs of Los Barrios!
  7. Cute polar bear cubs lovin' up their mamma [VIDEO]
  8. Grumpy cat: How one very sour puss is building a money-spinning global showbiz empire