- Justice for dog dragged behind high-speed motorbike in Quanzhou, China!
- Prosecute Turkish college student cat slayer!
- Bring justice to cat on Facebook!
- Support New York bill that would ban tattooing animals!
- No green light to kill bald eagles, the US national bird!
- Save pregnant elephant & animals in Kharkiv Zoo
- Demand justice over police killing the dog of a homeless man in Langzhong. Demand animal cruelty laws in China and stop people from committing further atrocities against the innocent and vulnerable.
- Georgia State Senate: OPPOSE HB 423!
- Nevada Dept of Wildlife: Fire Carl Lackey
- Turkey plans to kill all stray animals
- Save Mickey from being euthanized on March 13, 2014 (previously 3/3/14)
- End Williamsville Cemetery fence deer impalements!
- Protect New Jersey's Dogs and Cats with Jack's Law
- Quickly issue a special import permit to Canada for Arturo the Polar bear.
- No al premio artistico del Teatro La Fenice ad un torero! La corrida non è arte ne' cultura: e' solo violenza!
- Pass the Orca Welfare and Safety Act
- Do not Approve The Chinese Government's Application for this...
- Keep Jeffrey Henry out of jail for saving the life of a young eagle.
- Save eagles from painful and deadly lead poisoning
- Stop Indians Killing Eagles/Raptors for Religious Rituals
- Stop issuing permits to kill bald eagles
- Preserve Fones Cliff a very important bald eagle habitat
- Condemn Obama Administration for Allowing Murder of Bald Eagles
- Save Bald Eagle Habitat from Destruction
- Don’t Weaken Eagle Protections in the United States
- Hold Wind Farms Accountable for Endangered Bird Deaths
- Tell the NRA That Toxic Bullets Are Killing Wild Birds
- Support Ban on the Use of Lead Ammunition
- Protect Wildlife from Lead Ammunition
- Criminalize Possession of Banned Chemical Used to Kill Birds of Prey
- Eliminate Toxic Lead from Hunting Ammunition
- Wind-Energy Project Threatens Populations of Vulnerable California Birds
- Save Alaska’s Tongass National Forest from Clear Cut Loggers
- Prevent Weakening of the Endangered Species Act
- Stop the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from Undermining the Endangered Species Act
- Ban Electric Shock Collars for Pets
- Convict Runaway Animal Abusers for Harming Pets
- Prosecute Man Who Endangered Puppy’s Life
- End Insane Donkey ‘Sports’
- Protect Bison from Senseless Slaughter
- Demand State Protect Endangered Wolves from Hunters