- Protect The Gray Wolf From Extinction (CLOSED)
- Save Wolves From Dirty Oil (CLOSED)
- Stop killing endangered animals and all wolves
- DIRECTV: Stop Spreading Wolf Stereotypes
- Tell US Fish and Wildlife Service: Release Mexican wolves into New Mexico before it's too late (CLOSED)
- Stop Wolf Poisoning and Aerial Shooting in Canada! (CLOSED)
- Protect Idaho's Wolves From Otter's Cruelty
- Wolf Delisting and Bad Policy Could Open the Door to Wolf Hunting in Wyoming National Park (CLOSED)
- Stop Killing Wolves in Finland- 135 Left (CLOSED)
- Protect Wolves from Shoot-on-Sight "Management" (CLOSED)
- Tell Obama to Stop Aerial Wolf Killing in Idaho
- To Stop the Inhumane cruelty to wolves (CLOSED)
- Stop wolves to be poisoned over tar sands (CLOSED)
- Idaho: No Animals Used as Live Bait (CLOSED)
- Stop the Wisconsin Wolf Hunt (CLOSED)
- Stop Livestock Grazing in Blue Rigde Wolf Recovery Area (CLOSED)
- Stop pointless killing of Lithuanian wolves!
- Stop the extinction of grey wolves in Sweden (CLOSED)
- DIRECTV: Take Down Anti-Wolf Ad and Join the Fight to Save Wolves (CLOSED)
- Feds Target Wolves with Aerial Gunning: Save the Lolo 75 (CLOSED)
- Stop the senseless killing of wolves in Idaho (CLOSED)
- Tell Obama to Stop Aerial Wolf Killing in Idaho (CLOSED)
- Save Wyoming Wolves (CLOSED)
- Stop Putting Wyoming's Wolves In The Line Of Fire
- More Wolf Hunts? Stop the Aerial Killing!
- Speak Out Against Cruelty to Wolves (CLOSED)
- Wisconsin: Say No to Killing Wolves for Sport (CLOSED)
- Save The Wolves!
Updated on September 6.

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