- Save the tigers
- KY Residents: Support Safe and Humane Communities! (KY)
- MT: Support Safe and Humane Communities! (MT)
- Help Us End The Inhumane Confinement Of Sows In Gestation Crates
- Speak Up for Washington's Wolves
- Stop the Plan to Slaughter Wolves
- S. Korea, please ban the dog and cat meat consumption now!
Divide over 4 mails!
- Take a Stand for the Wolves of Alaska -Kenai Nat'l Wildlife Refuge!
- Ban Ki Moon UN Sec Gen (World Education) - kids in your OWN COUNTRY are taught to torture dogs? This is a hypocrisy. - Let's reach 10.000 signatures please
- Stop The Bill That Threatens Our Last Wild Places & Creatures
- Seite muss geschlossen werden! page must be CLOSED! Confirmation needed.
- Love Spain, Hate Bullfighting?
- Don't Let Them Wipe Out Animal Protection Laws
- PCRM Action Campaigns. Take Action with PCRM
- Applaud Solar Power Program Benefiting Country’s Poorest Citizens
- Preserve Fragile Mountain Ecosystem
- Applaud Hungary for Burning Genetically Modified Crops
- Say No to Floating Nuclear Power Plants
- End Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining
- Stop Animal Care Budget Cuts in Florida
- City of Lawrenceburg: It's Time For A Change At The City Pound!!! The Practices There Are Senseless, Unethical, & Morally Disturbing!!!
- Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce in Canton, Ohio: Stop Showing Cruel Fur in the Pro-Football Hall of Fame Fashion Show
- Adopt a standard practice of treatment for Farm Animals, so abuse and /or neglect can be detected.
- Bahçelievler Belediyesi Ve Barinak Yetkilileri
Turkey: Shelter Animals under bad conditions are waiting for your help.
- No al maltrato animal como patrimonio cultural del estado de Querétaro (tauromaquia, charrería, peleas de gallos, etc)
Mexico: No to Animal Abuse as cultural heritage of the state of Querétaro (bullfighting, horsemanship, cockfighting, etc.)
- Commissioner of Police, Baroda : Arrest the Sreenathji Society residents, for killing stray dogs.
- Department of Environmental Affairs plus 9 Provincial Conservation Departs.: END THE USE OF WILD ANIMALS IN CIRCUSES
- The Durham Fair Association: Cancel the Elephant Encounter Show
- Australia: Don't Change Your Free-Range Labels!
- Stop the Roo Culls in Queensland!
- Salvemos os Animais do Parque das Hortências em Taboão da Serra
Let us save the Animals in the Park Hortênsias Taboão da Serra
- Stop the Horse Slaughter Plants in Roswell, NM and Iowa from Reopening on August 5, 2013
- Call For The UK To Reject The South African Proposal To Trade In Rhino Horn
- Boycott Beef in Oregon! It will protect cougar, stop animal abuse, and protect our ecosystems!
- Animal Abuse Registry
Animal Abuse Registry (2nd petition)
- Stop Thailand elephant crushing!
- Never Eat Tyson Products (Including KFC which is Supplied by Tyson) (no target)
- Save Bears of Georgia - Patriarchate of Georgia, Georgia's Gov., Parl.: Change the situation for the Bears, tied-up with iron chains, or imprisoned in a small cages, their cubs being sold alive or killed for their meat
- Support, say no to the agreement 113-2013
- Justice for Rayna and Tyson
- Idaho Reinstate Wolf Specialist Carter Niemeyer
- Exotic Meat Company
- Stop Barrel Dogs in Greece
- Close Down Animal Concentration Camps (no target)
- Save the Leatherback Sea Turtle
- Save the Hyacinth Macaw
News & Polls:
- NRC Charity Awards 2013 Fur for Animals!
Roll over the photo and click on 'Stem op deze advertentie'.
Fill in your email address and tick the first box.
Click on the 'Stem' again. Needs confirmation.
- Farmers demand kangaroo cull as Queensland population surges to 25 million
- Book released on animal rights in Islam
- SeaWorld accused of animal cruelty after disturbing footage shows young dolphin struggling to get back in the water as trainers do NOTHING
- Daily News: Seventy-Five Fin Whales Caught in Iceland
- Justice for Mistoffelees
Mistoffelees and Robert Brooks’ supporters are seeking 10k signatures on a petition at that asks for changes in policy and, more importantly, practice at the shelter that will give other pet owners a chance to reclaim their treasured companions , and they ask you to consider adding your name and sharing. The petition is titled Petitioning Mary Leavens, The Humane Society of Harford County: Enforce a mandatory 72 hour hold on all animals admitted. To visit the petition page at and sign, click HERE.
- WILD HORSES: Taking back the West -one contraceptive dart at a time
- Labor to appoint independent animal welfare inspector
- KSA adopts animal welfare guidelines
- Horses on Death Row fundraising from America to help Romanian horses
- People in Asia Fight Back Against Dog Meat and Other Animal Torture
- In the Himalayas, Nepali villagers hunt down poachers to help save the tiger
- A Visit to Wolf Park in Tippecanoe County
- Website: Goathouse Refuge
The Goathouse Refuge is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, no-kill animal sanctuary dedicated to providing cage-free care for cats regardless of age, medical issues or disposition until a permanent loving adoptive home can be found (Pittsboro, NC).
- EURL ECVAM Creates Alternative Testing Methods Network
- Brave Pit bull gets shot and saves dad's life while protecting her family from armed intruders
- STOP VIVISECTION (EU members only)
- Save the Arctic
- Ban Hydraulic fracking in UK
- Stop eBay selling fur from Chinese Fur Farms
- Immediate ban on using dangerous 111A tank cars to transport oil.
Canadian postal code N8N 1T1
- Stop Big Companies from Burning Our Forests
- Raise your voice for Chitana, the Elephant
- Act Now to Save India's Tigers
- In view of the fact that the tiger in the wild is entering its Age of Extinction
- 1.000.000 Signatures To Stop Killing Of 1.000.000 Dogs In Romania And All European Countries
- Don't End Federal Protection for Gray Wolves
- Comments needed to Punish Greyhound Cruelty in West Virginia!
To whom it concerns,
I thank you for acting swifty and to the full extent of your statutory authority by revoking the licenses of Christopher Bever and James P. Grace and by suspending James E. Bloom.
I ask you to not only revoke the license of kennel owner, Robert A. Mackey, but also to refer all these cases for criminal prosecution under the West Virginia anti-cruelty law.
I read you have announced that you will better document your investigations and have now drafted a policy of referring cases involving cruelty to greyhounds for criminal prosecution.
I support this new policy.
Greyhound racing must be banned in West Virginia.
- Justicia para Kila y Lola, las dos chihuahua torturadas en Barcelona
Justice for Kila and Lola, the two Chihuahua's tortured in Barcelona
- Stop à la création d'un abattoir halal à Gueret (Creuse)
France: NO Halal Slaughterhouse in Creuse! (confirmation needed)
- Stop à un plan de capture de chats pour euthanasie mis en place illégalement versus plan pour stérilisation - France: Stop the killing plans for a colony of cats, instead of being sterilized! (confirmation needed)
- US Government: Give Panthers Room To Roam!
- Applaud Singer for Turning Her Back on Fur
- Demand Walmart Give Job Back to Employee Who Protected Dog in Hot Car
- Applaud Coca-Cola for Adopting a Rigorous Emission Reduction Policy
- Protect Endangered Tigers by Closing Loopholes that Permit Global Hunting and Trafficking
- Applaud Firemen for Saving Cats from Burning Building
- Demand Malaysian Government Reduce Logging
- Commend Removal of Illegal Logging Camps
- Investigate Death of Tens of Thousands of Eels
- Demand Protection for Threatened Honeybees
- Don’t Expose Port to Oil Pollution
- Burney Jennings, President, Biscuitville, Inc.: Stop trying to kill cats!
- Путину Владимиру Владимировичу: Остановить деятельность живодеров-догхантеров - Russia: Stop this torturous Dog Killing!
- Boycott All International Conferences in South Korea - Nation of Heinous Cruelty and Shameful Apathy!
- Cámara de Representantes y Juan Manuel Santos - Presidente Colombia -: En COLOMBIA la zoofilia y el asesinato de animales se consideren delito
Colombia, Gov., Juan Manuel Santos, President: Make Bestiality and Killing Animals a crime!
- To All German Newspapers: Pubblicate Un Dossier Sullo Sterminio Di Cani Nel Centro E Sud Italia - Über Die Brutale Ermordung - German Newspapers: Publication of the Dossier on the Massacre of Dogs in South and Central Italy
- Alcalde de Tepoztlán, Morelos señor Francisco Navarrete Conde: Campañas de esterilización masivas y adopción - Mayor of Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico: We want Campaigns for Mass Sterilization and Adoption!
- Benson's Pet Center: STOP supporting animal cruelty by buying & selling ferrets from the abusive and notorious breeding facility *Marshall Farms*
- Deutscher Bundestag, Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin: Stoppen Sie die Diskriminierung von "Kampf"-Hunden!
Germany: Stop Discrimination of 'Fighting' Dogs / BSL
- Police Chief Mike Freeman, Northridge Village, Ohio: Demand the firing of Humane Officer Barry Accorti
- Dekalb Humane Society: I want Lucy returned to me.
- The lawmakers of North Carolina: Ban the use of tasers on domesticated animals
- Mission Hospital: Allow personal pet visitation to long-term patients in hospitals
- Port Pirie, Australia, Police Department and Regional Council: Find the people responsible for harming the pets of Port Pirie
- End Soring Horse Abuse: This is against a horrible abuse towards Tennessee Walking Horses.
- una policia que perciga e investigue el maltrato animal y lo penalize A policeman who pursues and investigate animal abuse and penalize
- Stop torture and killing of animals
- Stop allowing pets to die in cars!
- STOP Baiting wolves in Yellowstone National Park!
- STOP using Cadmium, Mercury and Lead in Batteries!
- Stop Gold Mining in an Ancient Forested Area in Chalkidiki
- Pour que le gouvernement engage un repeuplement d'abeilles en France
- Keep San Antonio clean and free from litter!!
- Stop the Legal Hunting of African Elephants
- Idaho Follow Michigan and Ban Traps
- Wisconsin Follow Michigan and Ban Traps
- Montana Follow Michigan and Ban Traps
- Wyoming Follow Michigan And Ban Traps
- Help the SPCA from having to close down animal adoption departments due to lack of funding
- Koalas killed to make paper in Japan and China.
- Save The African Elephant From Poachers (target?!)
- Ban Wildlife-Killing Plastic Bags in Wyong Shire
- Stop Gold Mining in an Ancient Forested Area in Chalkidiki
- This Land Is Our Land - Don't Frack It Up
News & Polls:
- 2013 Canadian Animal Protection Laws Rankings™
- Retired Racing Greyhounds In The Thousands Need Homes
- The Dairy Industry in 60 Seconds Flat
- Petfood is being made with stray dogs and diseased sheep, say police in major investigation
- New Report Highlights Disturbing Level Of Wildlife Crime Throughout UK
- EXCLUSIVE: Charity wildlife cull to save the exotic species
- Animal Liberation Front Sabotages San Diego Fur Store, Homes
- Blood Phones, Coltan and Gorillas
- After Strong Protests, Royal Canin Will Pledge To Give £250,000 To Save Up To 20 Bears In Ukraine
- EU and China sign landmark agreement, join together to fight illegal wildlife trade
- North Carolina House Passes Bill To Rescue Dogs Left In Hot Cars
- Tell the NOAA: Don't undermine California's shark finning ban!
- Urge Japan to stop killing whales
- Don't let them get away with this anymore
- Stop koalas becoming industry casualties
- Ask MS Schools to Stop Funding Pigs' Illegal Suffering
- Urge Michigan Horse-Racing Track to Forgo Cruel Trapping!
- 11th hour for wolves (US)
- Ban Canned Hunting in South Africa!
- Petition Urging Passage Of Sri Lanka’s Animal Welfare Bill
- Petition: Declaration of origin and method of fishing!
- Action Alert: Demand California's Carbon Market Not Fund REDD+ Old-Growth Forest Logging - 2 petitions from the Rainforest Portal, one after another
- Protect our national parks, forests, and monuments from fracking
- Tell Oklahoma’s Governor to Save Sacred Mountain
- Protect India’s Tigers from Harmful Human Activities
- Ban Oil Tankers from the West Coast of Canada
- Animals in trouble: Support Naresh Kadyan to be their voice
- Presiden @SBYudhoyono: Segera Bentuk Komnas Perlindungan Hewan!
Indonesia. President SB Yudhoyono: Immediately Form National Commission for the Protection of Animals!
- President Obama: Do not remove protections of wolves in the Lower 48.
- Parliament of India (Rajya Sabha): PAY ATTENTION to illegal and inhuman acts - Review the present Meat Export Policy of India.
- Solicitamos a la policía local y a todo organismo pertinente que actúe para erradicar el maltrato animal que es conocido en el municipio de Alzira - Spain: We ask the local police and relevant agencies to eradicate Animal Abuse in the town of Alzira
- WTO: Stop allowing animal factory farming and live export trade of farm animals
- Transfer the chimpanzees used in shows in Schwaben Park to a suitable shelter.
- The Legislative Assembly of Alberta in Legislature Assembled: Stop Coggins Slaughter for EIA positive horses
- Keatin Walker,Chase Grein,Travis Bouslog and the USDA : stop the opening of a slaughter house in IOWA
- Prohibit the sales of pets at local Bahraini markets!
- CRAIGSLIST: Prohibit dangerous "free to good home" pet listings!
- TO THE HONOURABLE THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF NEW BRUNSWICK: to amend the current “Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act”
- Hacer valer la ley Nacional 14.346 contra el maltrato animal
Argentina: Enforce National Law nr. 14,346 against Animal Abuse, Lujan Zoo!
- Javier Meléndez, Presidente Seccional De Samalayuca: Hechar De La Fuerza A Estos Agentes De La Fiscalía - Argentina, div. pres. Samalayuca: No impunity for these dog killing officials!
- St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office: Maximum punishment to Adrienne Martin for the killing of Brownie
- Vet ties shoelace on dogs snout intends to euthanize without sedation.Lets change his standards to humane ones
- Gobierno De Buenos Aires: Prohibir Y Penalizar La Traccion A Sangre
Argentina: Prohibit and Penalize abusive 'Blood-Traction' with Horses
- "Weigern Sie sich endlich unschuldige Hunde zu töten!"
Denmark: Stop killing innocent dogs
- Sponsor Bill: "Indiana Dog Protection Act"
- Nova Scotia Gov: Law to prohibit leaving Dog(s) in a vehicle in summer months
- Don't Hoist, Bind, and Starve Bulls for Superstition!
- Ministro Per L'ambiente: Abolire La Caccia - Italy: Abolish hunting
- Gobierno de la República: Creación de una ley Nacional de proteccion a la vida animal - Mexico: Create a National Law for Animal Protection
- Miguel Angel Mancera Jefe de Gobierno D.F (@ManceraMiguelMX) México: Clausura Definitiva del Bazar Pericoapa D.F, lucran con cachorros enfermos.
Mexico: Close the Bazaar of Pericoapa. Apply the Law on Protection of Animals and the recent amendment to the Federal Criminal Code which prohibits the sale of diseased animals and animal abuse is penalized.
- Destitución Y Castigo Para El Sargento Rojas Que Quemó Vivos Dos Perros: Destitución Deshonrosa Del Sargento Rojas Y De Los Agentes Involucrados - Colombia: fire Sergeant Red and cops involved in the burning of 2 Dogs!
- Craigslist: Please STOP the LIVE PET SALES or TRADING of any kind!
- D.E.F.R.A and P.M. David Cameron: Label meat products of ritual and/or no-stun slaughtered animals
- Urge the South African government to halt the devastating betrayal of its Wildlife
- Demandamos el cierre del Centro Antirrábico de Lima y la liberacion de Vinces
We ask for an efficient and ethical balance between public health and welfare of animals; close cruel concentration camps for thousands of animals in the Peruvian capital.
- Longline fishing must be banned!
News & Polls:
- Taking Ag Gag to Court
- Do you agree with the FWP Commission decision to raise the bag limit of wolves to five per person? Vote NO! 58.6 %
- Live Export Investigations
- England’s ceremonial mayors eschew fur to support animal rights
- List of Fur-Free Retailers, Designers, and Brands
- Two men charged with animal cruelty for tossing kittens out of truck window
- Former NIH Director Says Animal Research Doesn’t Work
- Official statement: Bear baiting in the Ukraine
- Protest please!! Dog Meat, South Korea!
Protest please against the Dog Meat trade in South Korea!
Sending separate emails might be better
- Ban Ki Moon UN Sec Gen (World Education) - kids in your OWN COUNTRY are taught to torture dogs?? This is a hypocrisy.
- Cárcel para los que maten, pongan veneno o hieran a cualquier animal
Jail for those who kill, poison or injure any animal
- Brazil: Government Fosters The Trafficking Of Animals
- Save the Hong Kong Pink Dolphins
- Make Sure FWS Gets the Message: Americans Want Wolves to Stay Protected!
- Justice for Brownie
- Dear TIME Magazine we would like to see John Unger - Person of the Year
- Glacier and Bob Marshall Bears Need Your Help
- Shocking Footage Exposes Cruelty and Abuse on Farms Supplying Fortnum & Mason Foie Gras Distributor
- No viole la Ley de Bosques! URTUBEY: ¡BASTA DE DESMONTES!
Argentina: No more deforestation in protected areas. Do not violate the Forest Act
- Stop the Alabama Beachfront Boondoggle
- Victory: Oregon’s Wild and Scenic Chetco River Protected from Mining!
- Reform Wildlife Services’ Predator Control Program
- End the United States Government’s Attack on Wildlife
- Do Not Increase Wolf Hunt Quotas in Wisconsin
- Congratulate Scientists on Conservation of Galapagos Albatrosses
- Halt Construction of Dams on Major Chinese River
- Elephant killed for teeth: KVIC promoting ivory products in India - Abhishek Kadyan
- Остановите убийство диких животных для пополения бюджета!
Russia: Stop the killing of Wild Animals for the Budget of Popoleniya
- End Dog Racing on Macau: Nearly 400 Dogs Killed Every Year
- Dr. Songabe, DAFF director: Veterinary Public Health: stop ships of shame - live animal export
- Alberta Sustainable Resource Development: Stop the Culling of Alberta's Wild Wolf Populations
- Craiova City Hall and Police Department: Stop the illegal slaughter of dogs in the public shelter
- Gobierno De España: Endurecer La Ley - Cazadores Y Galgueros No Los Abandonen Ni Ahorquen - Gov. of Spain: ACT and Uphold the Law so that Hunters do not abandon or hang their Galgos!
- Marcos Alberto Covarrubias Villaseñor: Justicia Para Dingo, Agresor: Ramón Santiago Pineda Villalobos - Mexico: Justice for Dingo who was tied up and hit with a hammer on the head!
- Al gobierno de la ciudad de Mexico: Prohibiendo la venta de animales en el mercado de sonora. - Mexico: Prohibit the sale of animals at Sonora market!
- Stop Killing and injuring Koalas in blue gum plantations.
- Gobernador Rodrigo Medina: La Jungla de Timo, explotación y maltrato hacia los animales. - Mexico, Gov. Rodrigo Medina: We protest against the exploitation and mistreatment of animals at Timo Jungle
- Riverside County District Attorney Paul Zellerbach, Supervisor John Benoit: Demand that dog suffering and death in the desert killing fields be stopped
- Desert Dog Animal Abuser Arrested- Demand She Be Kept In Jail
27-13 UPDATE! Bernadette Schwenn in custody. Arraignment is 7-29-13:
- 10 Counts Felony Animal Cruelty
- 2 Counts Misdemeanor Animal Cruelty
- 18 Counts Improper Care and Attention of Animal
KEEP MOMENTUM GOING! TAKE ACTION TODAY by emailing Riverside County D. A. Paul Zellerbach, and call/email Sup. John Benoit (760) 863-8211 (Even you great get voice mail, leave a message AND email). Thank you! It's working. Keep the momentum going. Without this, she wouldn't be in jail.
1. Demand the D.A. and Supervisor Benoit push for NO Bail, she is a flight risk
2. Demand the D.A. and Supervisor Benoit make certain that if she makes bail, she is not be allowed to keep any animals while waiting for her trial
3. Demand that all puppies under the care of Bernadette's friend from the July 1, 2013 arrest be immediately turned over to Animal Control as evidence.
4. Demand that NO dogs be euthanized, and let them know that the Animal Legal Defense Fund will pay for all medical needs and behavioral evaluations of the dogs
- The City of Postville, Iowa: Remove the ban on pitbull type dogs
- Sri Lanka: Stop the practice of Hakka Patas used to KILL elephants!
- Fire Jamie P. Olson from Wyoming Wildlife Services
- Fvta/navta Student Chapter Of Ft. Lauderdale: spreading awareness to rasie the status of the Veterinary Technicians.
- Miami-Dade County: End Breed Specific Legislation
- Boiled and skinned alive!
- Demanding Justice for Brownie
- Stop Animal Cruelty Within The Cosmetics Industry
- Stop Elephant Camp Abuse in Ayutthaya
- Animals should not be classified as property
- K-9 death in Police Patrol Car ...
- BAN Atrazine and other pesticides that are slowly killing the frogs population!
News & Polls:
- Do you agree with the FWP Commission decision to raise the bag limit of wolves to five per person? Vote NO! 58.3 % now.
- Latest News in Gloucestershire Scroll down for polls on the right side:
Should the Ban on hunting with Dogs be repealed? Vote NO! Only 48%
- Mass Poisoning of Dogs in Bugojno, Bosnia
- Judge sets bond at $25K for man accused of attacking raccoon
- Appeals Court: Beating a puppy to death with baseball bat is not torture
- Slideshow: Dogs Rescued from Fighting Ring
- Victory! 11 States Reject Bills to Help Cover Up Animal Abuse
- Animal welfare and animal protection for the first time into the main subjects Veterinary Medical College Core Curriculum
- The Sale of Dogs, Cats, and Rabbits Banned in San Diego
- Marty, Brooklyn and Penny: Chihuahua rescue in South Central LA. [VIDEO]
- Heroic Firefighter Revives a Lifeless Dog with CPR
- Il disastro a pochi passi dalle nostre coste
- Demand justice for Pakistan sheep massacre victims
- Protect the Grand Canyon Watershed! (US)
- Malaysia: Protect the rainforest reserve and turtles
- Ask Christy Clark to stand up for BC
- ERASMUS MC: Stop met Apenexperimenten!
Netherlands, Erasmus Medical Center: Stop Experiments with Monkeys!
- Protesteer tegen massaslachting Gadhimai festival (confirmation needed)
Appeal to the Dutch Government to protest against the mass slaughter of animals during Gadhimai festival in Nepal.
- Save the Goats of Khokana
- Stop Big Ag From Silencing Whistleblowers!
- Pigs Deserve to Turn Around!
- Keep Canines Cool: Don't Leave Dogs in Hot Cars!
- Tell the BLM You Want Southern New Mexico's Public Land Protected! (US)
- Please End the Live Export of Australian Sheep!
- Manifestation contre la maltraitance animale (confirmation needed)
- Pétition contre la maltraitance de Farida Khan envers ses chevaux
Petition against Farida Khan and the abuse of horses (confirmation needed)
- Please Urge NYC Company to Halt the Use of Glue Traps
- Federal: Support Efforts to Ensure New or Renovated Buildings Don’t Endanger Birds
- Tell USDA to Revoke Dealer License for Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
- Urge State to Pass Stricter Animal Abuse Laws
- Protect Horses From Brutal Heat
- Applaud Hillary Clinton for Working to End Elephant Poaching in Africa
- Eliminate Asbestos Industry in Russia
- Demand GMO-Free Greek Yogurt
- Ban Oil Drilling in Polar Bear Seas
- Ban the Pesticide Killing Honeybees
- Protected Reserves for Critically Endangered Vaquita Porpoises
- Air France- Stop Transporting Research Primates
- Save Deuce!
- Ask Macys to stop sponsoring cruel Rodeos where animals are killed for sport , #macys
- Breed Dogs Left On The Street At The End Of Summer
Breed Dogs Left On The Street (2nd petition)
- Stop Puppy Mills (target?!)
- Ban the sale of puppies and kittens in pet stores across the nation!
- Mandatory spay and Neutering for Miami animals
- Urge the House to Keep the King Amendment out of the House Farm Bill Against Animal Safety
- Ban Horse Meat in Europe
- Rodeios no Brasil ou qualquer parte do mundo, nunca mais.
Stop Rodeos in Brazil or anywhere in the world.
- Allow Pit Bulls in Muscatine Iowa
- Save the Great Barrier Reef From Bombs!
- TUI Travel PLC: Stop Facilitating Trips To Marine Mammal Display Facilities
- Urge Sen. Warren to Protect Massachusetts Fish and Fishermen
- Defend Affordable Solar Energy in Europe
- Mayor and City Council of Arab, Alabama: Require a well-run City of Arab Animal Shelter.
- The Humane Society of Charles County: Cancel the HSCC July '13 Sale, and All Future Sales and Free Giveaways of Kittens, Dogs, and Cats
- Stop the eviction of a well cared for cat colony at CVS
- Lapeer County Board of Commissioners: Set new standards for Animal Control Officers
- Boulder City Council: Leave the Green Tag Program Unchanged.
- President Barack Obama: Ban all U.S. pet stores from selling puppies and kittens.
- All Slaughterhouses In Toronto, Canada: Stop Slaughterhouse Transport Of Pigs During Heatwaves And Subzero Temps
- Hugo Liebel: Stop letting people ride Nosey the elephant
- Stop New Jersey Bear Hunts
- US FWS: Restore the permit to rescue falcon chicks on bridges
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Do not kill Barred Owls in the Pacific Northwest
- Stop Supporting Inhumane Spinal Cord Experiments on Animals
- Tony Abbott: Ban Live Export and do NOT apologize for it.
- Sofortiges Ende der Bärenkämpfe und fünfstellige Spende an ein Bären-Schutzprojekt - Immediate end to bear baiting, and five-digit donation to a Bear Conservation Project
- México, Distrito Federal.: No al Encierro de Linces en Campus UVM
UVM, Mexico: Stop plans to lock up lynxes in a small space on Coyoacan Campus
- Dr. Bernardo González Árechiga UVM: Pedimos desista con su proyecto linces cautivos en el campus Coyoacan - Dr. Bernardo Gonzalez Arechiga UVM: We desist with his captive lynx project on campus Coyoacan
- ¡Alzo mi voz por los animales de guerrero!
Raise your Voice to Care for Animals in War time
- Creando una nueva cultura en beneficio a nuestras mascotas.
Mexico: Create a better Pet Culture
News & Polls:
- Do you agree with the FWP Commission decision to raise the bag limit of wolves to five per person? Vote NO please! 58%
- Latest News in Gloucestershire Scroll down on the right side:
Should the Ban on hunting with Dogs be repealed? Vote NO! Only 48%
- Woman arrested for second time this month on animal cruelty charges
- Brink - Episode 03 - Public Slaughter
Each year more than 100,000 wild baby seals are clubbed to death for their fur. Rebecca Aldworth, born into a sealing community, now confronts them in an effort to stop the brutal practice.
- Romania, (UK) paid business for Dog catchers and Mayors
- Ban Live Export - Tony Abbott #auspol wants to apologize to...
- Authorities seek felony animal cruelty information in Fresno for neglected dog (Photos)
- California's Drift Gillnet Fishery Too Deadly for Endangered Sperm Whales
- Stand With Wolves! Organize an event as part of the National Day of Action for Wolves on August 14th
- Congolese Ivory Kingpin Imprisoned for Five Years
- Street One: Unsere Marke They joined the FUR Free list!
- Watch: 'Lucky' kitten's rescue by firefighters caught on helmet-cam
- Boxer Has a Blast Jumping on the Trampoline [VIDEO]
- Universal Declaration for Animal Welfare (UDAW)
- Thank the President for fighting the illegal wildlife trade!
- Help us send the Obama Administration 250,000 messages telling them not to frack our lands! - 8 petitions are inside the link. Each chapter is one petition. (US)
- Refocus on original wolf management goals (US)
- End cruel methods used for recreational wolf hunting (US)
- Live exports: Tell David Heath to stop hiding behind EU law
- Tell Montana: Let Wild Buffalo Roam! (US)
- Inspect Schwaben Park (confirmation needed)
- Don't mine the Tarkine
- President Obama, Enact Harsher Animal Cruelty Laws in the United States (US)
- Save the wolves in Canada!
- USA: Oppose the King Amendment to the Farm Bill (US)
- Say NO to Oil exploration in Pegasus Basin
- SIGN to help the abused animals in Macedonia!
- STOP Farida Khan NOW! STOP horse abuse!
- Show your support for Animal Care Officer Dafna Hadad against BCAC.
- Free Katya The Russian Bear.
- Condemn Walmart for Firing a Safety-Conscious Employee
- Stop Fruit Bat Trade
- Commend Activists for Protesting Dangerous Nuclear Power Plant
- EU and UN: Stop Korean sadist- barbaric tradition in Russia
- General Russian Prosecutor General Yury Yakovlevich Chayka: SEND HEARTLESS BARBARIC KILLERS TO PRISON
- Stop Raccoon Dogs Being Skinned Alive in China for fake Ugg Boots Suffering Slow, Sickening Horrendous Deaths
- Government: Ban Puppy/Kitten Farming
- Australia's forestry industry: make amendments to forestry practices so that koalas are protected!
- Que La Zoofilia Y El Maltrato Animal Se Tipifiquen Como Delitos En Venezuela
Criminalize Bestiality and Animals Abuse in Venezuela
- State of Wisconsin: ban wisconsin dog owners from keeping dogs outside in winter time
- Save Pig: Stop the cruelty and murder of Pig a loving family pet
- City of Sterling Heights, MI: Leave Samson alone and let him go home to his family
- Justice for the "pit bull" that was left on a Toronto balcony: We want better policies and procedures from the OSPCA
- Gobierno del Estado Libre y Soberano de Puebla, Estados Unidos Mexicanos: Acción Enérgetica en Contra de José Luis Reyes Ventura, alias El Matagatos - State of Puebla, Mexico, U.S.: Take Strong Actions against Jose Luis Reyes Ventura, alias El Jarocho or "Catkiller": He deserves to be punished for his vile and grotesque acts!
- Al Gobierno Del Estado De Hidalgo: Clausura Definitivamente De Perreras Del Estado De Hidalgo - Mexico, Hidalgo: Close these killing shelters and give the abandoned dogs a chance to be adopted
- Jefe de Gobierno del Distrito Federal, Dr. Miguel Ángel Mancera Espinosa: Eliminación y prohibición de venta de animales en el mercado de sonora - Mexico, Federal District, Dr. Miguel Ángel Mancera Espinosa: Elimination and Prohibition of the Sale of Animals at the 'Mercado de Sonora' market
- Mugasa: BASTA de censura contra el maltrato animal
Mugusa: ENOUGH of censure against animal abuse
- Que cierren el zoológico de Surabaya, en Indonesia y atiendan a los animales.
Close Surabaya Zoo in Indonesia and take care of it's Animals
- Ministry of Forestry, Aceh Governor: Investigate Genk's death and stop Illegal Ivory Trade!
- Office of the Indonesian Government in Bali. The Governor must perform his promise - end the slaughter of Sea Turtles!
- Expel British OIL company Soco International from Virunga World Heritage Site!
- Prevent Elephant Deaths from Train Collisions in India
- Ban Pesticide Deadly to Polar Bears
- Stop burning green forest for cultivation fields!
- Stop the Illegal, Commercial Bushmeat Trade
- Stop Live Export!
- ACTION to CLOSE both ends of illegal rhino horn trade!
- Stop the King Amendment to the Farm Bill!
- Shut Down Hellish 'Holding Facility' For Strays In Ellisville, MS
- Stop eutanazji Tajfuna! Pomóżmy Polce i jej aresztowanemu psu.
Stop the euthanasia of the dog Typhoon!
Stop eutanazja! Uwolnijcie psa! W obronie polki i jej psa!
- Close the Swedish minkfarm (target?!)
- Eliminate biofuel production subsidies and promote sustainable agriculture
- Haz algo por el Zoológico de Chapultepec (trato digno y atención médica a los animales). - Mexico: improve the Chapultepec Zoo, petition for fair treatment and medical care to animals
- Challenge EU Member States to stop the illegal trade of wood in the EU.
- Protect Irish Hen Harriers - Councillor John Sheahan Should Resign
- Support Service Learning for Every Classroom in the United States
News & Polls:
- World Protection for Dogs and Cats in the Meat Trade
- Do you agree with the FWP Commission decision to raise the bag limit of wolves to five per person? Vote NO please! 57.8%
- Latest News in Gloucestershire Scroll down on the right side for the poll:
Should the Ban on hunting with Dogs be repealed? Vote NO! Only 48%
- Poll: Should we ban fur farming in Ireland? Vote YES! 75%!
- Innocent pit bull stolen and chained in the woods
Facebook groups are posting Nina's picture everywhere in hopes that someone recognizes the terrain and will turn in the evil criminal who stole Nina!!!
- The National Rally to Protect America’s Wolves! Sept. 7th, Washington DC
- Reclaiming Abolitionism: It’s Time for Us to Take a Stand for Animals
- Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought
- Cat and Dolphin Playing Together [VIDEO]
- Lion loves his rescuer!
- Robin Williams has a tickle fight with Gorilla!