July 5 petitions
- Speak Out Against ‘Animal Scramble’ in Cottage Grove, Oregon
- Save the Gray Wolf – Protect America’s Wild Heritage for Future Generations (US)
- Tell BigGameForever.org to Stop Wolf Lies!
- Demand that the FWS Retain Protections for the Gray Wolf under the Endangered Species Act
- Demand that the BLM Implement New Guidelines for Wild Horses
- Congress: Elephants are on the brink (US)
- President Obama: Keep fighting poaching! (US)
- Urge the Cherokee Bear Zoo to Close Cruel Bear Pits
- Wild Geese Reportedly Slaughtered by Virginia Neighborhood!
- California Residents: Speak Up to Save Prison Cats Today!
- Help get animals on KRudd's agenda!
- Don't Drown out Dolphins' Voices
- President Obama: Stop Arctic Drilling NOW
- Fight for the Reef
- Horse crisis: take action!
- Boycott the Ballenberg Museum and all courses (confirmation needed)
- Tell Facebook we want an animal abuse option when reporting unacceptable content on Facebook.
- www.stopvivisection.eu
- Hold Officers Who Shot and Killed Dog Responsible
- I don't want to eat my horse!
- Stop the Stealing of Dogs for Dog Fighting
- Stop the government funding of research facilities that use animals
- Stun ALL Animals Before Slaughter and Label ALL Halal Meat
- Commend Philippines for Taking Stand Against Ivory Trade
- Shut Down Circus for Abusing Animals
- Protect Alaska’s Beaches From Plastic Waste
- Urge California to Develop Humane Methods for Dealing with Mountain Lion Incidents
- USDA - APHIS (The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service): Stop/Reverse Bills Like the AETA (Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act)
- President Obama: Stop the government funding of research facilities that use animals
- Bring emergency shade for captive wild horses and burros
- U.S. Navy: Save the Mermaids! Sonar Testing Kills Marine Mammals
- Dolphins and Marine life being killed by U.S. Navy Sonar Technology: Find an alternative to Sonar!
- The U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, and Congress: Amend the Animal Welfare Act to protect Pets from Police Departments
- City of Hawthorne, Police Chief, Mayor & Governor of California: Investigate shooting of "Max", demand resignation and retrain officers.
- Animal Lovers: Help the shelter with 100 dogs (target?!?!)
- Embajador de Peru en España : Don Francisco Eguiguren Praeli: Parar la tortura en contra de los gatitos en la Quebrada Peru
- Let's Stop Dog Racing in India
- Gobierno de España: Atropellar a un perro y huir sea delito penado por ley
- JULIO CÉSAR PEREYRA, Intendente de Florencio Varela: Que ningun perro sea levantado y encerrado en el zoonosis
- Maurizio Cattelan: Please Remove Your Horse Displays Permanently!!!
- The City of Collins: Repeal Breed Specific Legislation
- Bistro Bobette: Remove cruel foie gras from your menu
- Gov. Dayton, Sen. Franken, Sen. Klobuchar, Rep. Nolan of Minnesota: Reinstate Dr. Lynn Rogers' permit to conduct research on black bears.
- The Hawthorne police department: take action against police misconduct
- Hawthorne Police Department: Arrest Officer Salmon who shot the dog, teach officers how to handle dogs
- The Humane Society of Harford County : Enforce a mandatory 72 hour hold on all animals admitted.
- Palisades Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Stop Discrimination Against Specific Animal Breeds!
- Justice for Cali
- TO SIGN OR NOT??? American Veterinary Medicine Association : Allow the choice to have Non Veterinarians to do Routine Work on Livestock (animals should not be dehorned)
- Bring Sea Turtle Activist's Killers to Justice!
- Stop Killing OUR Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountain States, Wisconsin, Montana, and Alaska NOW
- Protect Wild and Captive Chimps from Harm
- Mijn overleden hondje Tonka***
Keep animals away from shelters. (target?!?!)
- Ban Japan from growing human organs in pigs
- Police still resorts to despicable tactic by splashing acid against activist
- Save the Walden's Hornbill
- Save the Hawksbill Sea Turtle
- Make director's of companies criminally responsible for environmental damage.
- Ritiro immediato dal commercio di pesticidi senza antitodo
Immediate withdrawal from the market of pesticides without antidote, which kill Pets and Wildlife, too
- Start No Kill Animal Shelters In Georgia
- Protect Brazilian National Parks - do not allow roads inside the Parks
- Stop Staffies Having a Bad Name (no target!!!)
- Strive for overcome the planet-destruction business deal
- Save our beach and the ecosystem that surrounds her

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