- Vote -
Do you support the ACT Government's culling of kangaroos? - Write Wild - Spotted Owls
- Stand up for the American Pit Bull Terrier
- Stop them from killing Milo
- Time for a ban on the commercial trade in polar bear parts
Tell NIH to Release Chimpanzees From LaboratoriesKeep Big Oil out of the Atlantic Ocean!Tell Missouri Governor to Protect Undercover Investigations!Wild Horse EA Scoping Comments
(NO TAKE ACTION BUTTON AVAILABLE)Keep Caves Closed and Bats Safe in the Rocky Mountain RegionMexican Wolves Need More Room to Roam- Justice for Miss! In the night of May 17 to 18, a crank set fire onto the horses box Typhayne (ST Malo 44), a pure criminal act! Miss, 1 year old was doused with flammable liquid and burned over 50%. She had to be euthanized this morning after her injury! Brave, courageous as she was she tried in vain to struggle. A complaint was filed. For justice to be done, let us all together act against these barbaric acts. (confirmation needed)
- Stop the Alaskan Fur Trade! Alaska's sea otters are in danger! (US)
Petition organizer says: "Sign this petition to put an END to sharing our everyday activities with animals. Stop them from invading every area of our lives."Change the "Companion" Pet law. - City of Langford and Luxton Pro Rodeo: Ban events that cause animals stress, fear & risk of injury & death
United is MIS-INTERPRETING & MIS-REPRESENTING their no pets in-cabin policy!JUSTICE FOR JASPERTo the Victorian Government: We want to see all of Victoria's fisheries become sustainably certified- STOP A las granjas de osos y la tortura bárbara para la cosecha de bilis de oso (China)
Firma para decirle al senador Emilio Sierra que Colombia exige la Ley Anticrueldad AnimalCanal Once deje de promover la tauromaquiaWorld Organization for Animal Health (OIE): Stop horrific animal cruelty happening under your watch!Kim Bateman: Remove the petition against Wings Over The Rainbow.Loyola University Chicago: Switch to Cage-Free EggsDon't let Hazelwood negotiations fail - replace Australia's dirtiest power station with clean energySevere weather is a warning: We must stop climate changeAgainst mining project in ColosaSTOP THE SHOOTING OF OUR CANADA GEESE @ PHIFERS ICE DAMS, LEHIGHTON, PA.(US)- Save the Animals of Minidoka County, Idaho! (US)
- Protect Us from Toxic Chemicals (US)
In the Name of Misericordia ! Support a Boycott of the EURO 2012!
(PETITION IS ACTIVE BUT EURO 2012 IS OVER)- Chiediamo al Presidente del Senato Renato Schifani di calendarizzare il DDL3084 del Sen. A.Filippi (Against Vivisection)
Take the No More Wild Pets Pledge- BAN TAMING / PROHIBICION DE "LA DOMA"
- Ask Ford Motor Co. to remove their sponsorship from The Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration
- Stop Horse Slaughter
- Treatise for the Preservation of Chiloquin's Big Trees
- Try to eat vegetarian for just a few days a week
Support Slow/No Wake Rules on Munninghoff Marsh- Support a Semporna Shark Sanctuary and the Future of Our Oceans!
Alaska's Wildlife at Risk-
Don't Let Hunting Endanger Wisconsin's Wolves - 6 year old Sheltie killed by man while being walked by owner
- Stop Testing Nicotine on Animals
Release 3 Wild Cheetah Cubs back to Mara Conservancy for Rehabilitation in the WildRESULTS - Thank you for signing the petition for the Mara Cheetah Cubs. This petition will be presented to the Minister for Wildlife, Kenya and all other relevant parties. There is only one way to make change happen and that is to step forward and begin to make that change. Thank you for having the courage to speak for these cubs. Never Give Up Cee4life- Stop Factory Farming
Updated on September 30.
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