- Demand Permit for Tiger Breeding
- Prohibit Private Ownership of Big Cats
- Stop the illegal killing of strays in Ukraine
- Shut down fur-selling site!
- Ban Tennessee Walking Horses
- List African Lion as Endangered Species
- Pull the Cruelty out of the Isle!
- Support HR 4103 bill to reclassify US Military Dogs as canine members of the Armed Forces
NC: Keep Your Scientists, Doctors and ConservationistsRESULTS - Success! Senate Bill 851 failed in the North Legislature, protecting the integrity of the state's health and environment boards. Thank you so much for speaking out. Please continue to take action on the important issues below.- The Wolf Petition
- Save the Pygmy Sloth From Extinction
- Support OR-7!
Stephen Harper's REPLACEMENT & RESIGNATION!!!!!- Stricter animal abuse laws
- Whole Food does not care about animals or its' customers!
- Save the Wolves!
- Halt Wolf Trapping near Denali Park
- Boycott Canadian Seafood
- Support Justice for Gizmo - 17lb dog brutally shot to death by Cumberland Co Deputy
- Save Pitbulls in Prince George's County Maryland
- Help enforce tougher animal rights laws!
- Stop Chinese Fur Farming!
- NO Antirrabicos! Exigimos Centros de Atencion Medica!
- Prosecute Puppy Abusers to Fullest Extent of Law!
Close the Kas Dolphin ParkEnd Bullfighting in Mexico- Stop the illegal pet trade
- Stop the illegal pet trade (2nd Petition)
- Save the Northern Spotted Owl
- No Whale Shark in captivity in Kenya
- Ban Pinfiring in the United States
- MaGee Stalling NY Anti-Horse Slaughter Bill
- Stop Whole Foods from using palm oil in their 365 store brand products
- Demand Congressional Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Defend Canada's Democracy and Environment from Bill C-38- EBAY SELLING BABY-HORSE SKIN PRODUCTS!!
- Protest against the tragic death of bear forced to drink soda
- Portugal against Unesco's proposal for bullfights
- Wild Horse Killers Released w/ Out Bond
- Support the Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act of 2011
- Animals of Russia live like in the hell. We need changes.
- Indy Parks: Maintain foot-traffic-only policy for Eagle Creek Park's west side
U.S. District Judge Harry S. Mattice, Jr.: Don't accept the plea agreement from horse abuser Jackie McConnell.- Panthera's Remove a Snare Petition
Keep the Franklin Animal Shelter OPEN!!- Who's Watching Ohio's Vets? Ask Ohio Governor Kasich Who's Watching Your Pet's Vet.
STOP THE SHOOTING OF OUR CANADA GEESE @ PHIFERS ICE DAMS, LEHIGHTON, PA.SAVE LISSA, LABx WRONFULLY CONVICTEDgp.vurs@gov.si, ales.zalar@gov.si: Maximum Prison sentence for the man who cut Dog's leg, so he cant run away!Pakistan Government: Stop bear baitingWal-Mart Stores: Stop Selling Fish On The Shelves- Kenneth Regan: Stop Cat Mutilation: don't force people to Declaw their cats!
- Urge China to respect Animal Rights and human Rights
- COSTCO, Safeway & Loblaws: We Don't Want to Eat Salmon Flu or Heart Viruses
Stop L'Oreal From Animal TestingOrangeville SPCA: RELEASE NIKI BACK TO HER OWNERSEnough cruelty in Villaca / YA BASTA DE TANTA CRUELDAD ANIMAL EN VILLACAÑASDenmark and the community of the Faroe Islands: Stop the grindadrap in the Faroe IslandsThe Association For Animal Welfare: Take the government to court for speciesismAsk Amazon to stop selling pro-violence / killing devicesAyuntamiento de Linares (Jaén): QUIEREN EXPROPIAR LA PROTECTORA DE ANIMALES ARCONATURA 22Mayo,2012.- TO STOP BURNING OF RADIOACTIVE DISASTER DEBRIS IN KITAKYUSHU
Waste Management: Switch to Bio-Deisel or another zero impact fuel for their new trucks.Your Dekalb Farmers Market: Stop wrapping organic produce in plastic!- Vermont: Ban Plastic Shopping Bags
Greater Monroe County Residents & Friends: Stop the destruction of Bald Eagle Habitat on Irondequoit BayVeggie Burgers for Warped Tour across the U.S.A.Ironbound needs a Dog ParkStop gassing of animals in state of Missouri!!Indian Government: stop the extinction of tigers.- National Geographic: Stop promoting Dog Abuse!
- Walmart: Stop the sale and abuse of Betta Fish
- Congresso Nacional, Presidencia, Ministerio Publico, Governors & Mayors: We DEMAND the creation of SANCTUARY areas in Brazil for the abandoned JEGUES
Lima City Council/Lima Vicious Dog Ordinance: Stop breed specific legislation against the pit bull breed.Phoenix City Council & Staff: Please create a dog park along 1st St that's walkable for downtowners.- Save Austin's Trees
Osceola County Board of County Commissioners: Begin Residential Recycling Collection in Poinciana- Ban Fracking Federally!
- Mayor Bloomberg and Sen. Gillibrand: End the War on NYC's Canada Geese (US)
- Say No to Pit Bull Bans (US)
The Governor of CO: Lift the Pit Bull ban in Denver/Aurora(US)Help the Helpless(US)
- Stop Wastewater Discharge in Maui
- Keep Nuclear Power Plant Closed Until it can be Operated Safely
- Save Exotic Animals in Thailand
- Tell Mexico to Adopt Dolphin-Safe Fishing Methods
- Reimplement Protection for Vulnerable Fish Populations in the South Atlantic
- Stop Coca Cola Company from Using Eco-Harming Palm Oil
- Stop Devastating Oil Exploration On Native Lands
- Don’t Allow Major Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Project to Go Forward
- Urge the Obama Administration to Stop Cozying Up to Oil Companies
- Boycott Soybean Production in Argentina
- Prevent the Ski Industry from Building in Protected Utah Forests
- Vote - Do you think Costa Rican authorities should drop the charges against Paul Watson?
- Vote - Norway should insist on whaling? Vote NEI
- Yes, the catch is sustainable and good resource management.
- No, the catch is a shame for Norway.
- Say Yes to Orangutan Friendly Palm Oil
- Ask Toyota Canada to stop promoting their product with the abuse of animals!
- Breeders kill Shelter Dogs’ Chances! Tell McClouds you wont shop at their store until they stop selling puppies!
- Start Protecting Our Wombats
- The federal government is scapegoating wolves!
- Many people are shocked to find out that BC, along with Alberta, is one of only two provinces in Canada with no endangered species legislation to protect wildlife at risk, such as grizzly bears, Great Blue Herons, and rare desert plants. By taking action today - you can help change that.
- Against living keyrings in China (confirmation needed)
- For the martyr of PonthoileJustice for a dog who has been enclosed for 3 years without light, from time to time some food. He died in atrocity because the owner accused him not having a nose for hunting. Neighbors heard the dog howl and scream (confirmation needed)
- “Rollkur / Hyperflexion / LDR and any such mentally and physically abusive methods need to be banned once and for all. We ask the FEI and all its associated federations to enforce their own rules and standards: the horses’ welfare must be paramount!”
- Horse Soring
Please End the Use of Live Animals in Albert Einstein's Pediatrics Residency
Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia informed PCRM this week that it has replaced the use of kittens with nonanimal training methods to teach future pediatricians.- Protect America's Pets
- The coalition Government in Westminster has broken its promise, to “promote responsible pet ownership” after announcing a set of measures in a bid to tackle irresponsible dog ownership that fall well short of addressing the real issues. => http://www.rspca.org.uk/getinvolved/campaigns/companion/dogownership/takeactionThe Sun launch 'Safer Dogs' campaign which aims to make dog laws tougher to ensure irresponsible owners take responsibility for their dogs and calls for compulsory microchipping AND registration of dogs. Sign their petition here!
- The Seals Of Nam - End the seal hunt in Namibia!
Protect Cabo Pulmo(VICTORY)- Ban Fracking Ireland
- FUKISHIMA: Petition the UN to urgently act on Reactor No. 4 NOW, before it is too late!
- We ask the town of Olbia and the Province of Olbia-Tempio for free access to the beaches of dogs accompanied by their respective owners. (confirmation needed)
Urge Mexican Officials to Transfer Lonely Lion to U.S. Sanctuary- For the abolition of Monsanto
- Against the skinning of reptiles for the luxe industry (the poor animals are alive!) (Gucci, Hermes, Cartier)
- No Horse Slaughter in the United States!
- Please don't slaughter wolves in the name of caribou protection
- Please stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats in South Korea
Abandon EPA Proposal to Exempt National Park-Polluting Coal Plants in the Eastern United States from BART (RIN: 2060-AR05)- NO TO NALCO - No Immunity For Corexit Manufacturer!
- The San Joaquin River is our river. Speak up for it. (US)
Tell your representative to reject a harmful energy and water spending bill(US)
Updated on October 2.
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