Petitions - Please Sign & Share

- Save Junior the Akita from being put to sleep on August 15
- Justice for Captain
- Rhino Poaching may be an African Tragedy, but it is a Global Responsibility!
- I am signing up to NOchickeNOvember to show my disapproval of the appalling conditions chickens raised for meat are subjected to.
- Stop Animal Endangerment and Extinction
- Don't Drill NJ's Shore!
- Help investigate Halal Market and save a rabbit
- Say No to canola
- Stop the Super Trawler
- Be cruelty free - Ban animal tested cosmetics
- Please End the Use of Live Animals in ECU's Pediatrics Residency
- Orisue Is Too Good for Cruel Foie Gras Event
- Help put an end to the Running of the Bulls!
- Urge Jimmy Choo to Ditch Exotic Skins!
- I Support Year-Round Habitat for Wild Bison!
- US West Coast populations are at serious risk of extinction, and need your help (US)
- UNESCO nature reserve sacrifices for uranium mine
- EPA, stop stalling & protect bees!
- Build a Flood-free Philippines
- End The Ringling Brothers Circus Abuse
- Tell Bulgaria: The indiscriminate slaughter of stray animals is genocide and fascism in its purest form
- Stop the temporary rule-making process and keep canola out of the Willamette Valley!
- Tell the USDA: Don't Trust the Makers of the GE Apple!
- Tell the Obama Administration to Stop the Planting of GMO Alfalfa & Sugar Beets
- Tell the Obama campaign: Drop your cynical pro-coal ad! (US)
- Who Is Secretly Funneling Money into Mitt Romney's Campaign Coffers? (US)
We, the undersigned, urge Mitt Romney to release his full list of campaign bundlers in order to match the level of transparency that has come to be expected from presidential candidates of both major parties.
- Please Co-Sponsor the Captive Primate Safety Act (US)
- Protect African elephants - oppose plan to legalize ivory sales (US)
- Make Room for Mustangs! Ask Congress to Support Legislation to Allow for Voluntary Retirement of Livestock Grazing Permits on Public Lands (US)
- Ban the Foam! (California)
California State Legislature: It’s Time to Ban the Foam in California!
- Don’t Legalize Torturous Wild Animal Traps in South Africa
- Push for Vegan and Vegetarian Options at McDonald’s
- Ask Zoo to Stop Euthanizing Baby Animals
- Stop Killing Black Bears for Royal Guards’ Fur Caps
- Investigate the Effects of Genetically Modified Crops On Human Health
- Ensure Farmers Can Continue to Protect the Environment
- Decrease Carbon Footprint by Providing Products with Carbon Emissions Labels
- Ronald McDonald House of Memphis: Stop the auction of chocolate lab puppy, Ryder
- Groupon: Stop Supporting Elephant Abuse
- Maui Land & Pineapple Company, Inc., Maui County Council Member's: Save Honolua Bay by preserving the 150 Acres of Lipoa Point
- Dallas, Stop the Spray! Combat Mosquitoes the Intelligent Way!
- Director Keith Creagh: End MDNR's Oil & Gas Lease Auctions of Public Land!
- President, Tropicana Beverages North America: Tropicana: Stop Putting Bugs In Fruit Juice!
- BIG OIL: Put Communities, Health, & Safety First!
- Stop the I-75 Connector in Central KY
- Rep John Fleming Must Resign
- A "Limited Purpose" Permit for PTPC Protects Public and Environmental Health (US)
- Tell Roots Country Auction to provide water for ALL Auction Animals!
- Tell Roots Country Auction to provide water for ALL Auction Animals! (2nd petition)
- Tell Roots Country Auction to provide water for ALL Auction Animals! (3rd petition)
- Tell Roots Country Auction to provide water for ALL Auction Animals! (4th petition)
- $30M and 5 million animals dead annually: Tell Congress to investigate USDA's Wildlife Services.
- Tell US Chef- Lions Are NOT Food
- Ban Pesticides Killing Honeybees
- Stop the passing of proposed by-law in Montreal that gives dogs no chance to live!
- Stand Against Brutal Chinese Dog Trade!
- By-Law Reform
- A future for Bindaring Park
- Increase Rhino anti poaching patrols in South Africa
- Stop killing the dumpster bears near Busteni, Romania
- Stop this floating factory from destroying Australian oceans!
- Stop this Insane Clearcut on Bull's Island
Tell the EPA: Protect Our Water from Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining!

Tell Governor Cuomo to Invest in New York's Clean Energy Future!
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