Petitions - Please Sign & Share
- Shut down Wally’s Piggery
Article - Police, RSPCA probe 'cruelty' at piggery
- Please Rescue Sunder From Abuse
- Please stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats in South Korea
- Give the Cape Fur Seal the protection it deserves
- Anticosti Island, a natural world heritage treasure under threat by oil and gas companies
- For the resignation of Benoit Lacroix (abuse of euthanasia Wicca) (confirmation needed)
- Stop Phoenix Air's death flights
- Please stop the planned construction of the slaughterhouse in Wietzen
- Please Keep Your Promise to the Animals
- China: Halt Planned Panda Transfer
- Take action on badgers – write to David Cameron (confirmation needed)
- Save the Manta Manta (confirmation needed)
- Warning: x glass balls to kill dogs and cats (confirmation needed)
- Against the slaughter of stray cats in Switzerland (confirmation needed)
- We free the baby from her attacker Pistoia (confirmation needed)
- Leaving a dog is an inhumane act. (confirmation needed)
- Ban figurines in real fur (confirmation needed)
- Stop butchering cats in China (confirmation needed)
- Stop the illegal sale of live food animals now! (confirmation needed)
- Keep Fort Matanzas Beach Natural and Wild
- Sign the pledge to condemn the sale and ownership of animal fur.
- Stop Dirty Oil in Swift Fox Habitat
- West Virginia: Open an investigation into police misconduct during anti-MTR protest
- Tell the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection not to exempt coal mines from water quality standards (US)
- EPA Guidance Revoked: Tell President Obama to Protect Appalachia (US)
- Support Department of Defense Efforts on the Testing and Deployment of Advanced Biofuels (US)
- Close Tiger Farms and Stop Illegal Tiger Trade Online
- Stop the over-population of Turtles at English Springs Park
- Investigate USDA/APHIS and Stop Proposed Rule to Regulate Pet Sellers
- No to Wild Animals in Entertainment
- Accept responsibility for animals from Mykonos Town.
- Assuming Responsibility For the Animals of Mykonos By The Town Hall
- Σώστε το Χρυσαετό - Save the Aquita Eagle
- Federal Support for Homeless & Abandoned Pets
- We need an Independent Review on Pipeline Safety
- Save Harmless Family Dog from Death Sentence
- End Wolverine Trapping in Montana
- Applaud Conservation Efforts for Yellowstone Bison
- Demand Justice for Severely Burned Puppy
- Clean Up America’s Oceans
- Don’t Destroy Washington State Parks by Ending Funding
- Demand Apology From Shelter Director Who Fraudulently Killed Pets
- Stop Monsanto’s Attacks Against Family Farmers
- Return Innocent Lost Dog to His Family
- Outlaw Bear Baiting in South Carolina
- Save Tiger Habitats from Coal Mining Operations in India
- Protect Endangered White-Winged Ducks
- Rescue Elephant from Abuse at Indian Temple
- Demand Environmental Responsibility in Bangladesh River
- Urge the EPA to Tighten Soot Pollution Regulations
- Vida para Albert en un Santuario
- Stop Phoenix Air Group was recently contracted by Novartis to transport a group of non-human primates from Barbados to Italy.
- STOP Oxytocin misuse on animals for lactation - Abhishek Kadyan
- SHUT DOWN Puppy Mills : Introduce legislation's - Sukanya Kadyan
- Consul General of Japan in HK: Stop the brutal slaughter and capture of dolphins in Taiiji.
- Coca Cola, Acer, Atos, Dow, GE, McDonalds, Omega, Panasonic, P&G, Visa: Withdraw your sponsorship of PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics in S. Korea!
- Stop the August 20th Eviction of Lovepatch Farms Miniature Horses
- Cox Media: Get Cowhead off of the radio airwaves.
- American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA): Protect pet owners' rights to feed a raw meat pet food
- Malu
- Voice for the Gentle Giants
- Close Tiger Farms in Vietnam/Stop Illegal Tiger Trade Online
- Jewel-Osco Grocery Stores: Offer Certified Humane products
- Kalahari Resort in Sandusky Ohio: Provide a better living space for their animals
- No plan of killing of Deer and Deer in the Province of Grosseto
- Hartford, CT Animal Control: Stop Euthanizing Dogs After Being At The Pound Only 10 Days
- Spectra Energy: Don't compromise Animal Welfare at Liberty Humane Society!
- Ian Martin: Stop the heinous hunting of exotic South African animals.
- Gold Medal China: stop Chinese consumption of shark fins
- Local, county, state, federal government: Make an animal abuse offender list.
- Stop Cruelty to Pigs in Wal-Mart's Pork Supplier Plants
- Walmart, K-Mart, Dollar General, Family Dollar, Target: Stop selling Waggin Train Dog Jerky and any other Dog Treats out of China
- Miami Township, Clermont County Ohio: Remove the 3 Pet Limitation on Single-Family Households less than 5 acres
- Protect Animals in Mexico
- Oleson Park Zoo/City of Fort Dodge: Remove the exotic animals from the "zoo".
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Require the Meat Industry to label similar to the Tobacco Industry!
- Protect the Raritan River! Don’t give taxpayer money to polluters!
- Perfectly safe? Why is Monsanto spending millions to hide it? Demand the Truth! YES ON 37!
- Montgomery County Board of Education Member: Save Brickyard Educational Farm and 32 years of organic soil!
- Wet Seal Inc.: Stop the Drilling
- Congressman Frank Lucas, Chairman of the Agricultural Committee: Congressman Lucas: Protect Our Food Supply
- Pittsburgh: Speak Up for Stronger Soot Pollution Standards
- California State Legislature: It’s Time to Ban the Foam in California!
- Montana: Call on Congress to End Subsidies to Oil and Gas Fat Cats (US)
- The President of the United States: Use money from ending oil subsidies to invest in Solar Roadways. (US)
- Stop The Abuse from going on and on. (US)
- To Implement an Offender Registry for Crimes against Animals (US)
- The Governor of NC: STOP THE KILLING OF COYOTES in North Carolina (US)
- Justice 4 Heaven (US)
- The President of the United States: Leave the horses alone, and preserve all animals and their habitat. (US)
- Stop Euthanizing Baby Zoo Animals!
- Zakon ili Pravilnik o sprecavanju razmnozavanja vlasnickih pasa i macaka
Law or Regulations for the Prevention of breeding of owned dogs and cats
- Save the Amur Leopard / Sauvons le Lopard de l'Amour
- Stop Live Bird Plucking for Goose Down
- Close Oxford Greyhound Track
- Stop Horse Carriage in New York City
- Make Balut Illegal in Australia
- Stop Funding Animal Experiments at Huntingdon
- Ban Leg Hold Traps
- India - Don't Let the Tiger Disappear
- MA Bans Breed-Specific Laws and Shelter Gas Chambers: Ask Others to Do the Same
- Don Sullivan's how to train the perfect dog
- Save the Amazon Rainforest
Declare a Global Sanctuary in the Arctic
- Ban TV Show Tanked from Animal Planet
- Free Chimp from PA Zoo
- Contra el apoyo a las fiestas taurinas en los noticieros
- Stop aux pratiques incultes l'gard des animaux!
- Save Javan Rhinos from Extinction!
- NY- Monitor Chinatown for Endangered Species Products
- Allow Waffle the pet rooster to stay home!
- Ask All U.S Governors to Support H.R 3359 the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act
- Close Tiger Farms in Vietnam/Stop Illegal Tiger Trade Online
- May 10 2010 USDA Inspection report
- Stop Bowhunting Proposal in Florida
- Make Animal Inspectors Accountable
- Police K-9 left in sheriff's car dies from heat exposure.
- Stop Poisoning Ground Squirrels
- Save the Koala!
- Demand Justice For Animal Victims
- Stop Facebook from Deleting Pet Profiles!
- Justice for Dog Thrown Down Manhole!
- Justice For Jack--PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE--
- Against the puppy mill In Longueuil
Keep Sewage Out of the Great Lakes
- Salve the Amazon Rain Forests!
- Plastic Disaster in Hong Kong - HELP!
- Stop building more factories in XinJiang, west China! save our white-headed duck from extinction!
- Save The unique Ojnare forest on north Gotland!
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