- Vote - Do we have to put an end to animal experiments? OUI
- North Dakota: Protect your animals
- Dob in Ta Ann for STILL selling Tasmania's magnificent forests as ‘eco’ wood!
- Daniel sdf et black cherche un logement pour sauver Rex (confirmation needed)
- Stop begging with pets and stop traffic of animals in town (confirmation needed)
- For a ban on bear farms (confirmation needed)
- Against the kidnapping and execution of dogs in Rennes (France) (confirmation needed)
- Tell FDA to Ban Unnecessary Antibiotic Use in Food-Producing
- A nation's greatness and its moral progress can be judged by how it treats its animalsPoliticians - VI requires more and better animal welfare, a law where the sentence is disproportionate to the offense, where the problems are taken seriously and addressed. We demand the Nordic cooperation regarding animals for bids and resources to those responsible for animal welfare, which makes it possible to act promptly on complaints. Each name on these lists is a vote in the election - it's time to show where YOU are! The group "Save our animals from abuse NOW!" THESE LISTS NAME SPREAD ACROSS SWEDEN AND WILL THEN BE MADE OF THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE AND ALL PARTIES IN PARLIAMENT AFTER THE START OF THE YEAR.
- Close Green Hill (confirmation needed)
- A second chance to get cites (confirmation needed)
- No wild animals in circuses
- For the closure of all slaughterhouses, especially the mass slaughterhouses
- Please stop cruel elephant 'training' in Nepal!
- Stop the cruel Namibian seal slaughter
No Stalling on the 2013 Sow Stall Ban
- Lower speed limits to save wildlife
- Save The Wild Boars at Old Upper Thomson Road
- Demand Slower Ship Speeds in Endangered Whale Habitat
- Stop Support of Rainforest Destruction
- Demand Protection For Declining Dwarf Seahorse Populations
- Convict Rancher for Severe Animal Abuse Against Horses
- Punish Dog Trainers Who Use Live Rabbits As Bait
- Stop Using Animals as Entertainment in Santa Monica
- Stop People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals from Killing Pets
- Protect Pregnant Mares and Foals from the Dangers of a Stampede
- Applaud Wisconsin County’s Decision to Ban Elephant Performances
- Demand Cruise Industry Comply with New Clean Fuel Regulations
- Protect Families from Cancerous Agents in Drinking Water
- Applaud Small English Town for Sustainable Farming Practices
- Minimize Traffic and Air Pollution in Los Angeles
- Justice for Rudy-Maximum Penalty for Christopher Rambone if Found Guilty
- NOAA: Stop Georgia Aquarium from importing wild beluga whales for captivity
- DEFRA: Stop allowing alcohol companies to leave meat ingredients off their labels
- Southend Council: Free The Chalkwell Park Peacocks
- Gradu Splitu: Hoćemo plažu za pse u Splitu
City of Split: a beach for dogs in Split - NOAA: Don't let the Georgia Aquarium import wild Belugas to the US!
- Stop Shelter Killing of German Shepherds
- We Want Change Now!
- Save Leatherback Turtle nesting site
- Manila Ocean Park: Don't bring Beluga Whales to the Philippines, return them to the Arctic sea
- Uniontown Barracks, State Police Dept, & Fayette SPCA, Fayette County: Act on the neglect and abuse by pressing charges against the family!
- Chief Ministers of Northeast India: BAN the capture/ sale of homeless Dogs for Meat
- Marco Island City Council: Oppose the operation of Horse Drawn Carriages on Marco Island
- JUSTICE: Elephants are being killed for profit in India - Sukanya Kadyan
- Grace's Law
- McCloud's Pet Emporium: Stop selling puppies in their store
- Gov. Brian Schweitzer, Sen. Max Baucus, & Sen. John Tester: Change a Montana Animal Cruelty Law
- Unilever: Stop Animal Testing
- SPCA: Stop euthanizing pit bulls without giving them a chance at life!
- Lifetime: Stop Aerial Wolf Hunting--Stop Giving Spotlight To The Palins
- Max. Penalty for Animal Abuser Kevin Gdowik
- Government State and Country: Stop BSL against Pit Bulls (all dogs in general)
- Punish the DEED NOT the BREED
- Houses of Parliament: Make tougher laws regarding dog on dog attacks
- Governor Otter: stop the bloodbath for the gray wolf
- Chief Minister, Environment Minister, Greens Party, Prime Minister: STOP THE UNLAWFUL VIOLENT KILLING OF PROTECTED NATIVE KANGAROOS
- wire dog crates: Make them safe or get rid of them!!
- Maximum Sentence's for Craigs list Cat Killer Alex Phelps
- Municipality of Aspropyrgos, Athens, GREECE: Act for the protection and care of stray dogs in Aspropyrgos
- ALERT : Kaziranga National Park wild animals needs attention - Sukanya Kadyan
- Delhaize Group: Remove red list fish species from sales
- City of Calgary, Ward 6 - Alderman Richard Pootmans: Ban the application pesticides and herbicides in Strathcona Community
- Old Belfast Road Residents Association Petition To Stop Building 108 Houses
- Help Rescue Illawarra's Beaches
- The President of the United States: make new laws to prevent animal abuse (US)
- Save the Broad River from Nuclear Drought (US)
- The President of the United States: Halt high-volume, slick water, hydraulic fracturing (US)
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