NASA: Improving Habitability, Mood & Diet through Bioregenerative Food Systems
During long duration exploration missions, vegetarian diets will be adopted, creating a challenge to meet the psychological need for dietary variety. Growing edible plants provides nutritional benefits and enhances variety and composition of food...
Dear friends. We are losing!!!
Wolves in Norway need your help. More and more Norwegians want them eradicated.
Motstanden mot ulv øker i Glåmdalen
In this link is a poll: "Vil du ha ulv i din kommune?" (Do you want wolves in your municipality?)
Please vote JA (yes) and click on Stem.
We are losing!!!!
The seal hunt continues
Your thoughts?
A) I cannot believe this kind of thing still happens. It is disgusting
B) I understand the need for population control. Although brutal, it is necessary.
C) Another animal thought to have aphrodisiac properties being hunted in Africa. No surprises there.
We are losing!!!!!!!!!
Fox hunting for children: "No stranger than football"
Is fox hunting a good hobby for young people? Vote Nej and click on Rösta.
- Dogs Guard bittet um Hilfe: Der alte Mann und sein Hund oder Roger’s unglaubliches Schicksal.
Magdeburg's "Lennox" is now called "Roger" and he is a Collie! Dogs Guard asks for help: The old man and his dog, or Roger's incredible destiny. The dog Roger was seized on 11 July 2012 with a judicial search warrant, although he is demonstrably NOT dangerous. We say: "Demonstrably dangerous dogs must be released immediately!" We therefore call on the Provincial Administration Office: RELEASE ROGER IMMEDIATELY! - Vision Express - Stop using Primates in TV ads!
- Tell MetroPCS to Stop Promoting Ringling's Cruel Circus!
- Please End MetroPCS' Promotion of Ringling
- Against English badger 'cull'
- Thank you for putting the brakes on ivory trafficking in the U.S.
- Stop The Torture And Consumption Of Dogs And Cats In South Korea
- Help Give Sharks A Fighting Chance
- 2,000 Bornean orangutans need our help
- Main page where the petition starts when scrolled down to postcard ~Write a postcard and ask those responsible to finally do something from the "Schreckenscanili"!Or the link that will take you there right away:
"Click" on the postcard below and it will open a window where you need to enter your email address and your name. The postcard will be sent in your name to the Italian ministries and politicians, as well as the Italian EU deputies.~ - Petition against the legalization of environmental destruction (confirmation needed)
- Make the call Mark - end native forest logging!
- Declare Trees in Baguio Protected Species: These trees should not be harmed
- Save the Trees of Bearsden Road, Athol, MA
- Urge the EPA to increase its soot standards to decrease instances of pollution-related illnesses.
- Tell Secretary Salazar: I stand with Ocean Conservancy against Shell’s reckless plans to drill for oil in the Arctic.
- Stop Wealthy Water Brokers from Draining the Bay-Delta (US)
- Please Sign On To The Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act (H.R. 5959) (US)
- Tell the President: Don't back down on our waters (US)
- Don't cut funds for our clean water protection (US)
- Tell the EPA: Reject Shell's Arctic bait and switch! (US)
- Reform Wildlife Services Now! (US)
- Deadline Thursday: Tell the FDA - Keep antibiotics out of our food! (US)
- Eliminate Chaotic Animal Chase From Rodeo
- Ask MetroPCS to Stop Promoting Elephant Abuse
- Keep Front Yard Vegetable Gardens Legal
- Get Harmful Additives Out of Organic Dairy Substitutes
- Demand Maximum Sentence for Craigslist Cat Killer
- Stop the Solomon Islands from Illegally Exporting Exotic Birds
- Ask Walmart to Stop Purchasing Inhumane Pork Products
- Congratulate Yonkers for Revitalizing Historic River
- Ask U.S. to Help End the Illegal Ivory Trade
- Free Asian Elephant in Solitary Confinement for 35 Years
- Keep Diabetes-Causing Chemicals Out of Cosmetics
- Don’t Compromise Food Safety for Election-Year Politics
- Speaking up for the voiceless: Stricter laws and stricter punishment for Animal Cruelty in CT
- Saginaw County Animal Care Center: Stop breed-specific policy and the murder of dogs
- Arkansas Animal Abuse Registry
- Stop Michael Vick from getting a dog!: Mr. Vick should NOT have the right to own a dog for what he have done.
- Investigate Dead and Maggot Infested Monkeys at UC Davis
- S. Korea's Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Goyang-city: Close down the illegal dog slaughterhouses now!
- Call on States to Ban Animal Gas Chambers
- PIERS MORGAN AND CNN LET VICK'S PITS VOICES BE HEARD: Invite Jim Gorant, author of "The Lost Dogs" to speak for the dogs
- Rabun County: Stop the euthanasia of innocent animals!
- Tom Corbett, Governor: Ban Micheal Vick from ever owning or possessing any animals.
- Commissioner Dugan: Shut Down the Route 9 Kennels
- NPRA Ban Animal Scrambles at your Sanctioned Events
- Discount Drug Mart: Stop promoting animal cruelty!!
- Keep The Sheep
- Stop Wealthy Water Brokers from Draining the San Francisco Bay-Delta
- Give Save Wild Oat Animal Rescue, Inc. the land for their rescue
- Marine Mammals Threatened by U.S. Navy Training
- U.S Navy: Stop using Sonar and explosives
- United States Environmental Protection Agency: Modify the decision to continue the use of neonicotinoid pesticides
- City Attorney, City of Compton: Arrest & Charge Audra Aldridge & Milena Popovich
- EGYPT: Close down all 7 governmental zoos that are nothing less than hell holes!
- BC Provincial Court: Rule against euthanizing innocent Alaskan Malamute Shadow Madsen Kelowna BC
- United Airlines: poor treatment of veteran Jim Stanek and his service dog
- Ban all snake and reptile skin products in the EU!
- Minister of Justice, New Zealand Government: Harsher penalties for animal abusers
- Cobb County Commissioners: Change current ordinances/policies governing animal control
- Michael Fuqua; Animal Control Officer / Animal Cruelty Investigator: Fire and bring charges to adoption agent/volunteer coordinator Kay Farrell
- Pedigree Adoption Drive: Co-sponsor "Bridge the Gap" Animal Welfare & Adoption Event in Pinellas.
- The Commissioner, Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, Bangalore: Extend Dr. Parviz Piran's term as Joint Director, AHD
- Free Roger - do not let it end like Lennox!
- SAVE Piggy
- Say NO to "humane" farming giveaway
- Tell Mars Candy Stop Animal Experiments
- Ban Pigeon Shoots in Pennsylvania
- Sanctuary for Kansas Zoo Elephants
- Tell Thailand to End Smuggling and Torture of Baby Elephants
- Tell Coca-Cola to Stop Sponsoring Bullfighting
- Urge Opening of Conservation Reserve Program Land Due to Drought
- IF NOT HERE, WHERE?! Urgent! - Stop Ventura County Government's Forced Disposal of Wolves!
- Stop Promoting Circus Cruelty
- Stop the killing of whales in Faroe Islands
- Save Critical Tiger Reserve
- Protect the Clouded Leopard
- Protect the Clouded Leopard (2nd petition)
- Justice for Ruger - Dog locked in crate to starve to death
- San Francisco Gives Dogs to Panhandlers
- CNN LET VICK'S PITS VOICES BE HEARD: Invite Jim Gorant, author of "The Lost Dogs" to speak for the dogs
- Rabun County: Stop the euthanasia of innocent animals!
- Tom Corbett, Governor: Ban Micheal Vick from ever owning or possessing any animals.
- Do Not Wait 6 Years- Ban Endosulfan IMMEDIATELY
- Do Not Wait 6 Years- Ban Endosulfan IMMEDIATELY (2nd petition)
- Retire Grazing Permits - Give Mexican Wolves Freedom to Roam
- Time to call a halt to tiger farming
- Rescue Animals In Egypt Zoos
- Keep Diabetes-Causing Chemicals Out of Cosmetics
- Tell MetroPCS to Stop Promoting Ringling's Cruel Circus!
- Commissioner Dugan: Shut Down the Route 9 Kennels
- Free Asian Elephant in Solitary Confinement for 35 Years
- Ask U.S. to Help End the Illegal Ivory Trade
- Michael Vick Wants a Dog? No. Just No.
- End Breed Specific Legislation and Bring Responsible Dog Ownership Law to Ontario
- Lost Cat Help
- NPRA Ban Animal Scrambles at your Sanctioned Events
- Remember Nathan and Contact Ft Worth Mayor and City Council to End Dog Fighting!
- Demand Justice for Starved Miniature Horses in Florida
Tell Obama: Reject Shell's Excuses
- Saginaw County Animal Care Center: Stop breed-specific policy and the murder of dogs
- SPCA: Stop euthanizing pit bulls without giving them a chance at life!
- Stop Industrial Fisheries from Murdering Endangered Salmon!
- parem els correbous (the 'correbous' are a form of animal torture)
- Woman Arrested for Bringing Water to Animals in Scorching Heat
- Help Save Gorillas
- Help Save Gorillas (2nd petition)
- Name the leaders of the Middle Fork pack of the Greater Gila Bioregion
- Mayor of Chicago: Make Chicago Animal Care and Control a NO-KILL shelter
- Rembrandt. Picasso. Fish in a Blender?
- STOP THE KILLING, We Demand an Investigation of Lewisburg Animal Shelter's Practices
- Stop the selling of live animals at open flea markets through out Florida
- Stop Japanese Whaling
- Keep Great White Sharks Protected
- Discount Drug Mart: Stop promoting animal cruelty!!
- End Puppies for Sale at Pet Shops | Don't Buy a Puppy at Pet Stores
- Keep The Sheep
- Gov. Brown: Use Found Money to Fund Threatened State Parks!
- Texas, Stop Damming and Conserve Water!
- Australia - Don't Remove Protection for Great White Sharks
- Reject Shells Permit to Drill in the Arctic
- Stop Wealthy Water Brokers from Draining the San Francisco Bay-Delta
- Tell the EPA: JUST SAY NO to Arctic drilling
- Stand Against Idaho's Pro-Trapping Amendment!
- Campaign for America's Wilderness
- Deadline Thursday: Tell the FDA - Keep antibiotics out of our food!
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