- Urge RSPCA and DEFRA to prosecute East Anglian Pig Co.
- Sugar Creek Watershed Improvement Project
- Stamp out cruelty at the Stampede
- Mr. Prime Minister, please stop killing whales
- Prohibition of hunting dogs and cats by hunters (confirmation needed)
- Don't let Apache Alaska Corporation conduct seismic surveys in Cook Inlet
- Include climate in the Keystone XL SEIS -- and reject the plan
- Urge Congress and the White House to Ban Horse Slaughter (US)
- Tell Congress Not to Let Agribusiness Write its Own Rules! (US)
It seems more members of change.org have problems with signing new petitions. That’s all I have. It’s strange because change.org tells everyone that the problem is due to a technical problem on our PC. They said the same a few months ago when we couldn’t forward the petitions to our change.org friends. Afterwards it was their policy to delete this function. Even after many petitions, complaints they didn’t change their policy.
- Ban the slaughtering of Bull's and Horse's in Picador Matador Sport!
- The President of the United States: We need laws regulating the use of deadly force against our family pets.Last week was good news - This week is not. We have had 6 dog shootings since July 3rd! SIX! Please, Please, share and promote our petition where ever you have the chance. It seems like this horrendous practice of (I'm just going to say it) shooting practice, is escalating! One of the dogs, I couldn't remember where I read the story - His name was Chance. Here are the stories of the other 5: Carly, July 3 – Vacaville - Pittbull shot in front of his teenage (girl) owner. Fat Man – July 4 – was scared of fireworks and policeman shot him while his mom was trying to get him and another dog in the house (in front of children) Ruger – July 9, Pit Bull Mix, shot in his own driveway by police officer Chris Saugen of Biwabik MN - "he left him there in our driveway half dead, for us to come home to and I had to finish him crying my eyes out it was terrible" Mister - July 12 - Menlo Park Puppy Miraculously Survives Police Officer Gunshot To Head – he was shot in and lost his eye. Presley – July 14, Horseshoe Bay TX - "The officer stepped down with his gun drawn," Nickes said. "He never pulled out his holster he just said get your dog, and -- boom -- shot the dog." Thank you all for your support - I just wish I had better news. Lisa
- Make American Pit Bull Terriers Legal In The United Kingdom.: Legalize Pit Bulls and take down BSL.
- BSL!!!!
- Justice for Miss Chopper
- UK Media Please Cover the Story of Lennox & BSL
- Let us free. Captain Paul Watson from 'accuses the government of Costa Rica
- Speak Out Against Walmart's Cruelty to Pigs
- Ban Cruel Horse-Drawn Carriages in Flagstaff!
- Bowie's Petition: Death by Hartz: Recall toxic Hartz products!
- Stop BLM Helicopter Mustang Roundups
- Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries: Remove 'Shark Wranglers' from DMF permit to capture and tag great whites.
- The Federal Government: Ban Breed Specific Legislation!
- Alcalde de Tordesillas, Ministro de Medio Ambiente de España: No más Toro de la Vega! España necesita escuchar los gritos del mundo!
- The Governor of MA: Stop the legislature from passing this un-constitutional bill HB1445 (US)
Keep Hunters Out of New South Wales Parks!
- Thank You Officer Dan for Keeping Our Pets Safe
- Stop Illegal Canal in Tiger Reserve
- DOG PIGGING in Australia; this has to stop!
- Abused Dog Left for Dead Finally Gets New Family
- Stop Whale Hunting Plans in S. Korea
- Stop Wolf Trapping in Montana
- Ban Cruel Horse-Drawn Carriages in Flagstaff!
- VIDEO: Joint INTERPOL Operation WORTHY takes down ivory traffickers
- Stop the slaughter of whales in arctic sanctuary!
- Ban the horrible toro de la vega fiesta
- Justice for Miss Chopper
- We want proper prosthesis for Mila
- USA: Protect Racehorses, Prohibit Performance-Enhancing Drugs!
- Remove 'Shark Wranglers' from DMF permit to capture and tag great whites.
- Stop the PR Stunt Selling Foie Gras on Federal Land Following Statewide Ban
- Natural Resources Board Rubber Stamps Wisconsin Wolf Slaughter
- Bowie's Petition: Death by Hartz: Recall toxic Hartz products!
- The Governor of MA: Stop the legislature from passing this un-constitutional bill HB1445
- We say NO to the culling of sharks in Australia!
- The Governor of MT: End trapping in Montana
- UK Media Please Cover the Story of Lennox & BSL
- Stop BLM Helicopter Mustang Roundups
- USA: Urge Congress and the White House to Ban Horse Slaughter
- USA: Keep Up the Momentum for Horses!
- The Federal Government: Ban Breed Specific Legislation!
- Ban Sadistic Pig-Dogging Sport!
- Thank CA for Leading the Way On Foie Gras!
- The Governor of OR: Stop horse tripping and roping
- For LENNOX! Tell Eukanuba and Purina Dog Chow to pull their support from the Belfast Kennel Club Dog
- The Governor of OH: Get rid of the BSL law currently in place in Fairborn OH
- Let's bring an end to the PIG SCRAMBLE at the Westmorland County Agricultural Fair
- We need laws regulating the use of deadly force against our family pets.
- No Apes in Entertainment
- BSL!!!!
- The President of the United States: Stop Threatening Their Environments
- Protect the Sea Turtle's Beach Habitat!
- Stop Destruction of Mana Pools, Zimbabwe
- Send Rush Limbaugh on a Death Valley Vacation
- Super Trawler FV Magiris Threatens Australian fish stocks
- Illinois, Don't Build a Coal Plant in Southeast Chicago!
$10,000 reward offered in case of Arizona cat encased in concrete
An investigation was launched in Arizona for those who buried a kitten alive in concrete and multiple animal rights groups are offering $10,000 for information that leads to the arrest of the criminals.
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