Do you support culling flying fox colonies when hendra is a recurring danger to a community?
- Yes
- No
- No but I support colony relocation
- Save the wolves! (confirmation needed)
- Leaving a dog is an inhumane act. do not do it (confirmation needed)
- Testing of cats with eyes sewn. just torture (confirmation needed)
- We close the brothels of animals in Denmark (confirmation needed)
- No trade in ivory, endangered animals
(confirmation needed) - Exemplary punishment for a barbarian act in AJACCIO (confirmation needed)
- Tuzla, Bosnia
- Stop Baboons being Killed in the Cape Peninsula.
- Stop Animal Experiments at Cardiff University.
- I’m writing to let you know that I’m strongly opposed to the proposed “Raven” coal mine on Vancouver Island.
- Urge the USDA to close the loophole for Internet puppy sellers
- Tell Trader Joe's to commit to antibiotic-free meat (US)
- Tell Monsanto: Endorse California's Proposition 37, Require GMO food labeling
- Boycott Beef to Save America's Wolves and Wild Horses
- Maharashtra Forest Minister: Secure freedom for Sunder, an abused elephant, and send him to a sanctuary
- UK Prime Minister: Stop veterinary negligence and malpractice
- Detener la ilegal Pelea de Caballos en Filipinas/Stop horse fighting in Philippines
- Regierung und Politiker in Frankreich und Spanien: Endgültiges Verbot von Stierkämpfen
- Criminalize Animal Abuse!
- Iowa Government: Stop backyard breeding in the state of Iowa
- Stop feeding dogs deceased dog parts
- Michael Vick: Donate profits from your clothing line to the American Humane Association.
- Skaist Taylor: Please Go Fur-Free!
- Canadian Federal Government: Protect the Woodland Caribou and their habitat, the Boreal Forest.
- FAO: Elected officials of EVERY Country with Breed Specific Legislation: END Breed Specific Legislation in its entirety, judge deed NOT breed
- Ringling Bros Circus, Staples Center: Fire Joe Frisco, head elephant handler
- The Chinese Government: Stop keeping emaciated tigers for their blood to make wine.
- STOP Bullock cart races in India - Sukanya Kadyan
- Queremos que no hayan más becerradas en Algemesí (Valencia, España)
- The Vicktory Dogs: The Little Engines That Will: Do not adopt a dog to Michael Vick
- President de les Illes Balears: Stop the cruel Corridas in Mallorca now!
- Tate and Lyle Sugars: Stop importing sugar from land-grabbers in Cambodia and compensate victims.
- Reinforce Pennsylvania Animal Cruelty Laws: Save the Frackville Fifteen (US)
- Save the Irrawaddy Dolphins from the Dangers of Fishing in the Mekong River
- Zoo Must Ramp Up Safety After Gorilla’s Tragic Death
- Put Kennel Owner that Drowns Puppies Out of Business
- Save Louisiana Wetlands from Illegal Construction Projects
- End Elephant Tourism in Thailand
- Dog Killing Is Out Of Control: Demand New Management At Georgia Shelter
- Something’s in the Water: Protect South Florida’s Caloosahatchee River
- Save Rare River Dolphin from Imminent Extinction
- Demand Protection for Rare Tennessee Crayfish
- Tell the Army to Stop Using Ferrets for Training
- Don’t Allow Hunting of Endangered Antelope
- Urge Trader Joe’s to Only Sell Antibiotic-Free Meat
- Save Protected California River Delta from Canal Project
- Urge Jamba Juice to Stop Using Styrofoam
- Ban Plastic Bags in Favor of Reusable Bags
- Don’t Allow Loopholes for Genetically Modified Crops
- Save Dre, a Pit Bull in Brighton, CO who has NEVER hurt anyone!
- Stop Sloth Bear Torture in India
- Stop the Somerset Badger Cull!
- Stricter penalties for animal cruelty
- Stop the mockery of animals!
- Stop Pet Shops selling Kittens and Puppies, in Australia
- Tell New York to Stop Importing Shark Fins
- Change the Law - Don't Take My Dog
- Stop Hunting Lynx in Europe
- Free Sunder the Elephant!
- Revoke Bear Parks License to Exhibit Bears
- Stop Pitbull Discrimination!
- USDA: Support Alternatives to Meat!
- Keep the Ban on Elephant Ivory
- Coca Cola supports animal abuse! Help stop this!
- No More Animal Cruelty For Art!
- Feral Colonies
Save Australia's Coral Sea
- Demand the AVMA back off its proposed policy against raw feeding of domestic cats and dogs
- Demand the Australian Government End Puppy Factories in Australia
- Demand the Killing of Whales to Stop
- Stop Rodeos
- Ban Sugar Gliders as Pets in U.S.
- Stop Killing Wolves in Finland - 135 Left
- Save Golden Eagles From Marine Aircraft!
- UKC, Allow ADBA and AKC American Staffordhire Terriers and APBTs BACK in your registry!!!!
- BC - Please opt out of EAEA and take back right for provincial review of major projects
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