- Native Patagonian forests are not for sale
(if you are not from Argentina click: no soy de Argentina) - Protect Arches and Canyonlands from fracking
- Protect the laws that protect the places you love
- Please Save Maui's Dolphins from Extinction
- Stop hunting (confirmation needed)
- Ask NIH to Stop Funding Cruel UW Experiment on Cats!
- Ask Anaheim City Council to End Cruel Exotic Animal Acts
- Ban Killing of Snakes for their Skins
- Ensure Urban Growth Plan for Greater Portland Preserves Farmland and Natural Resources
- Stop Torture of Cats in Laboratory Experiments
- Enhance Restoration of Salmon Habitat in Washington
- Keep Supporting Organic Foods Despite Recent Negative Study Conducted
- Suspend Police Officer Who Gunned Down Family’s Golden Retriever
- Stop the Los Angeles County Fair from Using Bears as Entertainment
- Prevent Dog Deaths on Chinese Airlines
- Stop the Killing of Elephants in the Congo
- Educate Local Peruvians of Threat to Severely Endangered Monkey Species
- Pet Stores: Stop selling Cedar bedding.
- We demand Ecocert to remove the Bio label steaks from cattle slaughtered raw
- Tregembo Animal Park: Stop the inhumane treatment of animals
- Condena Internacional al Circo 'Barley Circus'
- Office of the Prime Minister of Japan: Make the Prime Minister, his cabinet and families eat this poisoned meat
- Boycott IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics 2013 in Seoul, S. Korea-Ban the Horrendous Atrocity of Dog Meat Trade Now!
- Tell Lottemart and Ramayana to STOP supporting traveling dolphin circuses!
- University of Wisconsin: Stop Experimenting On Cats
- Tell Lottemart and Ramayana to STOP supporting travelling dolphin circuses! (Imre Miklos)
- Tregembo Animal Park: Stop the inhumane treatment of animals (Kelly Rogers)
- Ask NIH to Stop Funding Cruel UW Experiment on Cats! (Kelly Rogers)
- Stop the Ontario Government from causing thousands of race horses to die
- University of Wisconsin: Stop Experimenting On Cats (Imre Miklos)
- Save Santiago Canyon
- Canary Islands: Don't Let the Angel Shark Disappear
- Don't Raise UK Ducks Without Bathing Water!
- Save the Amur Leopard from Extinction
- Ask Anaheim City Council to End Cruel Exotic Animal Acts (Kelly Rogers)
- Suspend Police Officer Who Gunned Down Family's Golden Retriever (Kelly Rogers)
- Stop the Los Angeles County Fair from Using Bears as Entertainment (Kelly Rogers)
- Prevent Dog Deaths on Chinese Airlines (Kelly Rogers)
- Protect Elephants from Ivory Poaching (Kelly Rogers)
Protect Elephants from Ivory Poaching
- Killing the Canadian Geese on the Bronx River Parkway and Sprain because frequented the Golf Course
- Save Small Island Platypuses From Epidemic Extinction (Kelly Rogers)
Save Small Island Platypuses From Epidemic Extinction
- Stop the Killing of Elephants in the Congo (Kelly Rogers)
- Educate Local Peruvians of Threat to Severely Endangered Monkey Species (Kelly Rogers)
- Stop Torture of Cats in Laboratory Experiments (Kelly Rogers)
- Help Make California Safe For Wolves (Kelly Rogers)
Help Make California Safe For Wolves
For people who don't sign Kelly Rogers' and Imre Miklos' petitions, I put their names next to their petitions and extracted original petitions out of theirs.
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