- YouTube video 'ACTION ALERT: Backyard Tigers'
with article in it - Big Cats and Public Safety Protection HR 4122
and the petition - Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act HR 4122 - Urgent! The forgotten animals of live export
- Help Spare Beluga Whales a Lifetime of Confinement
- Protect Dolphins from Noisy Blasts
- Take the pledge and join the global barnyard!
You can make the world a better place for farm animals every day. Simply commit to making more humane food choices when you shop and eat. - Ducks are the third most farmed animal for meat in the UK but sadly millions are kept in unacceptable conditions. Watch the story of Jennifer, a typical farmed duck - then do your bit by taking action below to make sure supermarkets "Don't duck the issue".
- Portugal, put an end to kennels and catteries slaughter.
- Maximum penalty for alleged seal killer
- PBS NewsHour: Don't Promote Climate Denial
- Tell President Obama that you are thrilled that Shell won't be able to drill this year -- and urge him to protect the Polar Bear Seas next year, too!
- Tell EPA: Give Equal Protection From Air Pollution
- Say NO to Massive Habitat Loss on Gulf Coast
- Change your tuna!
- Urge Ministry to Ban Testing of Cosmetics and Household Products on Animals
- 400 Cattle Suffer and Die en Route to Russia - Help Prevent a Similar Tragedy
- Keep Up The Fight To Stop Mountaintop Removal Mining
- Secretary Salazar: Stop Misleading Americans
- Call on President Obama to Protect Us from Dangerous Fracking
- Please Tell Your Senators to Say No to Dangerous Hunting Proposals (US)
- Please Save Horses from Soring--Cosponsor H.R. 6388! (US)
- Please Oppose H.R. 3074, Which Needlessly Kills Birds (US)
- Please contact Congress to make sure the controversial Monsanto riders stay out of the Farm Bill! (US)
- Demand fast food go cage-free.
Fast food restaurant chains serve what customers demand. The more people that ask for cage-free eggs - the more likely these businesses will make the switch to humane options. (AU)
- Demand the University of Mississippi Medical Center Stop Using Live Pigs for Experiments
- Make Cockfighting a Felony in All 50 States
- Support Efforts to Improve Working Conditions for Coffee Farmers in Chiapas, Mexico
- Stop Human Safaris on Andaman Islands of India
- Urge U.S. Department of Energy to Implement New Wind Turbines
- Stop the creation of a bear park in Gasselterveld
- Say NO to killing Alligators on a Wildlife Refuge!
- Boycott The 2013 9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering in Seoul, S. Korea-Tell S. Korea to Ban the Dog Torture and Consumption Now!
- Boycott XIII 2013 International Congress of Toxicology in Seoul, South Korea! No More Animal Cruelty! No More Dog Meat!
- British Government. David Cameron: Stop the massive slaughter of whales and dolphins in the Cove, Japan
- Region of Lombardy, Province of Brescia, City of Manerbio: Denying the construction of the mega-slaughter Hamburger Pini
- Bring Meatball the Bear to Colorado and Change Colorado Regulation
- Harley's Hope: Changing the World...One Pet at a Time.
- Join Me In Asking Starbucks To Continue To Offer Free Soy Milk!
- National Marine Fisheries Service: Protect Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles
- Spring Hill Crematorium Emissions Petition
- Please stop display of murdered mules in museum exhibit.
- Brookhaven Town : Save the Ecology Center
- Makaha Golf Course: Stop diverting water from a fresh water spring to water their courses
- Retail sale of puppies in Oswego, IL: Ban the sale of puppies in a pet store.
- SCC Division of Energy Regulation: Stop the overheading of the Surry-Skiffes Creek 500 kV transmission line.
- The wonderful City of Yakima: Remove the city ordinance banning anyone owning or adopting pitbull dogs.
- Apartments having restrictions on pets: Allow people to bring their pets into an apartment without restrictions.
- Cleveland, Ohio mandatory spay neuter law
- Sasha, K-9 Officer
- Impartially, thoroughly investigate incidents of officers shooting dogs
- Yahoo: Stop Selling Dolphin And Whale Meat
- Help BAN pet store & retail outlet sales of puppy mill animals across Ontario
- END BSL (Breed Specific Legislation)
- URGENT: Call for End to Yellville's Sadistic 'Turkey Drop'! (Imre Miklos)
original link - URGENT: Call for End to Yellville’s Sadistic 'Turkey Drop'! - Yahoo: Stop Selling Dolphin And Whale Meat (Imre Miklos)
- Marine Sanctuaries for Tuna in Australia
- Don't buy JCPenney until they drop Michael Vick clothing/jerseys.
- Stop Mining in Ancient Swedish Forest
- Urge Ministry to Ban Testing of Cosmetics and Household Products on Animals (Kelly Rogers)
- GRAPHIC VIDEO Help BAN pet store & retail outlet sales of puppy mill animals across Ontario (Kelly Rogers)
- 400 Cattle Suffer and Die en Route to Russia Help Prevent a Similar Tragedy (Kelly Rogers)
- Justice for Zeus: A case of animal cruelty
- Impartially, thoroughly investigate incidents of officers shooting dogs (Kelly Rogers)
- Impartially, thoroughly investigate incidents of officers shooting dogs (Kelly Rogers, 2nd petition)
- Keep the "Nature" in Florida's Nature Coast (Kelly Rogers)
Keep the "Nature" in Florida's Nature Coast
- Keep Up The Fight To Stop Mountaintop Removal Mining (Kelly Rogers)
- Secretary Salazar: Stop Misleading Americans (Kelly Rogers)
- Protect Us from Dangerous Fracking (Kelly Rogers)
- Protect Us from Dangerous Fracking (Kelly Rogers, 2nd petition)
- Keep Roundup Out of Central Park
- Tell Utah- Don't Slaughter Coyotes
source Fast-moving Bill Would Pay to Slaughter Utah's Song Dogs - Protect Polar Bear Seas from Oil Drilling
- Stop Bird Killing Bill
- Save Two Harp Seal Pups from an Unnecessary Execution
- Help Save the Clouded Leopard
- Ban the Trade in Seahorses
- Protect Florida Black Bears
- Stop Masked Street Monkey Exploitation
source - Misery of Indonesia's monkeys: Chained macaques forced to dress up in doll costumes and ride scooters for tourists - Cleveland, Ohio mandatory spay neuter law (Kelly Rogers)
- END BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) (Kelly Rogers)
- Please Tell Your Senators to Say No to Dangerous Hunting Proposals (Kelly Rogers)
- Protect Dolphins from Noisy Blasts (Kelly Rogers)
Use Your Voice: Tell the Candidates to Protect America's National Parks
- Show pictures of abused animals on some products that are tested on animals
- Say NO to killing Alligators on a Wildlife Refuge! (Kelly Rogers)
For people who don't sign Kelly Rogers' and Imre Miklos' petitions, I put their names next to their petitions and extracted original petitions out of theirs.
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