Petitions - Please Sign & Share 09/13

- Ask McDonalds to serve veggie burgers
- Against the slowly death of the Orpea stray cats because they don’t receive enough food, water and vet help (France) (confirmation needed)
- Against gestation crates for pigs in France (confirmation needed)
- Neutering of stray cats and dogs must be obliged in France (confirmation needed)
- Help Protect Pigeons Used for Racing
- Cut Funding for Cruel Experiment on Cats at UW-Madison!
- You can also write to your supermarket (sample letter provided)
- Protest against the capture and export of 18 beluga whales (confirmation needed)
- Time for a ban on the commercial trade in polar bear parts
- Thank Secretary Clinton for combating wildlife trafficking
- New City Council Endorsements!
Two new members of the New York City Council, Peter Koo and Margaret Chin, have co-sponsored Intro 86A, legislation that will replace horse drawn carriages with our classic cars! Take a minute to THANK them for their commitment to ending horse carriage abuse.
- Protect Clean Water, Stop Fracking
- Mega-mines Threaten Ontario Caribou and Wild Rivers
- Tell EPA to Protect Pollinators!
- Halt Construction of Jeju Naval Base
- Lend Your Voice to Pollution Protections for Desert Skies!
I Support Better Air Quality! Docket ID No. EPA-R09-OAR-2012-0021
- Please sign up right now to become a part of our grassroots campaign. By signing up and taking action you become the backbone of an entirely different type of statewide campaign – a campaign led by tens of thousands of people like you who just want to know what’s in our food.
- Tell President Obama: end secrecy of Trans-Pacific Partnership.
- Please join us to Break The Chain in the United States (US)
tips on how you can help and a link to the petition
- Big Cats and Public Safety Protection HR 4122
Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act (H.R. 4122)
H.R. 4122: Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act (US)
- Tell your Senators to Say NO to S. 1113
In the name of promoting "critical" mineral development in the United States, S. 1113, the Critical Minerals Policy Act of 2012, could muffle or silence community and environmental concerns when new mines are proposed. (US)
- Please Send In Your Comments on the Proposed Ecosanctuary in Northeast Nevada
- M. Hollande, Président de la République Française.: Donner un véritable statut juridique à l'animal.
Mr. Holland, President of the French Republic.: Give a proper legal status of the animal.
- Ace Of Hearts Dog Rescue: Return my puppy to me
- Transparent Slaughter Houses
- Skelanimals, LLC: Stop Exploiting Lolita For Financial Gain
- Grants and Funding: Stop Funding Cruel Animal Experiments at UW-Madison
- Request to lower the liability insurance amount in regards to pit bulls
- Train NYPD Officers How to Safely Handle Threatening Dogs
- Don't Slash Residential Clean Energy Programs
- City of Waco, Texas: Please don't kill hundreds of dogs and cats to clear animal shelter
- Boycott 2012 RI World Congress in Incheon, South Korea - End the Monstrous Cruelty to Millions of Dogs and Cats Now!
- Boycott 2012 World Congress on Engineering Asset Management in Daejeon, South Korea-Land of Unspeakable Suffering and Terror for Millions of Dogs!
- United States Government: Regulate the killing of animals in the U.S.A. before it's too late.
- City of Long Beach, New York: DOG BEACH PARK
- Mayor Bloomberg & Restaurants of the City of New York: Stop the use of plastic containers in the food service industry
- Water bottle companies, specifically Dasani and Aquafina bottling: Go back to reusable crates for bottle transportation to stores.
- Democrats for the Environment
- Protect Dying Coral Reefs in the Caribbean
- Stop The Use of Hunting Hounds In California
- Demand Full Disclosure of Chemicals Used in Hydrofracking
- Stop Loading Mattresses with Fire-Retardant Chemicals
- Scioto County Dog Pound of Portsmouth, Ohio Stop Breed Discrimination of Pitbulls and Pitbull Mixes
- Make to STOP advertising the SALE of dogs
- Controlling stray dog breeding in Punjab in India
- Save Taiji Japan Dolphins
- Por la eliminacion de el Torneo Toro de la Vega de Tordesillas
- Stop shooting our family pets!
- Provide Vegan Lunch Options at Schools
- PETITION: Stop the Whale Murder in the Faroe Islands
- Tell Wards Natural Science/Edmund Scientific to Stop the Needless Killing of Bats
- Tell Wards Natural Science to Stop the Needless Killing of Bats
- Close Tiger Farms in China
- Protect Caribou Habitat in Alaska
- Save Penguins from Extinction
- Stop Bullfighting in Mexico
- Stop human beasts
- Continuation of Peanut the puppy's viscous murder
- Stop Ajax Mine from opening in Kamloops, BC Canada
- Tell Chevron Oil that Coyote Hills in Fullerton, California should not be developed
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