- 3 Days to Stop the Corporate Death Star
- Breaking news: The end of UK live exports?
- Thank Secretary Clinton for combating wildlife trafficking
- Join an Oregon Wild Wolf Pack
- Water for National Wildlife Refuges
- Protect the Gray Wolf in California
- USA: Support and Protect Retired Military Dogs! (US)
- Help Protect Manatee Habitat!
- Keep the Sacred Headwaters Sacred
- Protect Canada’s Species at Risk!
- Open the Presidential Debates
- Against the closure of animal shelters in Corsica (confirmation needed)
- University Wisconsin Madison - stop torturing cats
- Meat Is Murder!
- Stop Mistreatment of bears at Los Angeles County Fair
- How can we make Europe free of nuclear power? (EU citizens)
- Put Climate Change on the Agenda in the First Presidential Debate
- Keep Up The Fight To Stop Mountaintop Removal Mining
- Clean air should be a fundamental right!
- Call On Government to Take Immediate Action to Ban Wild Animals in Circuses
- End Taiji Slaughter of Dolphins
- Cambodian government: BAN THE SALE OF DOG MEAT!
- Washington Governor Christine Gregoire: Save the Wedge pack!
- Bureau of Land Management: Stop wild horse round ups.
- Please help to stop this savagery now
- University of Wisconsin: Stop Experimenting On Cats
- Broome City Council: Say NO to TAIJI
- JUSTICIA por los animales ENVENENADOS en SAN PEDRO (Buenos Aires - Argentina)
- Dalton McGuinty: Drop the Ontario Pit Bull Ban
- Save the biodivesity and animal rights!: Convenzione biodiversità e tutela diritti animali
- Salve a los Gatos del Parque Kennedy de Miraflores - Peru
- Support the move of the Niagara Falls Primate Sanctuary to Wilson, NY!: Sign this petition and encourage a better life for these primates!
- Take a stand for the rabbits
- World Methodist Council: Putting a ban on duck feeding.
- Free Carter
- President of Indonesia: Stop the poaching within national forests of the Sumatran Rhinoceros.
- Boycott International Green Energy Expo & Conference Korea 2013 in Daegu, S. Korea - End the Shameful and Barbaric Torture of Innocent Animals!
- End Illegal Internet Wildlife Trafficking
- End Production of Genetically Modified Glow-in-the-Dark Fish
- Stop UK Government from Constructing a Third Runway at Heathrow Airport
- Stop Bear Farming in Asia
- Tell New York to Stop Importing Shark Fins
Kill the Cull, Not the Badgers
- Remove ban of "Lost Dog" flyers in Beverly Hills
- Tell the Seaboard Corporation to stop housing pigs in cruel gestation crates (Imre Miklos)
- Tell the USDA to Crack Down on Livestock Auction Cruelty (Imre Miklos)
- Ask Cyprus to End Songbird Slaughter
- Free click saves rainforest!
- Help Save the Albatross
- Stop Mistreatment of bears at Los Angeles County Fair (Imre Miklos)
- Save Orangutans from Extinction
- Call On Government to Take Immediate Action to Ban Wild Animals in Circuses (Imre Miklos)
- Time is running out for Zak and Mika! Help us stop these 2 beautiful, healthy baby seals from being euthanized simply because tourist season is over! => Please help stop September 15 deadline for death of Harp Seals at Aquarium des Iles, Quebec, Canada
Save Zac&Mika - YouTube Video
Thank you for posting about our petition on change.org for the sumatran rhinoceros!