and petitions
- Illegal Mass culling of dogs in Jammu and Kashmir (India)
- Animal Cruelty in Cyprus
- Petition to Adidas: Stop using kangaroo leather
- Stop San Francisco From Using Puppies
- LA County, Crack Down on Inhumane Makeshift Stables
- Don't Kill Pig for Religion!
- Helping the Polar Bears
- Say NO to reopening Wathamstow Greyhound Stadium
- Animals Are Not Art
- Cans Are Not For Killing Animals
- New Home For Former Lab. Monkeys
- Helping New Zealand Say No To Deep Sea Drilling
- Animal Welfare in Long Beach, California
- Help This Site Meet Its Quota
- Justice For Belinda-PLEASE SIGN & SHARE!
- Letter to Ambassador of India in SPAIN for the conservation and respect for the river Ganges
- Take action to save the coral reefs of Antigua and Barbuda
- Clean the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
- Stop East-West Corridor through Maine
Tell NC Governor Perdue to Veto the Fracking Bill
Urge Your Senators to Co-Sponsor the Safe Chemicals Act
- Save a joey from cruelty
- Save a joey from cruelty (2nd petition)
- Caribou and You
- Stop Horse Slaughter Factory in Missouri
- German Shepherd BRIDGES rescued to be shot Days later by a Boarding facility owner!
- Ask Peru to Stop Culling Bats
- BLM, Don't Stampede Foals and Pregnant Mares
Join the Fight to Save Rhinos from Poaching
- Stop the illegal and inhumane killing of stray dogs and cats in the Ukraine!!!
- Say No to Meat at Yoga Festivals
- Boycott Spain as a holiday destination
- Keeping Shell Oil Out Of The Arctic
- Primorsky Region needs a shelter with facilities to sterilize abandoned cats and dogs.
- Mozambique Harbors ill intent
- Stop Plans for Crocodile Trophy Hunt
- Save Huera, the blood donor dog--PLEASE SIGN & SHARE!
- Close Tiger Farms in China
- No Elephant Bullhooks in Atlanta, Georgia
- Stop the massive cuts to the budget
- Gotta free Gotti
- West and Central African Government: BAN The Illegal Trade and Cruel Nest Poaching of African Grey Parrots
- The Idaho State Senate: Ban the possession, distribution and sale of shark fins.
- V.Yanukovych, Presid. of Ukraine,11, Bankovastr., Kyiv–220, Ukraine, 01220: Allow people keeping dogs in their rented flats and and care for them.
- Ministry of Environment & Forests / President: Stop the killings of Elephants & Wild Cats
- The President of The United States: We Demand That Animal Breeding Be Licensed and Any Animal Abuse be a Felony
- Ministre de la justice: Militons pour l'interdiction de la vente de fourrure animale (For a ban on the sale of fur)
- Global Press Contact for Whole Foods: Boycott Canadian Seafood Until the Canadian Coast Guard Stops Killing Seals
- NYC Council: Stop Horse Carriage
- Feroe Island Denmark Slaughter: Stop this!!: Stop the killing of innocent dolphins!!
- Kingston City Council: Prevent the 72-hour pound seizure
- Prime Minister Hon. Baldwin Spencer: Take action now to save Antigua & Barbuda's coral reefs
- Santa Cruz Sheriffs Dept: Make it mandatory for Animal Control to be present at Police raids
- To the Indonesian embassy in Washington DC: Close Down Indonesian Dolphin Traveling Circus
- Ban the slaughtering of Bull's and Horse's in Picador Matador Sport!
- Japanese Embassy: Stop the Cetaceans hunting!!
- Bedford County: Arrest a serial cat killer
- City of Liberty, Missouri Council Member: Please change your ordinance to allow for feral cat colony caretakers
- Philippe Houze, Monoprix CEO: Stop selling battery eggs at Monoprix!
- @DefraGovUK Stop the multiple hot branding of Equines in England and Wales
- Atlanta, GA City Council: Stop the abuse of elephants in Atlanta
- Stop The Official Delisting Of Wolves From Endagered Species List
- Greg Selinger: Save Bear Cub Makoon
- Humane Society of Rochester, New York: Remove Monroe County, N.Y. Sheriff Patrick O'Flynn from your Board!
- Representative Sue Wallis of WY to be removed from facebook and her office! Humane treatment of animals around the world starts here!
- Jeff Dailey CEO Farmers Group Inc: pull your miilions of dollars in funding from the March of Dimes.
- Stop the Annual Slaughter of Dolphins
- Sue Wallis: Stop slaughtering horses. Say no to a slaughter house in Missouri.
- Wells Fargo and Bank of America: 48 abused horses and non-profit financially devastated by lies/deception
- Germantown Tennessee Charity Horse Show: Ban Walking Horse Categories
- Occupy Rio 20 Global Revolution 2012 /20-22 June 2012 -Environmental - Solidarity - No War- Animal Rights
- Tell McCloud's no more Puppies! Support shelter dogs!
- Pets at Home: Stop selling starter hutches and sell a hutch for life.
- Congress make a mandatory National Animal Abuser Registry
- Michigan Humane Society (MHS) Board of Directors: Call for the resignations of Mr. Cal Morgan and Mr. David Williams.
- United Nations: Intervene in the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
- Cargill: Time to Sell, Don't Pave the Bay
- Park and Recreation Director of Capital/Planning Divisions: Stop the removal of Lafayette Park old-growth trees.
- Don't Be A Bull-y (US)
- Jonah's Law (US)
- Help Stop SkiLink, Oppose H.R. 3452 and S.1883 (US)
- The President of the United States: Stop the slaughtering of horses for meat and import/export of such meat (US)
- The U.S. Senate: Add bitterant in the production of antifreeze in all 50 US states (US)
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