- Demand a ban on owning pets for a Norwegian dog torturer now living and breeding dogs in Sweden
Brandi Ann Tomko Must Be Stopped--THE VOICELESS NEED OUR VOICESave Small Island Platypuses From Epidemic Extinction
- Stop Mall Kiosks From Abusing Animals
- Marine Parks South Australia
- This is stealing horses, give them back
- Ban Cruel Fish Bleeding Ritual!
Government funding for the OSPCAHigher standards for wild animals in captivity in Lithuania- Protect Marine Endangered Species
- Stop the Breeding and Selling of Chinchilla Fur
- Stop the Cull of Tasmanian Devils
- End animal sacrifice in Nepal
- Make the NYC Animal Shelters no-kill shelters only
Fight for the Future of Coral Reefs- Peru - Investigate Impact of Xstrata Mine
- Save Iraq Marshes - Stop Ilisu Dam in Turkey
Don't Frack With California
- Dolphin Drive Hunt - Taiji
- SAVE THE VAQUITA! There are only 150 left...Please help!
Don't Let the Courts Take Stitch from His Family!
- BC RCMP: Put a Stop the Brutal Killing of Cats in Maple Ridge, BC!
US Navy: Stop testing sonar in the waters off Washington state- DON'T KILL THE BADGERS!
- Chief Minister, Canberra Legislative Assembly: Stop the Slaughter of Kangaroos in ACT
Minister for Transport and Infrastructure: Lower boat speed limits in Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary.Tom Vilsack - Secretary of Agriculture: Ban Animal Gas Chambers in all 50 States- Call for an animal Regulation in the City of Naples
- STOP Cow slaughtering in India - Sukanya Kadyan
Protect the breed- Help Us Save the Animals! Let Shelters be a Haven
City of Prince George: amending the dangerous dog bylaw to not include pitbullsCafepress.com: Pull the offensive t-shirt captioning pitbulls and gunsStop factory farmingGeorgia Environmental Protection Division: Stop King America Finishing Pollution in the Ogeechee RiverRayfish Shoes: Don't Kill Stingrays For Shoes!Stop the Raising, Capture, Killing and Export of Exotic MeatsLive Goat to be Ripped Apart in NepalJustice for the Wallkill Rottweilers found in horrific conditions in NY: Maximum sentence for Sylvia Panetta for the inhumane treatment of animalsAccording to the petition author's words below, the signatures are being delivered to the court handling this case. Sylvia Panetta's Court date is set for June 15th 2012 and we need to get as many signatures as possible to be presented in the court on that date."The Australian Government: stop the killing of Australia's Kangaroos!STOP KILLING ANIMALS DURING HARVEST BY MACHINES !!!School boards across the u.s.(and everywhere): stop promoting dairy products as healthy foods- Protect New Zealands Children by Protecting our Pets
The Rhino Wars- Etsy: Ban Grisly Fur Trinkets
- Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages in Montréal
- Free the Disney Dolphins
Minister for Wildlife and Biodiversity, DEFRA (Richard Benyon MP): For the detention in the UK of an owl requires an authorization.Buzzards deserve a life too!!Help us get justice for SkyeKENNEL KARE KILLED THIS BELOVED FAMILY DOG!Save Our Dog Park- Monroe Count Sheriff Department and Town Of Penfield.: Investigation of Pitbull shooting.
Treaties must be followed - for the abandoned animals - the stray dogs.The City of Chicago - The Mayor Rahm Emanuel: Rethink their stance on taking down the CACC Transfer Teams PageGet justice for DiabloOSPCA- Peterborough: Prevent a neglected dog from returning to its owner.Please let Blue the dog stay free!WE ARE ONE: Close the legal Rodeo- To those in charge of CBC, CTV, and Global: Please refuse commercials promoting the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline.
Coca Cola: Dasani: Stop taking the water from Kala Dera, India- Ban the use of plastic bags in Fort Worth
Make deep sea drilling a PROHIBITED activity under the EEZC&C of Honolulu Mayor: Stop all commercial uses at Kailua Beach Park not considered by 1996 EAPeople need more time to comment on Shell drilling in Huerfano CountyNew York City Council: Raise fine amount for littering in NYCPrime Minister of Canada: Reinstate the government staff who monitor pollution in our water and airStop The Shooting: Petition the Wisconsin Wolf Management Plan(US)- The Governor of FL: STOP KILLING ALL DOGS BEFORE THEIR ADOPTION DATE!! (US)
Support and Encourage Investigation into Wildlife Services(US)URGENT - Spay / Neuter program in jeopardy!(US)- The U.S. Senate: STOP THE KILLING OF OUR SHELTER ANIMALS, UPGRADE SHELTERS, BUILD MORE (US)
Close Just Pups in E.H. And all Just Pups stores- Pups come from puppymill. God made the animals first!!(US)- The U.S. Senate: Stop the selling of animals at flea markets and from backyard breeders (US)
Provide a 24 hr shelter&emergency clinic& Eliminate Euthanasia(US)- Revisit and change the NY two dogs per campsite rule (US)
- Help Save A Half Million Pigs In Chile
- Protect Endangered Seabirds from Habitat Destruction
- Oppose Killing of Geese in New York City Wildlife Refuge
- End Shanthi the Elephant’s Harmonica Performances
- Don’t Forbid Officials from Using Climate Science When Planning for Sea Level Rises
- Don’t Allow the Tobacco Industry to Test New “Light” Formula on Animals
- End Animal Abuse at a California Livestock Auction House
- Improve Guidelines for Organic Poultry Production
- End Destructive Shrimp Trawling in Costa Rican Waters
- End Inhumane Hound-Hunting of California Predators
- Protect Pets Sold Sight Unseen from Abuse and Neglect
- The European Union must Commit to Rebuilding Fish Stocks
- Prevent Pagan Island from Becoming Dumping Ground for Japan Tsunami Debris
- Protect Canada’s Marine Pollution Program
- Urban Planning Needs to Address Light Pollution
- Stop Dog Killing in Ukraine and in Baku! (UEFA European Championship and ESC)!
- Sign the petition to ban the killing of tuna
- Sign the Statement Against Dogfighting
- Up to 30 million rabbits a year are eaten in Germany. According to the Federal Statistical Office, 41,000 tons of rabbit meat are eaten each year. This represents up to 30 million animals. Approximately 6000-7000t rabbit meat is imported, then, the rest comes from German fattening rabbits.The minimum standards for keeping rabbits is not legally binding.
The rabbit is one pole so far as you know, one of the few sectors of the agricultural sector, which are not regulated uniformly by individual regulations. With this situation, the animals suffer in factory farming for decades under appalling conditions in non-species-farming methods.
Their announcement of improvements is a step int he right direction. Make sure that the animal-torturing cage mast will be explicitly put out in Germany!
I hereby urge you to continue to let your words be followed by deeds. Put the cruelty of battery cages for rabbits to an end - NOW! (confirmation needed) - The Animal Welfare Alliance "rabbit mast, no thank you" calls for a statutory accounting regulation, without a cage, but with free-range. I support this project and express my opinion with the following signature expression. (confirmation needed)
- Stop New York's Shark Fin Trade (US)
Save the last orangutan refuge- Tell RWE to drop their forest-destroying biomass power plans
- Please investigate soldier who beat sheep
- Halt West Coast Swordfish Expansion
Save Sea Turtles from Shrimp Nets- Ban animals from circuses in Australia
Stop hunting in NSW national parks
Closed on Jul 27, 2012- Against cruelty towards animals in Canada (confirmation needed)
- Speak up for New England River Herring
Thank EPA Administrator Jackson for proposing carbon pollution standards(US)- Tell Governor Scott and DEP Secretary Vinyard to Protect Florida's Wetlands
- Defend Environmental Laws in the U.S. and Canada (US)
The Canadian government has passed Bill C-38, unfortunately. Federal: Support the End of Battery Cages for Laying Hens(US)- Reform Wildlife Services Now! (US)
California Residents: Ask Sen. Barbara Boxer to Pass the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act
Updated on October 6.
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