Petitions - Please Sign and Share
- Don't allow tigers and jaguars to be killed for fun in South Africa.
- Let's Make A Stand and Save our Wolves
- Petition to Adidas: Stop using kangaroo leather
- Zeg NEE tegen de Provincie Groningen, voor het verlenen van de Natuurbeschermingswet vergunning aan
Protect Bristol Bay
- To demand that the maximum jail sentence for dog killed by throwing it into oncoming traffic.
- CareerBuilder: Stop using chimpanzees in ads
- SAVE the Tennessee Walking Horses from Jackie McConnell Stables!!!!!
- Zouzou the Fox need your Help !!
- Allow Private Groups To Adopt Animals
- Say No To Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Release In Florida
- We Don't Want to Eat Salmon Flu or Heart Viruses
- Banning Trapping in National Wildlife Refuges
- Governor Kasich for Signing Dangerous Wild Animal Act into Law
- A hundred of young cormorants with cut off beaks
- Cancel Shark Wranglers
- The Governor of VA: End Cruel and Unsporting Fox Pens in Virginia
- Urgent Urgent Ends July 30th Nation's Biggest Wildlife Killer Unmasked
- The Frederick Keys minor league baseball team to discontinue the monkey rodeo
- Help Save Research Pigs In Ontario Canada
- Hold The EU Accountable For The Hen Battery Cages
- United Airlines, Don't Ship Animals for Research
- Israel: Outlaw Monkey Breeding Farms!
- Arm and Hammer smashes animals!
- Tell 'Price Is Right' Producers to Keep Cruel Prizes out of Prize Packages
- Enforce the law protecting Tripa Peat Swamp and its Orangutan populations
- The 26th Annual Monster Shark will be held 7/19- 7/21 in Oak Bluffs
- Legalize Hemp farming in the united states
- Prohibit the use of air rifles in South Africa
- Chevron: Clean Up Your Toxic Mess in Ecuador
- President Obama: Pardon Environmental Activist Tim DeChristopher
- Please Protect the Panama Bay Wildlife Refuge Mangrove Wetland
- Please Protect the Panama Bay Wildlife Refuge Mangrove Wetland (2nd Petition)
- Cameron: Do More to Boost Green Industry
- Banning The Primate Pet Trade
- Ask New Zealand to Stop the Mass Poisoning of Animals!
- Ask New Zealand to Stop the Mass Poisoning of Animals! (2nd petition)
- Ban the use of Gas Chamber in Animal Shelters NC
- Ban the use of Gas Chamber in Animal Shelters NC (2nd Petition)
- Ask Your Representative to Support the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act!
- Help stop abusive greyhound racing in North America
- Make jail time mandatory for animal cruelty offenders.
- Oppose Grazing Improvement Act, Support Grazing Retirement
- Demand more protection for deer and stags in Devon, England.
- Canada - Don't Reduce Fish Habitat Protection
- Don't poison endangered species while fighting fires!
- Stop the cormorants' torture!
- Urge Circus World to Ban Acts Featuring Abused Animals!
Tell the House: Stop Voting Against the Environment
- Ban Torturous Hanging of Greyhounds in Spain
- Save America’s Waterways
- Demand Justice for Shih Tzu Thrown Into Traffic and Killed
- Support the Creation of the South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary
- Stop Bowhunting in Florida
- Stop the Unnecessary Killing of Wildlife
- Ask Turkey Factory to Develop a Humane Accident Response Plan
- Ban the Selling of Real Fox Tails by Online Retailer
- Protect Clean Water in Kentucky
- Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships and Aircraft
- Enforce Fisheries Regulations Before Marine Ecosystem is Destroyed
- Demand Investigation into Killings of Environmental Activists
- Bring to Justice Torch Gallery and Katinka Simonse
- Protect the Lynx in Germany
- Deutsche Bank - Stop supporting Rainforest Destruction
- European Commission: Ban the chaining of dogs in the EU!
- JUSTICE for abused Elephants : Book Navjot Singh Sidhu - Naresh Kadyan
- Dr. Euishin Edmund Kim: Stop promoting dog meat as cancer treatment aid and prevention!
- The Birmingham Airport Authority in Alabama: Save Baby Honker and other Canada geese this summer
- To the authorities responsible for making the laws on shelter euthanasia: Stop use of gas chamber in shelter across the country.
- City of Shreveport, Mayor Glover: Give us our dog park!!
- Member of Parliament for Colchester: Maximum animal cruelty penalty for Andrew Summerfield
- Walmart: Stop the Selling of Betta Fish in Small Cups.
- Tell Cesar Millan that kicking dogs hurts!
- Anyone wanting to protect our native wildlife and their habitat: Save koalas affected by the Moreton Bay Rail Link.
- Go Green Billing!
- EBAY: Stop the selling of live fish on Ebay
- The International Olympics Committee (Complaints): Do not allow farm animals to be paraded in the Olympic Stadium in July
- Stop Poaching Tigers
- Stop the Hunting of Protected Species in Alaska.
- The Congress's Delisting
- Public Works Department, Government of Uttarakhand: Please withdraw your proposal to four lane Rajpur Road
- Jean-Paul (JP) Colaco, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Hulu LLC: Dear Hulu, Stop Advertising Dasani Water as Energy Saving
- Please Oppose Resolution 12-143. Public Park Lands are Not For Sale
- Governor Brown of California: Stop Clearcutting California Sierra Nevada Forests
- Breaking: Support First-Ever Limits on Carbon Pollution
- Indonesian government: Stop their citizens from burning their forest.
- The Governor of MD: Demand that Columbia Gas reroute the pipeline in Baltimore/Harford Counties (US)
- The President of the United States: Save Superior and the Boundary Waters! NO Sulfide Mines! (US)
- Navy to deafen 11,200 whales and dolphins and kill 1,600 more
- Deutsche Bank stop supporting rainforest destruction
- No circus with animals (confirmation needed)
- Save dogs from Cape Verde from the risk to be poisoned (confirmation needed)
- Against the creation of an halal slaughterhouse in Gueret (France) (confirmation needed)
- For the Universal Declaration of the Rights for Animals (confirmation needed)
- CORRIDA ABOLITION - For a direction of French Heritage ethically neutral, with no conflicts of interest and therefore truly representative for French citizens and taxpayers. (confirmation needed)
- For the final closure of all slaughterhouses (confirmation needed)
- With this petition we ask all political parties, the senate, the parliament, the outgoing president, to include their intention to change the status of the animals, so it is no longer regarded as an object but as a living being with its own rights. (confirmation needed)
- Tell APHIS to Extend AWA to Internet Sales of Companion Animals (there is a sample comment to put in the formular)
- Killing wolves is Not cool
- Animals are not your coat
- Nepal - Stop animal sacrifice!
- They are going to kill 60 street animals in the Brazilian city of Jaraguá-GOIÁS...! (confirmation needed)
- I Pledge Never to Go to a Circus That Uses Animals
- US Horse Owners Against American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act
- Against the killing of stray dogs in Hungary
- Support a National Animal Abusers Database
- Shoot down NT croc hunting plans!
- Put an End to Duck Shooting!
- Please Protect the Spotted Owl's Ancient Forest Habitat
- Please commit Chile to a sustainable energy future without HidroAysén's mega-dams
- Thank the President of Mexico for Protecting the Coral Reef and Marine Wildlife of Cabo Pulmo
- Keep Sewage Out of the Great Lakes - Support the Clean Water State Revolving Fund
- Petition for a BC Park Acquisition Fund
- Obama Trade Deal Worse Than NAFTA (US)

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