- Stop portray wolves as monsters in movies
- Stop illegal trading in endangered species in India!
- Save These Horses--PLEASE SIGN!!
Save the Stray Dogs in Bulgaria from being Murdered.- Change Madison County Illinois Animal Control Now!
Keep Ocearch Out of California (protect our white sharks)- Ban Unregulated Stud Posts and Groups on Facebook
- The Truth about Betta Fish
- Tell Peru to Stop Seismic Testing in Our Oceans
- Stop Embridge Inc. from destroying Canada Rain Forest
Defend Canada's Environment Against Big Oil This Sunday!Sign up with your phone number and you'll receive a call to join the meeting on June 3rd from 4:00 to 5:00 EST, and you'll also receive updates from Greenpeace on how you can continue to make a difference.
Equal Rights For All BreedsWhen a Racehorse FallsNational Police: Let there be justice for the 2 dogs burned alive.Stephen Harper: End the Annual Canadian Seal HuntDear Mr. President: Say "No" to Puppy MillsThe Mayor of Kalkan,The Governor of Kaş and Commander of Kalkan Gendarmerie: WE DEMAND JUSTICE FOR THE POISONED KALKAN DOGS- Minnesota State Legislature: Ban use of plastic bags from grocery and retail stores
Don't Give Away NJ Public Lands for Fracked Gas Pipelines(US)- Explain to God your treatment of his animals! Repeal the Burns Amendment now! (US)
- Protect Circus Elephants from Abuse in Atlanta
- Tell EU Leaders to Halt the Trade of Rhino Products
- Urge California to Develop Humane Methods for Dealing with Mountain Lion Incidents
- Help New York City Ban Shark Fin Soup
- Help Save Research Pigs in Ontario
- Stop Wolf Trapping Outside of Alaska’s Denali National Park
- Consumers Duped into Believing their Animal Products are Humanely Raised
- Urge the Obama Administration to Become a Leader in Global Climate Change Negotiations
- Protect Our Streams and Wetlands from Corporate Pollution
- Vote - Should Canada end the seal hunt?
- Penalization for abuse of wild animals (confirmation needed)
No to the exportation of Brazilian donkeys to China(confirmation needed)- Animals are not objects, they have rights! (confirmation needed)
Tell True Religion to Drop Fur
Great news! True Religion has committed to being fur-free.- Shed Guards' Unbearable Headgear - Instead of financially supporting the shameful slaughter of black bears for the Queen's Guards' Ceremonial Caps, Great Britain should set a compassionate example by switching to a humane and progressive alternative and commit to stopping the killing.
- Against Premarin (PMU) Farms
- Justice NEEDED for the 31 Puppies Seized in Clarington
- Ban the sale of fois gras and its production
- Strengthening Criminal Code Provisions to Prevent Animal Cruelty
- Petition to Protect the Agricultural Land Reserve
- Commit to a new public policy to support sustainable agriculture
- You, the reader, can protest IKEA's actions by signing the following letter and sending it to the management of IKEA and Swedwood.
- Tell Organic Brands to Stop Using Carrageenan! - This Synthetic Ingredient Causes Digestive Problems and Cancer
- Cameroon: Stop Oil Palm Plantations from Destroying Africa's Ancient Rainforests
- Join the revolt
Endangered and Threatened Species: Delisting of Eastern DPS of Steller Sea Lions (Document ID NOAA-NMFS-2011-0208-0001)- Please take a moment to submit a public comment to NMFS telling them not to delist the eastern Steller sea lions, which could jeopardize them as well as the endangered western Stellers who share their territory.- Tell World Leaders to End Fossil Fuel Subsidies!
- Tell the ITU: The internet belongs to us!
Ask your MP to support the Rio-UK Declaration(UK)- Co-Sponsor Legislation to Designate Bison the U.S. National Mammal (US)
Protect Montana Wolves From Cruel Traps, Snares(US)- Co-sponsor S. 50, S. 52 and S. 1980 to help reduce seafood fraud and illegal fishing (US)
- Save the Oceans, Feed the World - Tell President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Trade Rep. Ron Kirk to support trade agreements that reduce overfishing subsidies today. (US)
- Senate Says 'Frankenfish' Don't Need More Testing! Thank or "Spank" Your Senator! (US)
I Support Clean Air(US)
Updated on October 5.
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