- Protect Pets Sold Sight Unseen from Abuse and Neglect
- Protect Free Speech for Groups Opposed to Oil Exploration
- Allow North Carolina to Determine Coastal Protection Policies Using Climate Change Science
- Don’t Allow Tropicana to Make False Claims About its Juices
- Urge Kroger Grocers to Support Fair Farming
BM f. Gesundheit: RETTEN SIE JUNGTIERE VOR WILLKÜR!ATTA Adventure Travel Trade Association: Make ATTA aware of the global outcry against the barbarity of the slaughterEvolve: Ban Circus Performances Using AnimalsSave the Sea Turtles!: Help us protest against humans causing harm to sea turtlesRayse Of Hope- Protesta via mail contro il nuovo programma Archimede su Italia1 "No alla Vivisezione"
Madagascar 3 with Dreamworks and Paramount Pictures: Issue a statement at the beginning of this film.- Support Kenneth Webster and Bambi! Free the deer to her family!
Save Max!SunSentinel and Ihosvani Rodriguez, reporter: Retract article, and a published apologyNike: Not endorse Michael VickPet Safety and Protection Act (S.668).: Please help stop dissection of cats and other animals in T.X. schoolsRann Safaris: Put an end to the slaughter of elephants and lions for trophies- Stop plans to build Fiordland Link Experience and ruin World Heritage Area
Western Governors: Protect OUR Wildlands and Watersheds: Stop Tar Sands Strip Mining in Utah- Stop the use of unsustainable palm oil!: Use clear labeling of the use of unsustainable palm oil in products!
The Governor of CA: Allow Dogs On CA State Park Trails(US)- These petitions need more signatures becauseSPRINGFIELD, Mo. (AP)-- A Wyoming company that processes horse meat for human consumption is considering opening a plant in western Missouri after cost considerations and local opposition stalled plans for another location in the state.Article - New location considered for horse slaughter plant
- Unified Equine llc: Stop the plans for a Horse Slaughterhouse In Missouri!
Unified Equine llc: Stop slaughtering horses- DEMAND THE U.S.D.A TAKE HORSE MEAT OF THE MENU NOW
- Overturn The Legalization of Horse Slaughter for Human Consumption
Horse breeders - Call for social responsibility- Premarin is Inhumane and Cruel!
- Tell Interior Secretary to Dump Pro-Wild Horse Slaughter Appointee
Seeking Justice For Chubby, The Duct Taped Dog - URGENT! COURT DATE IS THIS FRIDAY JUNE 8th!!!RESULTS - Thank you for signing this petition.You were all awesome.we got 2,835 signs in just 2 days! Hope it helps with justice for Chubby. The court date is tomorrow 6/8/12. Will do follow up news article as soon as I know something. -- Thanx Dianne Lynn Elko. Sentencing was on 9/8/12 got 60 days jail term 3 years probation and a $1,797 fine.- Stop Bullfighting Festivals in France!
- Save the Cats in the Roxborough Community
Stop The New South Wales O'Farrell Government from Slaughtering our Natives Animals- Tell Costa Rica to Stop Shark Finning
- City of Capitola Plastic Bag Ban
- Save the Cumberland darter!
- Save the Congo rainforests!
- City of Scotts Valley Plastic Bag Ban
- Urge the European Commission to suspend the export of animals to Turkey
Free Tony the Truck Stop Tiger Now, Not Later
- Stop Dog Killing in Ukraine and in Baku! (UEFA European Championship and ESC)!
- Special courts for rhino poachers, smugglers, syndicates and kingpins
NIH Working Group Meets TODAY on Use of Chimpanzees in ResearchHelp give protection from poachers to our magnificent elephants!- Cats and Dogs Are Pets, Not Food!
- No Punishment for Wolf Poaching?
- Harrods Stop Selling Puppies
- Ask Julia Gillard to End Barbaric Mulesing Mutilations
- Please Enforce the Jallikattu Ban
- Tell Laos to Close Down Cruel Monkey Farms!
- Stoppt Wildtiermisshandlungen in Russland!With my signature, I am sending the following e-mail to the embassies of the Russian Federation in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and I support the requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation all exercise stations close to hunting!
Exercise stations are hunting camps, where hunting dogs are trained especially for hunting bears and make them sharp. Preference will be old or sick circus bears. Animal rights activists observe that such stations have risen recently.
The animals that are brought into the Hetz-training can not defend themselves against dogs. Their teeth and horns are sawed off, the nails pulled, they always remain tied, so they offer no resistance and can not escape.
We strongly oppose the brutal mistreatment of wild animals in hunting exercise stations in Russia. The Government of the Russian Federation must be active and close all hunting exercise stations, punish the abuse of wild animals severely!
Animals must be able to live a life that meets their needs and their behavior without suffering and pain. The dignity and intrinsic value of a wild animal must be recognized and protected.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrCe3jjcuE0&bdrm=tif1e8c014b-a7b4b5ca
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_qm6aTUlYc&feature=related&bdrm=tif1e8c014b-468b54d9 - Protect Pigs: Implement the Ban on Sow Stalls in the EU
Ask the United States to propose increasing protection for Polar Bears- Support Canadian Senator Mac Harb's Bill to End the Commercial Seal Slaughter
- The people who massacred the swan in Freyming Merlebach must be punished (confirmation needed) (you have to comment, but you can do it in English)
- Against carrousels with ponies during festivities (confirmation needed)
- Support A3431A-2011/S5167-2011Banning the Devocalization of Dogs and Cats
- Keep the XL Pipeline out of the Transportation Bill
Please Stop Dredging the Kansas RiverProtect the Crystal River!- Tell the BLM to Get it Right for Our Backyard Forests
I Want Strong Limits on Carbon Pollution from Coal-Burning Power Plants (Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2011-0660)- Don't Leave Tigers Defenseless (US)
Stop a Trojan horse from invading our Wilderness areas.(US)- Support Sen. Gillibrand's healthy food amendment! (US)
- Clean Up Aviation Pollution - Oppose S.1956 (US)
Updated on October 7.
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