- Protect the Arctic
- Justice for Tango and Cash (confirmation needed)
- URGENT: Tell Air France to stop the cargo of monkeys to laboratories of the U.S.
- Call On Uniqlo to Ditch Wool From Mutilated Lambs
- Protect big cats from cruelty - Please Cosponsor H.R. 4122
- Stop long animal transports
- Protect Animals from Extreme Cruelty
- Tell Brazil Rio+20 Host: The "Future We Want" Not 60 Amazon Rainforest Destroying Dams
- Urgent Farm Bill Amendment on Labeling of GE Foods (US)
- Don’t Euthanize Family Dog for Looking Like a Pit Bull
(personal remark : even if she were a pit-bull, she doesn’t deserve to be killed)
- Applaud Australia for Creating the World’s Largest Marine Reserve
- Stop El Al Airlines from Shipping Monkeys for Cruel Laboratory Experiments
- Support Better Living Conditions for Egg-Producing Hens
- Urge Urban Decay Cosmetics to Remain a Cruelty-Free Company
- World Leaders Must Reduce Fossil Fuel Subsidies
- Standardize Military Pet Policies (to sign or not???)
- Colorado Government: Allow rehab of deer injured by wildfires.
- Concern Animal Heart Ltd: 抵制中國狗肉節Boycott of dog meat a festival in China.
- facebook: Ask Ellen Denegres to feature "We Love Tony"
- NSW and Commonwealth Governments: Legislate to Protect Koala habitat in Coffs Harbour and Bellingen
- The Korean Ambassador to the U.S. (AND) the Prime Minister of South Korea: Protect the Dogs, Cats of South Korea By Animal Protection Laws
- Taiji Mayor: Stop killing dolphins
- Subway: use cage-free eggs and free-range chicken meat
- EBAY: Stop the sale of real fur
- Justice for Spade and Sobe
- State of Texas: take the term "vicious breed" away from "pit bull" breeds
- USA Animal Control: Stop killing homeless cats!! Use TNR method instead (Trap-Neuter-Return)!!!
- People who want justice for abused animals.: Find and arrest the people suspected of tying explosives to a dog
- The Governor of NY: Make animal cruelty a more punishable crime (US)
- Fukushima is Far From Over (US)
- United States Senate: Block Passage of the Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012
- Save Monkeys With Paper Planes!
- Update: Officials Postpone Barbaric Hunt--Your Voice Still Needed!
- Take down the video of Shanthi the elephant performing tricks and playing the harmonica.
- Save the Pitbulls
- Don't Euthanize Family Dog for Looking Like a Pit Bull
(personal remark : even if they were pit-bulls, they don’t deserve to be killed)
- Spay/Neuter Stray Dogs in Romania
- Save the Sharks
- Help End Bear Farming In China
- Offer Whales Sanctuary from Slaughter
- Shouka, the Killer Whale, Needs a Companion
- Save The Whales There's An App For That
- Saving the Elephants of East-Central India
- USDA Prohibit the Use of Sodium Cyanide and Compound 1080
- Say No To Swamp People
Protect Tiny Fish, Support Sustainable Oceans!
- Investigate Cruel and Unlawful Pigeon Races!
- Save the hyena!
(there is no concrete target, but I post this petitions because of the law number of hyenas left)
Join the Watch: Sign for the Protection of Antarctic Oceans!
- Colorado Roadless Forest Again Threatened By Bulldozers, Coal Mine
- Information Around The BP Gulf Disaster
- Save the Delaware From Dirty Transmission Lines
- EPA, Stop DOW's 2,4-D in its Tracks!

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