- Sneak attack on the environment
- Another shocking example of corrupt police officers and animal cruelty in Colombia. This time two homeless dogs were doused with gasoline and set alight, by policemen!The Youtube link accompanying the information is to a video of a news broadcast about the incident, but it is not graphic and concerns only the interviewing of people by the news reporter. This TV broadcast was late at night when most people were asleep, so the incident needs to be brought to the attention of the public.
- Carcassonne (France), city against dogs
- Insurance Association of animals (SPA Project on Kosovo) (confirmation needed)
- Please support the Harb bill and end the seal hunt
- Stop the massacre of Cape Fur Seals!
- Protest against the slaughter of CALDERON-DOLPHINS on the Faroe Islands in Denmark (confirmation needed)
- Fisheries Act Must Contain Strong Protection for Waterways
Stop the Adelaide Hills Rodeo- Help to save the unique Azov horses
- Save our Dogs
- Stop horse racing in Australia
- Help Us Protect BLM Heritage Forests
- Stop Plans to Imprison Dolphins in India
Stop Jackson Mts Roundup: Work With Expert Water/Bait TradeProtect Bluefin Tuna- Tell the Canadian government: Stop your tar sands wolf kills! (US)
- Protect 1.5 million acres of wilderness this year! (US)
- Stop Federal Funding of Animal Abusers at Ivy League Schools
- Stop Killing Kangaroos for Shoe Leather
- Demand Protection for Residents of Coalfield Communities
- Save Alabama’s Forests From Oil Company Greed
- Tell Montana that Fertilized Eggs are Not People
- Demand Information on Animal Products Served in America’s Restaurants
- Stop Malibu Lagoon Restoration Project
- Prevent Acid Rain By Updating Air Quality Standards
- Ban Copper Mining in the Lower Zambezi National Park
- New Jersey Must Make Reducing Carbon Emissions a Priority
- Demand that Biofuels be More Readily Available
ILLEGAL ANIMAL RAID AND SEIZURE- Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, A Dog Eating Nation!
- The President of the United States: Stop BSL from taking our dogs away!
- Release bear at Fayfa pet shop, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to a zoo in the UK!
Mayor James Olson and the City Council: Repeal the ban on the Pitbull/bully breed in Madison County- HELP or Remove Corolla Wild Mustangs from Corolla NC USA
Chairman of the Council: Rescind the stipulation that Mistley Place Park requires a zoo licenseHope For Hooty- Chinese and Japanese governments: Outlaw the Bear Bile trade
- To: Gil Moreno, Aaron Reyes, Marcia, President Obama: Stop the unnecessary killing at Carson & Devore Animal Shelters!
World Trade Organization: Stop the import of invasive speciesYahoo!: Stop benefiting off the sale of whale meat.- Save Western Burrowing Owls
Sheriff John Buncich: Reinstate Victoria Beasley to her former position at LCACToddlers & Tiaras, please stop airing competitions that give away puppiesLivingston County: Demanding immediate change at the Animal Control Shelter- Ministerio Del Ambiente Ecuador por favor declarar la Region del Canande como area protegida/ Please declare the Canande region as protected
- Help create a law to require Animal Breeders to register and obtain a license. (US)
- Regulate Pet Groomers in Florida (US)
The Governor of WI: Stiff mandatory sentences for animal abuse/cruelty in ALL states(US)Tell Republicans to End Taxpayer Giveaways to Big Oil(US)- Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Stop poisoning stray dogs and cats to "clean up the streets"!
Make Maricopa Animal Care and Control in Phoenix, AZ~Accountable in Doing Their Jobs and Get the Funding They Need To Do So!- Help Stop the Killing of 100's of thousands of Cats and Dogs!
- Fight Animal Abuse in Canada!
- End the hunting of the Sacred White Buffalo
- Stop the torturous killing of Leopard in Indian villages!!! WHO IS THE BEAST HERE???
- Save Amazon song birds!
Stop Deep Sea Oil Drilling off the Coasts of New Zealand
Tell the House to End Mountaintop-removal Mining- S.O.S.- Save our seals!
- Ban Foie Gras In Toronto's Restaurants
BAN ANIMALS IN CIRCUSES IN IRELANDHi Everyone, Thank you for signing my petition. I have now closed it and will forward your signatures to the Irish Government. To keep up the pressure I'll start another petition soon... please keep an eye out for it and sign again... Thank you. Kind regards, Jean- NO MORE TENNESSEE WALKERS AT THE GERMANTOWN CHARITY HORSESHOW!
Help save Makoon the Orphan Bear cub- Stop Killing Dolphins with Oil Exploration
Urge the Sint Maarten Government to Keep Cock Fighting Illegal.Thank you for supporting our petition to urge the Sint Maarten government to keep organized animal fighting illegal. The final petition, with more than 4,000 signatures, will be delivered to the Governor of Sint Maarten within the next few days. Find out more about the results of our petition and about LightWorkersSXM on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/lightworkerssxm. You may also email us at lightworkerssxm@gmail.com if you'd like to know more. Love and light, Elaine LightWorkersSXM- Help to save the unique Azov horses
- Stop Bower-Change Ohio's bestiality laws -- PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE!--
- Tell Morrisons Supermarkets in th UK to stop selling Ray Fins!
- List Indochinese Tiger as Critically Endangered
- Self-professed animal lover Tory MPP Jack MacLaren attacks OSPCA
- Alligator Wrestling is not Entertainment!
North Carolina Should Prepare for Sea Level Rise, Not Ignore ItAugust 28, 2012 - In a disappointing turn of events despite massive public outcry General Assembly bill H819 was passed by NC state legislators. Thanks to concerned North Carolinians, the bill was weakened before it passed. Instead of banning scientists from using certain data or specific data, it now allows state and local governments to delay any decisions to plan for sea level rise while more study is done on the issue.
While we're pleased the bill was stopped from passing in its original form, Care2's partner North Carolina Conservation Network will continue to monitor the situation and determine what next steps can be taken.- Save Wolves: End the Hunts
- Google, Ban Fur! Stop Advertising Puppy Fur!
Updated on October 9.
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