The Animal Rescue Site
The Rainforest Site

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1 petitions and more

  1. Close all Tiger farms in China
  2. Kein Abschuss von wild lebenden Katzen im Nationalpark Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer! - No shooting of wild cats in the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park!
  3. Demand Action for our Southwestern Desert Tortoises
  4. The Truth About Chicken
  5. Protect Australia's native dingo: remove it from vermin lists & include it in the National EPBC Act
  6. Petition the FDA to Stop Allowing Tobacco Tests on Animals!
  7. Verbot des Ponyreitens - Regensburger Dult
    Prohibition of pony riding - Regensburger dult (confirmation needed)
  8. Kein Ponykarusell mehr beim Landauer Markt!
    No more Pony Carousel at Landauer market! (confirmation needed)
  9. Für Volksfeste in Darmstadt ohne Ponyleid!
    For festivals in Darmstadt, without pony suffering! (confirmation needed)
  10. Offizielle Petition gegen Ponyreiten auf der Krefelder Sprödentalkirmes
    Official Petition against pony rides on the Krefeld Sprödentalkirmes
    (confirmation needed)
  11. Protest gegen das Ponyreiten auf Jahrmärkten hier in der Stadt Konstanz
    Protest against the pony rides at fairs here in the city of Konstanz
  12. Protest Ponyreiten - Protest pony rides
  13. Stop the Massacre of Romania's Stray Dogs
  14. Give Mexican Wolves the full Protections of the Endangered Species Act (US)
  15. Help millions of pigs, sign the petition!
  16. Contre les combats de chiens! - Against dogfighting in Belgium
    (confirmation needed)
  17. Horse Transportation Safety Act of 2013 (US)
  18. Coral habitats being crushed
    Act now to protect Pacific habitats from bottom trawls
  19. Bosnia, Oct. 5th: NO to legalizing the killing of abandoned Dogs!
    Send this English letter please! Choose a neutral subject.
  20. Street Dogs in Romania ~ Lets Give Them a Chance
    like the FB page, join the FB group and sign the petition
  21. Another petition from Four Paws:
    Call on President Basescu to Stop the Law
  22. Romania on the greatest animal genocide in European history.
  23. Contacts For Protest – S. Korean Government
    Protest against Dog Meat, South Korea! Please mail as many as possible to Government, Companies, Organizations... sample letter is provided for all
    All email addresses in one block: Email Addresses of S. Korean Government
  24. Air France's Monkey Business
    Sent a provided sample letter to:;;;;;
  1. Stop Killing Endangered Seals With Ship Propellers
  2. Preserve Brazil’s Jaguar Population
  3. Applaud State for Protecting Bobcats
  4. Applaud Medical University For Ending Animal Testing
  5. Celebrate Mixed Breed Dogs in America
  6. End Skunk Euthanasia Program
  7. Commend Organization for Saving Wildlife Poisoned by Lead
  8. Protect European Sea Bass from Over Fishing
  9. Urge Montana to Save Bighorn Sheep from Disease
  10. Don’t Let Mining Mogul Pollute Tribal Lands
  11. Tell Fair Not To Allow Rides On Mistreated Elephant
  12. End the Seafood Industry’s Mutilation of Live Crustaceans
  1. Ask Ellen DeGeneres to Share Puppy Doe's Story! Please help us find the monster responsible for this horrible crime.
  2. Hillary Clinton: Please protect endangered wildlife from the palm oil industry!
  3. Amend current "violent" & "intentional" animal cruelty law to 2nd degree felony
  4. Government of Bangladesh, UNESCO: NO Coal power plant at the cost of the Sundarbans
  5. Max sentence for man who kept 2 dogs in small crate, even though one was dead
  6. Shelby County District Attorney Amy Weirich, Shelby County Courts: Demand maximum sentence for aggravated animal cruelty
  7. Vietare allevamento di animali da laboratorio in Italia
    Prohibit the breeding of laboratory animals in Italy
  8. Comune Di Montichiari Brescia: Chiedere I Danni Al Sindaco Zanola Per I Disagi Procurati Ai Suoi Cittadini - Italy: Stop Green Hill breeding of dogs for vivisection. Citizens should sue the mayor of Brescia
  9. Air France: Stop Transporting Primates Bound for Research Labs!
  10. Salvemos Los Caballos Y Toros Masacrados En Las Abominables "Corralejas" No son cultura, son tortura y muerte! - Saving Horses and Bulls Massacred In The Abominable "Corralejas" It is not culture, but torture and death!
  11. EU: Please take action regarding Romania, a European country challenging Europe
  12. Ministry of the Environment: Stop the mass execution of dogs and cats in Japan
  13. A Tutti Gli Italiani: Fermiamo la Strage di Cuccioli di Volpe a Siena!
    Italians, stop the killing of young foxes in Siena! (target)
  14. Governo Di Portogallo: Referendum Per Finire Con L'uccisione Di Cani En Las Perreras (Portogallo) - Government Of Portugal: Referendum to stop the killing of dogs in the pounds
  15. Stoppt die Ausbeutung der Ponys auf dem Oktoberfest und der Auer Dult!
    Stop the exploitation of the ponies on the Oktoberfest and the Auer Dult!
  16. Millcreek Police Department and Animal Enforcement: To implement better training for handling dogs and to implement the use of tranquilizer guns instead of revolvers when apprehending loose Pittbulls.
  17. Junta Municipal Fuencarral-El Pardo: En vez de exterminar los gatos callejeros, colaboren con los voluntarios para controlar la población por el método CES y permitan que las colonias sean protegidas y controladas sanitáriamente.
    Municipal Board Fuencarral-El Pardo: Instead of killing stray cats, work with volunteers to control the population by the CES method and allow the colonies to be protected and controlled sanitary.
  18. Jones County Sherriff's Department: Justice for Ammo
  19. Waza: $top $upporting Taiji'$ Dolphin $laughter and Expel the Taiji Whale Museum Immediately!
  20. Stop the massive bird slaughter in Egypt!
  21. Village of Waunakee, Dane County, Wisconsin: Repeal Waunakee's Breed Specific Legislation that discriminates against dogs based on how they look.
  1. Free the Greenpeace Activists
  2. Make Beastiality a Felony Crime in All 50 States
  3. Keep Ban on Whaling- Include Dolphins
  4. Stop the cruel experiments on cats at The University of Wisconsin-Madison
News And Polls
  1. Sunteţi de acord cu legea adoptată de Parlament privind eutanasierea câinilor fără stăpân? - Romania, Do you agree with the law passed by Parliament on stray dogs euthanasia? Vote NU!
  2. Bleeding Romania. The truth about stray dogs from Romania
    Make a comment please!
  3. Caine impuscat sub ochii stapanei, pe motiv ca nu e „natural”
    Romania, this dog never hurt anyone and yet was killed.
  4. A call on the Romanian Government to freeze 'stray-killing' law
  5. Crucified cats frozen before being hung up
  6. FB event: Romanian Public Shelter Dogs in Crisis
    Lisa Hardy: As most of you are aware with the current situation now in Romania all stray dogs and public shelter dogs will die after 14 days we are now planning to build a shelter of our own that will hold up to 60 dogs at a time. We are funding this from our own pockets which is very difficult considering the amount of dogs we have already rescued and once again are asking for help to make this possible we need £3,000 to make this completely happen please please keep helping us to help them.
  7. Dog eaten alive by worms in Bosnian dog ‘shelter’
  8. NBC cancels NRA-sponsored hunting show “Under Wild Skies”
  9. Crucial tiger corridor in Maharashtra gets legal cover
  10. Population of Amur tiger in Primorye is growing
  11. How Spain saved the lynx
  12. Helpful Elephant Gives Herself a Bath - So Cute!

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