The Animal Rescue Site
The Rainforest Site

Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 11 petitions and more

  1. Committee threatens circus animal ban. Take action now!
    Related: Wild animal circus ban under threat!
    Recommendations made to Government that circus ban should not remove a single wild animal from the big top
  2. Petition - Review of Meat Export Policy
  3. Please take action for lab animals
  4. Please send a letter: Seal hunt begins in Namibia
    To whom it concerns,

    This year’s seal hunt has begun in Namibia. From July to November permission is granted to kill seals on the beaches where they come ashore to breed, nurse their pups and rest.
    The seal pups are herded together, away from their mothers and clubbed to death with wooden bats.  THe adult male seals (bulls) are shot. The killing takes place at two main sites: Cape Cross and Atlas Bay.
    Cape Cross is a tourist resort where seal watching is a popular attraction. The gore from the killing is cleared away before the tourists arrive.
    The quota for this year’s hunt has yet to be announced and inquiries by Respect for Animals to the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries were met with an assertion that the seals are not hunted or killed but ‘harvested’. In 2009 the Ministry announced a three-year rolling quota hunt (85,000 pups and 7,000 bulls each year) making the Namibian seal hunt second only in size to the brutal Canadian slaughter.
    An economic report commissioned by a coalition of animal welfare groups, including Respect for Animals, concluded and demonstrated that the seals are worth more alive as a tourist attraction than dead as seal products. The two activities, the report concluded, were not compatible.
    Despite repeated requests to end this cruel hunt, the Namibian government refuses to act and claims the seals are a threat to the fish populations, despite no evidence to support this claim.
    The European Union has banned the import of all commercial seal products including those from Namibia. In 2011, a boycott of Namibian tourism and Namibian products was launched in response to the continuing cruel slaughter.
    I will not visit Namibia until the killing of seals is banned.

  5. Refocus on original wolf management goals
  6. Stop the Plan to Slaughter Wolves
  7. Give Wolves a Fighting Chance
  8. Sign the Petition to Investigate the Wolf-kill Cover-up
  9. Current Action Campaigns from Center for Biological Diversity
  10. Contre le massacre des chiens Yulins (confirmation needed)
  11. Abolition de la chasse (confirmation needed)
  12. NYCLASS - Stop Horse Carriages
    Yes, you can count on me to vote for humane City Council candidates on Election Day September 10th!
  13. Say THANKS and protect it forever.
    Australia has created the world's largest network of marine parks. History in the making! If we want to prove that marine protection is not just a passing trend we need to tell them how much these new sanctuaries mean to us. Send a quick message to your local MP and help prove that Australians strongly support this decision.
  1. Enforce Animal Welfare Laws at Slaughter Plants
  2. Condemn Mass Euthanasia of Canada Geese
  3. Support Gorilla Conservation in Cameroon
  4. Applaud $10 Million Campaign to End Poaching in Africa
  5. Stop All Animal Testing in India
  6. Demand that Animal Shelter Change its Rash Killing Decisions
  1. JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA: Se derogue la ley que permite el entrenamiento de galgos atados a motos
    Andalusia, Spain: Repeal the Law that allows the training of Greyhounds tied to Motorbikes
  2. A la junta de andalucia: perseguir a asesinos de perros galgos que los matan cuando no sirven
    Andalusia, Spain: Stop the Greyhound murderers
    Spain, Judiciary: Punishment and Fines in all cases of Animal Abuse and Neglect
  4. FACEBOOK: El maltrato animal SÍ es violencia explícita
    Facebook: Reporting Animal Abuse is reporting Explicit Violence!
  5. Alcalde de Jaén, D. José Enrique Fernández de Moya: Abyda pide la cesión de un terreno donde construir un refugio para animales abandonados.
    Spain, Mayor of Jaén, Abyda calls for Transfer of Land on which to build a Shelter for Abandoned Animals.
  1. Stop Dolphin Slaughter in Taiji Japan
  2. A petition against the use of animals in circuses FOR the CIRCUS WITHOUT VIOLENCE!
    Russia: an attempt to adopt the Federal Law "On Protection of Cruelty to Animals," a section for the protection of animals used in circuses, was a fiasco in 2000. Cruelty to Animals is absolutely unpunished due to the gap in the law
  3. Stop Poaching
  6. Save Horace the elephant
  7. Establish an animal abusers online registry for Michigan that interconnects to others in U.S.
  8. Ask Barrel Racers to stop allowing cruelty to rodeo animals
  9. Anti Gestation Crates! Governor Chris Christie vetoed the passed bill!
  10. Canadian woman who reported dog locked in a hot car fired from her job at WALMART
  11. Western Australia: A Single Dog Bark Shouldn't Be a Crime!
  12. STOP the gun fire in MY BACKYARD
  13. Save Deuce!
  14. End cruelty to lobsters
  15. Have PetSmart remove heavy Macho Dog Gear chained leashes! Dog Fighting!
  16. Support Pitbull Service Dogs Like Elle Helping "Pay it Forward" for the Disabled Community
  17. Live fish and reptiles are sold as keychains in China.
  18. Help Stop the Expansion of Offshore Drilling
News & Polls
  1. Should Animal Abusers Receive Harsher Punishments? [POLL] 
  2. Should the University of Colorado stop using live animals for classroom science experiments on its Boulder campus? Scroll down for the poll and vote YES.
  3. Cattle rescue in India
  4. How to break up a dog fight
  5. Victory! With Bear Pit Closed, Animals Get Real Retirement
  6. The Amazing wildlife photos taken by Ohio photographer, Debbie Dicarlo
  7. Man Saves Kitten From The Woods And Gives Him A Home
  8. Cesar's 'Love Them Back' Dog Food Commercial Proves Dog Is Man's Best Friend (VIDEO)
  9. Alley Cat's News: "Woodpile Five" Kitten Shooting Sparks Change
  10. Animal Protection of New Mexico News Alerts
  11. Stray dogs teach people to cross the street in Bucharest, Romania
  12. Cat sheds actual tears when dropped off at Florida animal shelter
  13. Oklahoma: Mission Accomplished!
  14. Puppy Discovers an Orange - Cuteness Overload!

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