The Animal Rescue Site
The Rainforest Site

Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 11 petitions and more

  1. Say NO to HYDROGEN CYANIDE being used to kill animals in the beautiful Taygetos Mountains of Greece
  2. Criminalize the killing of dogs for human consumption and for any other reason in Laos.
  4. Help Stop Out-of-Control Aerial Wolf Killing
  5. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Gray Wolf (Canis lupus), Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) - Make a comment for Gray and Mexican Wolves to KEEP THEM PROTECTED from barbaric and sadistic hunt!
  6. Take Action For Wolves (All Contacts Here)
    Write your message to oppose the Wolf hunt!
  7. California: Save Wildlife, Ban Super-toxic Rat Poisons
  8. Tell EPA: Ban Frog-castrating Atrazine
  9. Tierversuchhochburg München: Stoppt Laborneubauten! (confirmation needed)
    Protest against 2 new Animal Research Laboratories in Munich, Germany!
  10. Do you think that it's OK to use BLUNT FORCE trauma to kill an animal in the puppy mills? - The comment period is open only through Tuesday August 13th 2013, so please act TODAY
  11. I fully support Animals Lebanon's campaign to enact national animal protection and welfare legislation
  12. Stop Trashing Our Oceans!
  13. Stop Drilling On Chief Mountain
  1. En Suisse, chacun est autorisé à manger de la viande de chien ou de chat: mettre fin à cette pratique. - Switzerland: STOP eating Dog and Cat meat! 
  2. Don't Delist Endangered Wolves
  3. U.K. Parliament - Outlaw animal crush video by enacting legislation with severe penalties
  4. Wolves Need Federal Protection
  5. ¡Cádiz, protege a tus gatos en lugar de maltratarlos!
    Spain, Cadiz. Urgent: 40 innocent cats living for years in an abandoned tobacco building (not bothering anyone) have been brutally picked up and thrown in the killing station in the most appalling conditions! Many died already. In 2005 the Council signed an agreement with Agaden and Kimba which established the feline population control through sterilization and subsequent release in colonies controlled by volunteers. We urgently request: Cadiz, City Council, stop this severe cat abuse, and stop killing them!
  6. European Parliament, Eu Council Of Europe & Pope Francis: Russian Federation We Ask To Stop Cruel Slaughter Of Homeless Animals
  7. Schluss mit der Wilderei von geschützten Tierarten in Bayern
    Stop the poaching of protected species in Bavaria, Germany
  8. Kenichiro Sasae, Japanese Ambassador to the United States: Save the Dolphins From Slaughter and Captivity
  9. Deutscher Bundestag - Petitionsausschuss: Ergänzung zur Novellierung §3 des Tierschutzgesetzes - Germany: We demand the following to be added into the Animal Protection Law: - a lifelong ban for keeping animals for zoophilic perpetrators; - adaptation of data within an administration of registration; - electronic registration of perpetrator's data
  10. USDA: Make buying & selling lion meat illegal in the U.S.
  11. Ministry of Education - Globally: Introduce a new course called "COMPASSION" for Grade 1 and Grade 12.
  1. Stop forced demolitions of stray dog shelters in Shenzhen
    Stop forced demolitions of stray dog shelters in Shenzhen (2nd petition)
  2. Vaccination to stop Rabies. Say NO to massacre!
  3. Suspension of dog killing in DK to the forthcoming revision of the law
  4. Contradict Author Malcolm Gladwell Says Football and Dog fighting Are The Same!
  5. Save our Oceans: Stop destructive fishing practices (Tuna)
  6. Urge your local government to create bee shelters! (target?!)
  7. Save the last clean water at Masonboro Sound, NC
  8. Require Georgia Board of Veterinary Medicine to send complainant the veterinarian’s response!
News & Polls
  1. Groups join in effort for new Maine bear hunting referendum
    Do you think Maine should outlaw hunting bears with traps, hounds or over bait? Vote YES! (now on 50.71%) 
  2. Engamellado toro de fuego en Paniza viernes 17.5.2013 [VIDEO]
  3. Who is the beast?
  4. This is how they kill the dogs in Khairan.
  5. French farmers smash 100,000 eggs a day in protest at EU directive to protect hens
  6. USDA Postpones Controversial Round Up of Wild Horses for Slaughter
  7. Faroe Islanders May Soon Need Licenses to Participate in Traditional Whale Hunts
  8. Find Missing Angel - £3000 reward for safe return
  9. NRA attacks “shadowy network” of enviros and zoos fighting to ban lead bullets
  10. MEET AMERICA’S “TOP DOGS”! (Now Help Us Pick the #1 American Hero Dog for 2013)
  11. Help us Save Milo : Neglected to an Extreme in Captivity
  12. USDA changes policies after employee trapped dog
  13. Microsoft billionaire gives gorillas cash
  14. Lioness shows trust in man with her newborn cubs. [VIDEO]
  15. Brieze, 8-Month-Old Wonder Dog, Makes 10-Mile Journey Home After Being Hit By Car (PHOTO)
  16. Pregnant Dog & Her Unborn Puppies are Saved From Certain Death
  17. 2 Disabled Dogs Help Each Other Through Life - Incredibly Touching
  18. Joyful Baby Elephant Blissfully Enjoys a Bath - It'll Make You Smile
  19. Heroic Dog Protects Girl From Deadly Allergy - an Adorable Dynamic Duo!

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