The Animal Rescue Site
The Rainforest Site

Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 12 petitions and more

  1. Urge California Pizza Kitchen to Require Suppliers to Stop Dehorning
  2. URGENT: California HOA Reportedly Poisoning Wildlife!
  3. Help Free Lone Orca Lolita!
  4. Action Alert: Tiger Cubs at Denver County Fair (US)
  5. Say No to Elephant Rides at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival
  6. Turn up the heat on climate denial
  7. Stop Congress from Chopping Wildlife Conservation Funds
  8. Stop the Northwest from Becoming a Conduit for Dangerous Coal Exports
  9. New York: Pass the Fracking Moratorium! (US)
  10. Tell the Bureau of Land Management: Ban fracking on federal lands
  11. Ban Vicious Wildlife Bloodsports (Penning/Baiting) in the United States
  12. Ban Fur Trapping On Public Lands in the United States
  13. Oppose the Parole of Dogfighting Kingpin David Tant
  14. Schließung deutscher Delfinarien und Delfinshows!
    Close German dolphinariums and dolphin shows!
  15. Responsabiliser les propriétaires d'animaux via les médias
    Responsible pet owners by raising awareness via Media.
  16. Stop the village of Mecosta from harassing Hollenbeck's Dogs
  17. No Bull Run Chicago 2014
  1. Demand genetically engineered wheat to be tested for human consumption
  2. Commend removal of dam to revive fish species
  3. Commend efforts to protect animals from overheating
  4. Protect right whales from extinction
  5. Tell Canada to Stop Poisoning Wolves
  6. Demand Enforcement of Anti Dog Meat Laws in the Philippines
  7. Ban Tiger Killing Pesticide
  8. Seek Justice for Golden Retriever that Was Bludgeoned to Death
  9. Demand Justice for Puppy Clubbed to Death
  1. Central Nebraska Humane Society: Stop trying to deem the Mother Pitbull dangerous, and let her live!
  2. Conserve tigers and prevent them from becoming extinct (no target!!)
  3. Запретить уничтожение свиней. Наказать за жестокое обращение с животными! - Russia:  BAN the live burning of pigs! We're asking for legal punishment for Animal Cruelty! (scroll down for English text)
  4. Gobierno de Chile: Prohibición a las pruebas en animales para cosméticos en Chile
    Government of Chile: Ban animal testing for cosmetics in Chile!
  5. Diputados y Senadores de la República de Chile: Aprobar la ley contra el abandono y el maltrato animal - Senators of the Republic of Chile: Approve the law against animal abuse and neglect
  6. Gobierno de Chile, Senado de la República: Proyecto de ley que crea sistema de administración de justicia animal. - Government of Chile: we demand a Bill to create a judicial system for animal abuse
  7. Presidente de la República de Chile: Crear el proyecto de ley sobre nueva justicia animal - President of the Republic of Chile: Create a new Bill for Animal Rights (empowering the police, prosecution and courts, with the involvement of animal organizations)
  8. PETA y BIDEMA PDI CHILE: Castigo a estas personas por maltrato animal
    PETA and PDI Bidema CHILE: Punish these people for animal abuse!
  9. Gobierno de Chile no queremos ley de caza: la caza no es un deporte es un crimen
    Government of Chile: We don't want Hunting Law. Hunting is not a sport, but a crime. We are against this inhumane and abhorrent practice to kill for fun.
  10. Gobierno de Chile no queremos ley de caza: la caza no es un deporte es un crimen (2nd petition, the same one)
  11. Gobierno de Chile queremos la renuncia del director del SAG Anibal Ariztia: la caza no es un deporte es un crimen - Government of Chile: We want the resignation of the director of 'Anibal Ariztía'. Hunting is not a sport it's a crime.
  12. Gobierno de Chile queremos la renuncia del director del SAG Anibal Ariztia  (2nd petition). Chile: We want a resignation of the director of "Anibal Ariztía" for allowing hunting of protected species, killed 46 foxes, one cougar in Chilean Patagonia. Anibal Ariztía wants hunting as a business and lastly re-entering the killing of stray dogs and cats.
  13. Animal rights & rescue groups: mass stray dogs murder in Kuwait (target?!)
  14. Cámara de representantes de la provincia de Misiones, Argentina : Aprobación del proyecto de ley de creación de Centros Veterinarios Públicos - House of Representatives of the province of Misiones, Argentina: Adopt the Bill to create Public Veterinary Centers
  15. Alcaldesa región de Antofagasta, Chile; Karen Rojo: Los Antofagastinos queremos que se prohíban los circos con animales en la segunda región de Chile. - Mayor of Antofagasta Region, Chile (Karen Red): We want a ban on animal circuses in the second region of Chile.
  16. Evelyne Huytebroeck: Interdire les rodenticides - Sites Semi Naturels.
    Belgium: Prohibit rodenticides in the fields.
  1. Save pristine estuaries on Masonboro Sound
  2. Maak de organisatie van jachtreizen vanuit Nederland naar het buitenland verboden - Prohibit organizing hunting trips from the Netherlands to other countries!  
  3. Ban the Hunting of Yellowstone's Wolves
  4. Urge the California Senate to Protect California's Bobcats
  5. Make Animal Abuse a Felony
  6. Bring Walter Easley, the kitten kicker, to justice
  7. Dog breeder is training his dogs to rip apart animals AND he wants to sell those dogs to the public (target?!)
  8. Help stop dog chain tethering in Marion County, Florida!
  9. Justice For the Rottweiler shot cruelly by American Police OfficerJustice For the Rottweiler shot cruelly by American Police Officer
  10. Gov. Haslam Free Rebekah Raccoon to Mark Brown
  11. Care2 please support rescue mission in Pozega death camp! (?!?!)
  12. Save the Amur Leopards!
  13. Save the Fishing Cat!
  14. Save the Andean Mountain Cat!
  15. Stop the proposed development of Trinity point marina
  16. Tell Lawmakers: Invest in the San Francisco Bay Area
News & Polls
  1. Groups join in effort for new Maine bear hunting referendum Do you think Maine should outlaw hunting bears with traps, hounds or over bait? Vote YES! (now on 53.3 %) 
  2. Conservationist Zhuo Qiang urges China to ban ivory sales
  3. Email - One Click to Stop Hunting Heritage Bill Plus Big Victories in NJ and IL
    • Tell Your Senator to Oppose The Sportsmen's Act 2013 (S. 1335)
    • Victory: Patrick's Law Signed by NJ Governor Chris Christie this Week
    • Other news...
  4. Keith calls for action on street dogs in Serbia
  5. Yob attacks could drive donkeys off the beach (UK)
  6. Hunter's 'horrible mistake' - The man charged over the fatal shooting of a family’s pet husky near Yallourn North has escaped conviction.
  7. FB page: Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (C.A.R.E. South Korea)
  8. Revealed: Google’s Sergey Brin bankrolled world’s first synthetic beef hamburger ‘for animal welfare reasons’
  9. Great news! Indulge HQ has become the latest retailer to go fur free!
  10. On Fate of Wild Horses, Stars and Indians Spar
  11. Answer4Earth - Test your knowledge. Save the Earth.
  12. People come to the rescue [VIDEO]
  13. Terribly Frightened & Neglected Puppy's Life is Changed by 2 Angels
  14. This is The Happiest Dog Reunion You'll Ever See
  15. Squirrel And Cat Form Unlikely Friendship (PHOTO)

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